God’s judgement to the JEH

Mar 24, 2025 the rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the HIV of the J E H obtained № 34,480/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of recovering of eternal life to the sperm of man penis obtained № 34,481/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of recovering of eternal life to the inches of the sex men (penis) for JEH obtained № 34,482/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of recovering of eternal life to the poverty spirit against JEH obtained № 34,483/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the demons against his life, and tight situation against JEH obtained № 34,484/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to all the battles against JEH obtained № 34,485/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the jealous spirit against JEH obtained № 34,486/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to complete his university education JEH obtained № 34,487/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of recovering his happiness of eternal life to JEH obtained № 34,488/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and provides the family wife and children of eternal life to JEH obtained № 34,489/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the disease family like a curses to family in their bodies obtained № 34,490/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to his mother high blood pressure obtained № 34,491/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to all his sibling’s disease in their bodies obtained № 34,492/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of drunkenness of his fatheobtained № 34,493/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of blood issues of his father obtained № 34,494/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of disturbing his young brother family obtained № 34,495/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of evildoers against of his two young brothers obtained № 34,496/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of evildoers against of his step brother obtained № 34,497/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of evildoers against of his three sisters obtained № 34,498/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of evildoers against of his one sister not yet married obtained № 34,499/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of evildoers against of his step sister obtained № 34,500/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.


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