Fulfilled Prophecy:
Sept 17, 2012 God foretold the outcome the presidential election in Kenya, and that UHURU KENYATTA from the country of Kenya, is going to be the next Republican President; and in addition, he is going to be the vessel through which God is going to use to raise that nation, upon the condition that he accepts to do what God requests of him. Even, that the The Hague lawsuit against him, shall be terminated as the rainfall dwindles down. God also declared that a man, known as MUSALIA Mudavadi shall face insurmountable challenges, and that this shall be a fortune opportunity for UHURU KENYATTA to rise up towards becoming a President.
The word of the Lord came upon me when I was in a prayer center at a place called Kibiko in kajiado County and the Holy spirit spoke to me and said, son of Man, just look and see the bad actions which were done by Kenyan leaders in 2012, when they were preparing for 2013 general elections.
6 Oct 2012 they killed the politician called SAITOTI who was contesting for the presidency. Technology was used to make the murder possible and 2 million dollars was used which is equivalent to 180 million shillings.That deal was done by two people, but one person was not given a bunch of money as they were promised. So as the result, the secret was revealed. Says the Lord of Hosts.”
Jeremiah 8:3 And the people of evil nation who survive who live in the places where I’ve scattered them will prefer to die rather than to go on living .I the Lord spoken.
It will be a great famine in five yrs. (5) even in the world wide, the tribalism will go up, and they will take advantage to destroy the churches of Kenya. It will be different disasters in some places, a lot of accident, and death will come surprised. I the Lord spoken.
Ezekiel 3:4 Then he said to me son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with my words to them, For you are not sent to a people of unfamiliar speech and of hard language but to the house of Israel.
14/2/2013 Lord spoke to me and said He is going to send calamities to country Kenya, there will be hunger in the whole country and Mr. Ruto will be jailed. Kikuyu community will be killed because other tribes will be against them and another reason will be because the Kenyatta government has gotten the country into illegal war.
Feb 24, 2013 God, for the second time, revealed that after a five-year-old presidential mandate, if he does not yield way to his colleague, WILLIAM RUTO, to compete for the next Republican Presidency in Kenya, that this situation shall cause their splitting, and that UHURU Kenyatta will have called forth a cursing upon himself by acting wickedly against his colleague! God declared that if he chooses to behave in that manner, He [God] is to curse him, and turn him into an object of scorn and a byword in the face of all nations.
Mar 01, 2013 God revealed UHURU KENYATTA, winning the presidential election, and I foresaw him calling forth a big feast to celebrate his victory.
The world prophecy on 29th Aug 2013,that day I went in the spirit, and the holy spirit spoken to me, and told me that I’m the Lord almighty, Am going to do great things in this world wide, I’ll starting with the country of Kenya.
I’ll make sure that every creature will know that I’m the Lord almighty, I’m the one who killed and gives life, nothing men can help you: I want to shake the world, every pillar that people has been built up themselves, I’ll make sure that I’ll let them down.
Deut: 32:39 I the Lord spoken Prov 8:13,tell my people to be in the prayers, to be clean and repent themselves so that when you pray I’ll hear your prayers. People will cry for me, but I will not hear from them because of their sins, I’ll hide their sources that time their pride will be over. Every creature will know that I’m the Lord almighty spoken.
And the people of evil nation who survive who live in the places where I’ve scattered them will prefer to die rather than to go on living .I the Lord spoken. It will be a great famine in five yrs. (5); even in the world wide, the tribalism will go up %85, and the will take advantage to destroy the churches of Kenya. It will be different disasters some places, a lot of accident, and death will come surprised. I the Lord have spoken.
God is bound to chastise all of the wicked masquerading within the Churches; moreover He shall show no pity, not at all, to none of them. As a matter of fact, God declared to start with the House of the Saints, i.e. of the righteous ones.
God declared that one of those running for the Presidential candidacy in Kenya, Mr. Musalia Mudavadi shall upfront hindrances, from left to right, in such a way that he won’t achieve his whim of presidency even by a nose.
