Monthly Archives: August 2017

While Trump Tweets, the ‘Cold Monster’ Returns by Amir Taheri

How is Donald Trump doing?In the past couple of weeks, this question has been making the rounds in political and punditry circles pondering the first six months of the new US President.

Europe: Burkini War Continues by Soeren Kern

Those in favor of the burkini argue that women should be allowed to wear whatever they choose. Critics of the garment say it is an Islamic religious and political symbol which impedes integration and is incompatible with the liberal principles of secularism and gender equality. In recent months, the debate has added another dimension: public health and hygiene.

Palestinians Escalate War on Journalists by Bassam Tawil

They said they did not know what “sensitive information” Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) were trying to hide.Today, it is safe to say that the situation of the freedom of the media under the PA and Hamas is not much different than that under Bashar Assad’s Syria or even North Korea.

UK: Still Welcoming Jihadis by Douglas Murray

What excuse is there in a country which has now seen and suffered the effects of Islamist terror so many times, a country that the Prime Minister has claimed has had “enough” of this terror, for precisely the same two clerics to return to the UK for another tour?

McMaster’s Misunderstanding of the Middle East by A.Z. Mohamed

If H.R. McMaster, President Trump’s national security adviser, were merely exhibiting a misunderstanding of how things work in the Middle East, it would be bad enough. Yet this is not the greatest problem with his attitude towards Israel and the Palestinians. More serious is his anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian bias, as an article in the Conservative Report, based on comments by senior West Wing and defense officials, reveals.

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