Category Archives: International

Chinese Embrace Brazil as “Global Strategic Partner” as Brazilian President Visits China

Chinese President Xi Jinping also apparently persuaded Lula to support the use of China’s yuan to replace the dollar as the global standard currency…. China also might want Brazil to grant permission to purchase additional farmland. China already owns more than 200,000 hectares of Brazilian land.

Is the Biden Administration Colluding with Russia to Allow Iran to Go Nuclear?

The mullahs are freely expanding their nuclear weapons program, now enriching uranium to nearly weapons-grade level. Iran is also seeking assistance from its ally, Russia, to bolster its nuclear program, according to the US intelligence officials.

Inside the US: Muslim Brotherhood Member Calls for Jihadist Terrorism Wirld Wide

Bahgat Saber, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, operates from his New York apartment and often streams live videos from Times Square. During his multi-hour videos, Saber routinely incites terrorism, assassinations, kidnapping and torture in an extremely graphic manner. The calls for violence in his videos are viewed by millions of people across the world.

Mu Bwongereza ubukungu bwifashe nabi!!!

Mu gihe isi igikomeje kwikanga ibiza rusange (natural disaster) bilimo covid19 itari yarangira neza mw’isi nubwo ikomeje kuvugwa ku mugabane w’Africa.


For decades Tehran has consistently lied about the true extent of its nuclear ambitions, so it should come as no surprise that Iran’s instinctive response when confronted about its military support for Russia has been to issue a denial.

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