Category Archives: International
Biden Administration Bypassing Americans, Violating US Law, to Appease Regime of Iran

The Biden administration has been accused of secretly bypassing US laws to reach a deal with Iran’s Islamist regime.On August 10, the Biden administration apparently cut a “deal” excluding Congress and keeping the American people and U.S. regional allies in the dark even though they are the ones who would be the most directly affected by a “deal.”
The ‘Climate Emergency’ Is a Hoax

More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying that “There is no climate emergency.” The declaration is unlikely to get any attention from the mainstream media, unfortunately, but it is important for people to know about: the mass climate hysteria and the destruction of the US economy in the name of climate change need to stop.
Biden Administration Funding Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program, Incentivizing Terror

The Biden Administration has destabilized the Middle East, launched a potential international nuclear arms race, incentivized global terrorism, increased American taxpayers’ funding both sides of the Ukraine war, crushed even further a people fighting for their freedom and appeased yet another rogue regime — after Afghanistan, China and Venezuela – this time one that the US State Department itself has called the “top state sponsor of terrorism,” Iran, all in one week.
Iran, Russia Evade Sanctions; Biden Administration ‘Funding Both Sides of Ukraine War’

The Biden Administration also tried to deny that it had issued another waiver to Iraq to pay $500 million to the Iranian regime. According to a report by the Free Beacon, the waiver was issued “aday after Biden administration officials denied Iran’s claims that the United States had paved the way for Tehran to receive the $500 million.”