God made it known that a man, called Mr. UHURU KENYATTA, has wound up his desert-journey (or a journey of hardships); and that he has concluded it joyfully as compared to his rivals in the Presidential election. God also declared that His Hand is going to press heavily on the refugees settling in the Great Lakes Region, for they are full of iniquities!!
Dr Joe Kayo a False Prophet.
3 Sept,2013 i was given a revelation about an apostle by the name Dr Joe Kayo who leads the church called International Family Church Community which is located at Shauri moyo estate near YMCA in Nairobi.
God said that so many Christians have been lead astray by this apostle. Because of his boastfulness, and insulting other church leaders, he has gone against God.Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
Winter House
09 sept, 2013 Amos 3:15 I will destroy the winter house along with the summer house ,the house of ivory shall perish, And the great houses shall have an end.
12 Sept, 2013 Habakkuk 3:14,You trust through with His own arrows, the head of his village. They come out like a whirlwind to scatter me, their rejoicing was like feasting on the poor in secret.
12 Sept,2013 when God gave me a revelation about the vice presidents case at the ICC Hague where the judges had ruled his case. and because he had failed to support himself, he was found guilty and given a jail sentence. Immediately the war started and tribal clashes rose up to a level of 85%. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
6 10,2013 I got the revelation about Kenya’s vice President William Ruto being taken to court ICC Hague and when the case was read , they said he has failed to support himself and thus they found him guilty of the killing that took place during the 207/8 general election. The Spirit of the Lord said when he goes to the last mention of his case he will be found guilty and he will be jailed.
The Spirit of the Lord also said that, during that time tribal clashes will start immediately and all tribes will be against kikuyu community, and that will be the end of kikuyu community to lead Kenya. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
22 OCT,2013 Jeremiah 18:3,Then i went down to the potter’s house and there he was making something at the wheel and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter’s ,so it seemed good to the potter to make.
19 Nov,2014 God told me son of Man, look the country of Kenya want to be given a mandate by UN over all refugee in Kenya, and if UN will allow that, it mean that all the power over refugees will be on the Kenyan government. Says the Lord of Host
(Fulfilled prophecy)
23 Nov 2014 i saw the vice president William Samoei Ruto doing investigation about his betrayal by his partner in his ongoing case and after that he was taken to ICC court whereby the power of his vice president were never recognized any longer and he was jailed I saw churches sympathizing with him and confusion in between tribes was everywhere. War started immediately and no one was able to stop that war.
A lot of people died and the Kikuyu tribes moved from city of Nairobi and went to the neighboring countries and the leadership of Kikuyu community ended there. Says the Lord of Hosts.
Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta won’t win the 2017 presidential election because God has rejected him
25 Nov,2014 God took me into a dream where Uhuru was telling me to prophecy that he will win in 2017 general election, and i told him that the prophecy of 17th Sept 2012 was give by God and i don’t power to prophecy without being told by HIM, alone. Says the Lord of Hosts.
Still spiritually, i heard him saying that he will paralyze everything he does because he has never enjoyed anything in his leadership.
The spirit of the Lord came upon me and said. Son of Man, see the Vice president of Kenya says he respect Me but he uses powers from darkness. Says the Lord of Hosts.
22 Dec, 2014 the spirit of the Lord told me, son of Man, look, there is a very big serpent under the On Kenya’s parliament building. and that is why the leadership of Kenya don’t have peace, until they bring down the building and build another one. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
The jubilee government won’t finish its term because of the war which will erupt after the vice president is jailed. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
2 FEB, 2015 The word of the Lord almighty said Kenyans as you have rejected me, also I ‘will reject you says the Lord might glory.
13 Feb, 2015 Son of Man, war is going to erupt in Kenya and it will be a surprise to them since it will be unexpected. Says the Lord of Hosts.
