Monthly Archives: June 2024

Inkingi 3 z’Uhoraho Uwiteka Imana Nyiringabo zagaragaye US,UK,DRCongo zaburiwe ireng



Iran Mullahs Drastically Speed Up Their Nuclear Program, US Administration Sits Idly

The Biden administration needs urgently to take decisive action to curb Iran’s aggressive nuclear advancements. The US needs to stop its current practice of waiving sanctions on Iran and start reimposing  and enforcing  severe sanctions on the country’s oil and gas industry. US failure to act will only rapidly lead to a nuclear-armed Iran, significantly upending global stability.

Urubyiruko rwa Kenya rwibumbiye muri Gen Z basaba Ruto kwegura ku butegetsi


      Z_ vs R

Yateye igisasu abigaragambya cyangwa kugenda ahubwo kumuca ibiganza!!?

Gen: James Kabarebe yaba akekwa mu ifungwa rya Hon.Eugene Barikana kubera kuba yarishe ba sebukwe 2 Severely na Ndayire


      Eugene Barikana
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