Sexual Slavery: “Nothing to do with Islam”? by Uzay Bulut

“They are also taught that white non-Muslims are easy, cheap, dirty sluts and that it is their right [to take them]. … On top of this, teaching people to hate anyone who is not a Muslim — as is done in many mosques — will, of course, lead to a lot of people hating anyone who is not a Muslim. … The problem, however, is also due to police, judges, lawyers, and teachers, fearing the words ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobe’ — and nothing is being done to stop that.” — Toni Bugle, women’s rights activist, founder of Mothers against Radical Islam and Sharia, and victim of child-rape.
“When girls are raped, they are referred to by the rapists as ‘white trash,’ ‘white whores’ and ‘white kuffir.’ It is said to the girls quite openly. And the girls tell the police. Yet the assaults are never recognized as ‘racially motivated. … “I am sick of being told that I matter less because, I was born white, or that someone else matters less because he was born a different color. Such terms are themselves racist. People now seem to be using the race card to behave in the most appalling manner.” — Toni Bugle.
Many British girls still stay silent. The perpetrators threaten and intimidate them: “This would be enough to silence most girls. In addition, the police ignore the pleas of these girls, so they do not trust the police. I do think the silence of the community means it acquiesces.”
In Islam, only non-Muslims may be taken as slaves — a rule that is unfortunately only further evidence of a supremacist doctrine within Islam: that Islam is superior to other religions, and its adherents therefore entitled to privileges not afforded to members of other religions.
The sexual abuse of non-Muslim children and women at the hands of Jihadist groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram is not only a widespread practice in the Muslim world, but, sadly, has a lot to do with Islamic teachings.
Sexual slavery is deeply embedded in Islamic law and tradition. The founder of Islam also practiced and approved of slavery, as was more common at the time. Caliphs had harems of hundreds or thousands of young girls and women brought from Christian, Hindu, Persian and African lands.
Islamic slavery also was, and is, race-based. Umar, Muhammad’s father-in-law and a caliph, declared that Arabs could not be taken as slaves; he even emancipated all Arab slaves. In Islam, only non-Muslims may be taken as slaves — a rule that is unfortunately only further evidence of a supremacist doctrine within Islam: that Islam is superior to other religions, and its adherents therefore entitled to privileges not afforded to members of other religions.
This supremacist doctrine of Islam has brought non-Muslims centuries of persecution and institutionalized discrimination. Some have been exposed to brute force and had to convert from their native religion; others have been given the status of “dhimmis“: third-class, “tolerated” citizens who have to pay a tax (the jizya) in exchange for “protection,” never allowed the same religious rights or freedoms as Muslims. If they cannot pay the tax, they are to be killed or have their children taken from them.
All those practices indicate what Islamic rule brings for non-Muslims: death or a state-approved position of inferiority and humiliation.[1] One of the most appalling practices of the Islamic supremacist mindset was the institution of Janissaries established by the Ottoman Empire. For hundreds of years, Ottoman Turks took away the sons of Christians in occupied Europe and forcibly converted them into Muslim warriors (Janissaries).
There are about dozens of verses in the Quran and the Hadith referring to Allah’s hatred for non-Muslims and the eternal damnation and punishment awaiting them in the afterlife.[2] Once Islam establishes political superiority, there is very little tolerance for people of other faiths or atheists.
As early Muslim armies used their swords to invade and Islamize non-Muslim lands, they enslaved non-Muslims, and even other black Muslims. Islamic scriptures approve of the rape of female prisoners who have very few civil or legal rights under Islamic law.
During 1,400 years of jihad and even today, the Muslim world is mostly apathetic and silent about sexual aggression. Many Muslims even try to justify it under Islamic rule. So now this practice is common not only in the Middle East, but also in Europe, including Britain.
Women are finally refusing to accept this situation. Toni Bugle, for example, a women’s rights activist, has established an organization called M.A.R.I.A.S (Mothers Against Radical Islam and Sharia), which tries to raise awareness about, and act against, sexual abuse, female genital mutilation, child grooming gangs, child marriage, domestic violence, forced marriages and honor killings.
In the midst of the complicit silence of many institutions, including the mainstream media in Britain, Bugle is trying to protect British children and women from rapists — many of whom apparently have been Muslims.