17 Feb, 2015 I saw Ruto being jailed and also the plan to kill former prime minister Raila Amolo Odinga. This was to give President Uhuru a chance to win the 2017 general election. If they dare to do that, they won’t succeed but they will incite tribal clashes to rise and the country will have no value to other countries. Says the Lord of Hosts.
27 Feb, 2015 I was taken into a spiritual world where i saw a very fierce battle in Kenya between KDF and citizens but the KDF couldn’t make to bring back peace. Says the Lord of Hosts
2 Mar, 2015 i saw the jailing of Vice President in Holland, the Hague (ICC) his tribe cried a lot, immediately war erupted. Say the Lord of Hosts.
The Spirit of the Lord continue to say that when Obama Barracks visit will be coming to an end here in Kenya whereby it is also is his original home, this country will be followed by a lot of poverty since they will have an agreement in a secret meeting that the leader of that country will allow devilish actions to be done in Kenya.
After those horrifying things that have never been happened will follow and the citizens of that country will lack peace since there will be no God to help them Says the Lord of Hosts.
30 April, 2015, the word of the Lord told me that the great prophet of Kenya Dr. Owol uses powers from darkness and he cheat people that he servers God which is not true. Says the Lord of Hosts.
Son of Man, Homosexuality is going to be allowed in Kenya and that is going to be a curse in that country. Says the Lord of Hosts.Lesbianism will also be allowed together with gay. This will happen after Vice President is jailed at the ICC court. Says the Lord of Hosts.
Word of the Lord told me that president of the republic of Kenya Uhuru Muigai Kenyetta had agreed to sign in to allow ageism to be practiced in Kenya, but he will do that in secret after the vice president is jailed at the ICC, because deputy president won’t agree with the president on that issue Says the Lord of Host.
The spirit the Lord came upon and said, son of Man look the artist, EMMY KOSGEI who is married to a Nigerian Bishop is going to be sacrificed by her husband to the work of the devil as it has been his habit. Says the Lord of Hosts.
6 May,2015 Aug God took me into a dream and i saw an Angel of the Lord had been sent to Kenya to come and see their behaviors so that he can take the report back before the judgment begin, but the Angel couldn’t find anywhere to stand on because witchcraft had been done everywhere including on the roads. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
Son of Man, look the BABYLON ( Kenya) has mixed itself with witchcraft and God has no place in that country neither in the hearts of its citizens, and that is why their downfall will be too much for them and it will surprise the whole world, after that they will be able to seek the living God. Says the Lord of Hosts.
10 Aug 2015 the word of the Lord told me that the Kamba tribe has destroyed Kenya through the business of witchcraft and the country is filled with the evil spirit, and because of that, God is going to revenge Himself and there will be no one to help them, Says the Lord of Hosts.
Son of Man, no one who will save that country except the Prophet who prophesied about that country. Says the Lord of Hosts.
23 08,2015 God took me spiritually and i saw President Uhuru Kenyatta being taken to study at the university and just opposite i saw Kenyans complaining that he was misusing public money, and God said because he had betrayed his partner William Ruto, HE will also humiliate him in front of the countries. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
The Spirit of the Lord continue to say that he (President) will eat maize which means that he will face serious problems, and he will lack options. and neither his wealth will be able to help him. the problems will be so many that the world to him, will seem to be small. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
Once again the Word of the Lord told me son of Man, Gatundu member of parliament Moses Kuria has betrayed his Kikuyu tribe and that will help the Kalenjin tribe in the case of the human right at the ICC Court. Says the Lord of Hosts.
The prophecy is fulfilled
8 October, 2015 i saw the country of Kenya in a big problem after finishing the “reserve treasure” And the Kenyan experienced poverty in the pocket of the government because of the corruption in the government leaders Says the Lord of Hosts..
Then i saw Kenyans of all ages rich and poor people climbing wide road without resting and the word of the Lord spoke to me and said God is going to manifest Himself until they confess He is Lord of Hosts.
