Here is the FDR Quote about Robert E. Lee That Liberals Never Wanted You to See
Robert E. Lee monuments are being vandalized and removed across the country. After Charlottesville, the hate directed at Lee has reached an extreme level. If you don’t want these statues removed, you will be called a racist.
One such statue that will likely be removed is in Dallas, Texas. Activists believe it’s a “sign of enduring legacy of white supremacy in the South and across America,” according to a local television network.
Pastor Michael Waters says strength is needed from city leaders to tear down monuments named after Confederate soldiers.
“I would implore our mayor to join the voices of leaders throughout the nation to call for the immediate removal of these confederate monuments,” Waters said.
There are Confederate statues throughout Dallas that were erected well after the Civil War. For many, the statues are a symbol of racism.
However, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, author of the New Deal, is a secular Saint for liberals. But he attended the dedication of this same statue in Dallas back in 1936, and he said something extraordinary about Lee. WOW!:
I am very happy to take part in this unveiling of the statue of General Robert E. Lee.
All over the United States we recognize him as a great leader of men, as a great general. But, also, all over the United States I believe that we recognize him as something much more important than that. We recognize Robert E. Lee as one of our greatest American Christians and one of our greatest American gentlemen.
Could you imagine what would happen if a liberal – or even President Trump – said that? After all, Lee thought slavery was a great evil and he worked to reunite America after the Civil War. While his judgment in fighting against the United States government was misguided, and the evils of slavery should never be understated, history is always more complicated than people may think.
For example, did you know why his name is on Arlington Cemetery?
An aside, do you know why Arlington National Cemetery bears that name? Because the Union forces confiscated Lee’s ancestral home, Arlington, and turned the grounds into a cemetery to keep the general from ever returning. Maybe we should rename that cemetery, while we are about it.
Lee’s stamp on history cannot be erased. And if we are to learn from history, nothing is solved by destroying statues. A liberal hero – Franklin Delano Roosevelt – was a huge admirer of Lee’s. Maybe that should give today’s unthinking, angry leftists pause.