Category Archives: Prophecy

Imanza z’Uwiteka Imana Nyiringabo zihagaze kugeza habonetse (budget) y’umwaka utaha!?



Let Ukraine Bomb Russia

The Ukrainian military’s growing willingness to attack targets inside Russian territory is causing deep unease among some of Kyiv’s Western allies, especially in Washington, where the Biden administration seems obsessed with preventing the Ukrainians from taking any action that might upset Putin.

Which Are the Real Racist States?

In some political circles in the West, there is a popular tendency to consider Israel a “racist ” or “apartheid” country.Israel does indeed have a sizable Arab community… who enjoy rights and liberties that for most other minorities in other countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia are still only a dream.

Umwakagara agiye kwirukana abakono mu butegetsi bwe,kuko basohoje Ubuhanuzi



Abakonobasohoje ubuhanuzi mu buryo butunguranye


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