First, there are rumors that Attorney General Jeff Sessions may resign. Then, Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci as the White House Communications Director, which led to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s resignation.
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster Pushes Out Middle East Adviser Derek Harvey

And now, the Trump Administration just experienced another resignation, this time by Derek Harvey, the president’s Middle East adviser. Harvey was reportedly pushed out by National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, as he was an ally of former adviser Michael Flynn.
From Politico:
“McMaster wants his own guy,” said a senior White House aide. The White House did not immediately announce a replacement for the job of National Security Council senior director for the Middle East.
The move comes as McMaster, a three-star Army general, seeks his footing in a White House where rivals have undermined him with disparaging leaks—and where President Donald Trump himself has occasionally clashed with his top foreign policy adviser.
This new shake-up will have a huge effect on our country’s Middle East policy moving forward. It’s especially important given that President Trump is currently considering whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan.
Let’s hope that whoever replaces Harvey will abide by President Trump’s “America-first” policy position, and not take our foreign policy back to the failed national building philosophy that has been a huge disaster.