Monthly Archives: October 2023

Intelligence Failures – Again


The failure of the U.S. intelligence community has three components: 1) It has become politically charged and lost focus on its mission protecting Americans, instead engaging in partisan politics. 2) It continues to focus on technological intelligence collection rather than the difficult and risky world of human intelligence collection. 3) It continues to suffer from a lack of creativity in anticipating and understanding the new threats being developed by our enemies.

Iran: Behind Hamas’ Planned Genocide

Iran’s radical regime, whose mission is to “Export the Revolution” and bring Islamist rule to the rest of the world via its military and terror groups, will not alter its aims through policies of appeasement. Pictured: A senior Hamas delegation, headed by military leader Saleh Arouri, meets with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on July 22, 2019.

Iran’s Direct Help to Hamas’s October 7 War on Israel, he West Must Stand United Against Both Hamas and Iran

The precise details of Iran’s direct role in authorizing the Hamas attack on Israel are gradually coming to light, with officials involved in the investigation insisting that both Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah (a terrorist organization Iran controls) were involved in the planning of the Hamas terrorist operation. Pictured: Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei meets with Hassan Nasrallah, head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist organization.

The Choices of War: Hamas Using Kidnapped Israelis as Human Shields, What Should Israel Do?

Israel has a right under international law to prefer preventing the deaths of its own civilians over inadvertently causing the deaths of enemy civilians. Pictured: A Hamas terrorist holds two of the many Israeli children that Hamas abducted and brought as captives to the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023. (Image source: Hamas/X [Twitter])

How Iran, the ‘Head of the Snake,’ Directly Helped Hamas’s Assault on Israel

What will it take for the US and its allies to grasp that the appeasement of the Iranian regime is read by the mullahs and their proxies as weakness? If such appeasement continues, make no mistake: today, the carnage is Israel; tomorrow, it will be the US and Europe. (Image source: MEMRI)

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