They want to kill the Kenya old politician (Raila Odinga) and by doing, so the atmosphere of Kenya will be chaotic. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
And the rain which will rain will destroy Ukambani County and that will be one of the signs of the prophecy of that country.
The word of the Lord came upon me and said son of Man, look the Kenyan president and his government , will not be able to solve Kenyans problems, and that will make him loose the presidential seat which will be held in 2017.Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
Son of Man ,look how the Rwandan government has bribed the telecommunications companies of Kenya so that they can truck the Rwandan refugees in Kenya through their sim cards. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
Then i saw big factory for manufacturing vehicles which means (the government of Uhuru is full of talks either good or bad) and those who were working there were smoking cigarettes which mean word that they were having discussion ( cigarettes means word) entry. Says the Lord of Hosts.
15 Oct 2015 in the book of ( NYIMBO TEULE) no 49 Everlasting Portion Portion:,
This is the song that God gave to Kenyans so that when they will face problems and calamities, they will be able to sing, cry and call upon HIM Those who wont obey Him. Will face a lot of problems.Thus says the Lord of Hots.
1.Bwana u sehemu yangu
Rafiki yangu wewe
Katika safari yangu
Tatembea na wewe
Pamoja na wewe
Pamoja na wewe
Katika safari yangu
Tatembea na wewe..
2.Mali hapa sikutaka
Ili niheshimiwe,
Na yanikute mashaka,
Sawa sawa na wewe,
Pamoja na wewe
Pamoja na wewe.
Heri nikute mashaka
3,Niongoze safarini
Mbele unichukueMlangoni mwa mbinguni
Niingie na wewe Pamoja na wewe, Pamoja na wewe.Mlangoni mwa mbinguni Ni ingie na wewe.
The revelation came about the former Prime minister of Kenya Raila Amolo Odinga that the Kenyatta government is doing everything possible to prevent him from vying for the 2017 presidential candidate The spirit of the Lord revealed to me that he will look for help from the Catholic church.
I also saw that after Rwandan president Paul Kagame realized,that Raila might win the election, he will stand with him and this will help to bring Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta down. Says the Lord of Hosts.
The word of the Lord came upon me and said, son of Man the country of BABYLON is going to experience drought throughout the country, and Kenyans will get a lot of problems due to luck of water. Says the Lord of Hosts.
Son of Man see, If Kenya doesn’t do according to My will, the war which broke in 2007/8 will rise with 70*, and there Kenyans will be able to worship God who created heaven and earth.Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
Still in the Spiritual world, i saw vice President giving the speech to his Kalenjini people telling them that he will be jailed at the ICC , so they should protect the Kalenjini community from being killed by kikuyu community.
The Holy spirit came upon me and told me, son of Man, see the vice president of Kenya ays that he respect God but he uses power from the darkness. Says the Lord of Hosts.
The Kenyan politicians do that being lead by their president Muigai Kenyatta, they sacrifice William Ruto so that they win the 2017 elections, because they have realized that they wont defeat Ruto if he stand with them during the campaign. Says the Lord of Hosts.
I saw the country of Kenya being lead by the ghost of President Uhuru’s father and that is why he can’t lead according to the country’s leadership but instead he does what the ghost want. Says the Lord of Hosts.
And i saw the media going around interviewing citizens asking whether the Jubilee Government has helped them for the 3 years leadership and the citizens aid it had done nothing and it had been got rid of it.
Still in the vision, i saw JOMMO KENYATTA’S ghost who died in 1978,and the amazing thing is that he has not been buried because his spirit has been used. And according to the beliefs of harnesses, he will be buried after 50 years.
22 Nov, 2015 The word of the Lord told me, Son of Man,look,Deputy president of Kenya William Samoei Ruto is going to face a jail term at the ICC court in Holland. Says the Lord of Hosts.
The word of the Lord told me that the tribes from Kikuyu and Meru will perish since the war which will target those tribes Says the Lord of Hosts.
