Sweden’s Prime Minister Says Palestinian Knife Attacks are not ‘Terror’

Incredibly, just a day after Prime Minister Netanyahu complained to Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Lofven over ignorant remarks made by the foreign minister, Lofven claimed that Palestinian stabbing attacks do not constitute “terror.”
Swedish government officials are apparently unable to refrain from offensive remarks against Israel, as Prime Minister Stefan Lofven issued yet another offensive statement against Israelis, claiming that Palestinian knife attacks against Israelis did not constitute terrorism.
“No, it is not classified as [terrorism],” Lofven said in an interview to the Swedish news agencyTT on Monday, Israel’s Haaretz reported.
“There is an international classification regarding what constitutes or does not constitute [terror]. As far as I know, the [knife attacks in Israel] are not defined as terror,” he continued to fumble.
“I meant that it was unclear if the knife attacks are organized by a group classified as a terrorist organization,” Lofven told the agency. “Nonetheless, the attacks themselves do constitute terror.”
Lofven made his remarks just a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called him to protest recent remarks made by Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom that the cause of global Islamic terror was Israel’s mistreatment of the Palestinians, and accusations she made later that Israel was carrying out “extrajudicial executions” of supposedly innocent Palestinians, who were in fact terrorists killed while committing terror attacks.
On Monday, Netanyahu again assailed Wallsrom for her ignorant comments.
“There isn’t one moral standard for Israel and one for the rest of the world,” Netanyahu said during a Likud party weekly meeting.
Israel has been plagued for the last three months by almost daily Palestinian terror attacks, most of them stabbings, which have claimed the lives of 21 victims and wounded over 215.
By: United with Israel Staff