Category Archives: International

Berkeley Clubs Ban Zionist Speakers

The alleged justification for this total ban on all Zionists — that is, people who believe that Israel has a right to exist — is to protect the safety and welfare of Palestinian students. This is patent nonsense. No students have been physically threatened by Zionists, and no student is entitled to be protected from ideas.

US Presidents Refuse to Protect the U.S from North Korea’s Nukes

The U.S. has the power to stop North Korean missile tests but has chosen not to do so. This is true not only of the Biden administration but also its predecessors. The U.S. has continually decided to adopt feeble options.

Uku s’ugukunda impiya birenze urugero!

Bibiliya muri timoteo no mu be effeso havuga neza uko abantu bazakunda impiya cyane kurusha ibintu byose bibaho kumpera y’isi.

They’re Redistributing Wealth, Not Fighting inflation

The Inflation Reduction Act is a lie. It doesn’t reduce inflation: it actually gooses it. The IRA is another inflationary leftist spending boondoggle that throws billions at green energy and $80 billion at the IRS to audit the middle class in the hopes of balancing out some of the crony cash.

Russia Will Use Its Ally, a Nuclear-Armed Iran, to Better Threaten the West

As one of the signatories of the original Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the flawed nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration, Russia, as well as China, will ultimately have a say in any new agreement that emerges from the Vienna talks.

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