The word of the Lord said to me , son of Man, this is what the Lord has said, when the ruling of the vice President will be taking place in Holland, the Kenya government will give a public holiday to all civil servants so as to prevent any demonstrations that might occur when the Vice President is jailed.
I was taken into a spiritual realm whereby I had gone to a market place where I saw women kikuyu tribe doing their business, and when customers were going to buy goods , these kikuyu women were opening flies which means witchcraft, and the Holy spirit talked to me and said, son of Man ,look, Kikuyu women have become witches, and because they intentionally were the first people to know the truth before other tribes, they are judged because they are doing that knowing that they are against the word of God.
11 Feb, 2016, the word of the Lord told me son of Man, look if there is anybody who is not against tribalism in BABYLON (NAIROBI)-SHUSHAN (KENYA), that person will be acceptable to the heavenly God. But God asked, do you think it will be easy to get such a person?
The spirit of the Lord continue to say, look, that country (Kenya) is going to experience a great war because its citizens are looking for it, and they will get it since they need it more than anything else. Says the Lord of Hosts. The word came to me once again and told me. Son of Man, look, children from that country BABYLON-SHUSHAN are going to face a lot of challenges, and their parents won’t wish to bear kids any longer. Says the Lord of Hosts. So tell citizens from that Country that they are going to face a lot of problems, they will find God, and they won’t succeed. Says the Lord of Hosts.
12 Feb, 2016 The majority who works in the public sectors of the Kenya government comes from, Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Kisi community. This is according to the research we’ve made it.
It was on 20th Feb 2016 when the word of the Lord talked to me and said; son of Man look, there is three (3) types of death which have come down from heaven to Babylon (Kenya).
Through a vision I saw an plane coming down in the air of Babylon (Kenya) and it was breaking into pieces. ( That is the spirit of death) The spirit of the Lord talked to me and said, son of Man, in that country of Babylon, there will be a revival in the first days, and this is because its citizens have sinned excessively.
Says the Lord of Armies. The amazing thing is that people from that country is that even if you try to convince them, they can’t repent their sins so that God can cleanse them, but they continue to harden their hearts. Says the Lord of Hosts.
Dec 19,2018 once again our Lord God the armies of heaven repeat it again for what he has been said, Jeremiah 8:3 And the people of evil nation who survive who live in the places where I’ve scattered them will prefer to die rather than to go on living.
I the Lord spoken. It will be a great famine in five yrs. (5) even in the world wide, the tribalism will go up, and they will take advantage to destroy the churches of Kenya. It will be different disasters in some places, a lot of accident, and death will come surprised. I the Lord spoken.
Dec 19,2018 once again our Lord God the armies of heaven repeat it again for what he has been said, Jeremiah 8:3 And the people of evil nation who survive who live in the places where I’ve scattered them will prefer to die rather than to go on living .
I the Lord spoken. It will be a great famine in five yrs. (5) even in the world wide, the tribalism will go up, and they will take advantage to destroy the churches of Kenya. It will be different disasters in some places, a lot of accident, and death will come surprised. I the Lord spoken.
April 3, 2019The Rhema word of the Lord God of Heaven comes unto me, and told me that, son of man, thus is how the Lord Almighty says, the Kenyan’s they will going to destroying their owner country because of their iniquities (means immoral or grossly unfair behavior). That’s how God of Heaven declared.
March 13, 2025 the rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death Read More »
Iyi nkuru bayishyizeho ejo barongera bayikuraho, babonye ko twateye ijisho bayisubizaho, Leta y’America yatangaje ko yiteguriye gukorana na Republika ya Demokarasi ya Kongo mu byo gucukura Read More »
March 13, 2025 the rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death Read More »
Iyi nkuru bayishyizeho ejo barongera bayikuraho, babonye ko twateye ijisho bayisubizaho, Leta y’America yatangaje ko yiteguriye gukorana na Republika ya Demokarasi ya Kongo mu byo gucukura Read More »
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