As a victim of sexual abuse for two years from the age of eight, Bugle was homeless for a time, and later exposed to physical violence. She witnessed her friends in the streets sexually abused and forced into prostitution.
“Not until years later did I realize I was reading patterns which were similar that are happening to girls all over the UK,” Bugle said to Gatestone Institute. “I have also spoken to Muslim women, abused because of sharia law. I took one into my home. Her family were trying to use her to traffic people from Somalia to the UK.”
A few months ago, a report found that between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 non-Muslim British children were gang-raped and brutalized by Muslims in Rotherham. Children as young as 11 were often gang-raped, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, according to the report. Authorities did nothing “for fear of being thought as racist.”
Another report in May, 2015, added that the Rotherham Council and police had wanted the authorities to ban protests against child rape. “They have appealed to the home secretary for emergency special powers under the Public Order Act 1986,” according to Breitbart.
![]() A protest against child-grooming in Rotherham, on October 5, 2014, organized by the group “Britain First.” (Image source: Britain First) |
Bugle remarked that not only does this political and religious ideology encourage Muslim men to rape non-Muslim children and women, but that Britain’s submission to Sharia-inspired brutality seems to have several causes:
“Muslims believe they are at war with the West; and when in a state of war (jihad), they have the right to ‘war booty:’ that which the right hand possesses, sex slaves. They are also taught that white non-Muslims are easy, cheap, dirty sluts and that it is their right [to take them]. On top of this, teaching people to hate anyone who is not a Muslim – as is done in many mosques – will, of course, lead to a lot of people hating anyone who is not a Muslim. So the way many Muslims perceive Western women fuels the increase in rape incidents. The problem, however, is also due to police, judges, lawyers, teachers, to name but a few, fearing the words ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobe’ — and nothing is being done to stop that.”
The map on the organization’s website shows the areas hit by Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telsley, Stevenage, Peterborough, Birmingham, Oxford, and Bradford. “This,” says Bugle, “barely scratches the surface.[3]
“The UK media refuse to use the term Muslim,” Bugle adds. “But in London alone 27% of the inmates are Muslim, serving time for rape, drugs and violence. That is a massive percentage considering that Muslims are apparently only 4% of the overall population.”
“When girls are raped, they are referred to by the rapists as ‘white trash,’ ‘white whores’ and ‘white kuffir.’ It is said to the girls quite openly. And the girls tell the police. Yet the assaults are never recognized as ‘racially motivated’.”
“I get death threats, rape threats, and sodomy threats – but never from non-Muslims. Muslims follow me on Twitter and Facebook and have immediately sent messages, calling me ‘white bitch’ and ‘white whore,’ and threaten me with sexual assaults.”
Despite the enormity of the problem, Bugle notes that the media virtually ignore the Muslim rape epidemic in the West: “The media will rarely speak about it for more than one day. Rotherham was the only time they did, and they insisted on calling the perpetrators ‘Asian,’ not Muslim. And they never mention the link between these rape incidents and the Islamic teachings.”
One of the few scholars who do expose the link between the two, Raymond Ibrahim, wrote in a comprehensive article about Islamic rape: “The ongoing epidemic in the UK, Scandinavia and elsewhere—whereby Muslim men sexually target white women—is as old as Islam, has precedents with the prophet and his companions, and, till this day, is being recommended as a legitimate practice by some in the Muslim world.”
Despite the alarmingly widespread problem, many British girls, possibly partly from shame or concern that they might be thought complicit, stay silent. A stronger reason, according to Bugle, is that the perpetrators still threaten and intimidate them.
“This would be enough to silence most girls. In addition, the police ignore the pleas of these girls, so they do not trust the police. Also, apparently when parents were told that the girls were ‘known prostitutes,’ they were told that the girls ‘would grow out of it.’ These are just a few of the reasons they stay silent.”
Bugle says she has
“emailed several ‘feminist’ organizations inviting them to speak out against sharia law, but each time they have not even answered. If you search for feminists standing against sharia law or the rape of predominantly white girls, she says, they will always tell you it has nothing to do with Islam. No matter how you try to explain that we wish to stand against all forms of misogyny, they do not want to accept facts. They refuse even to address the problem. They say ‘you cannot blame an entire community.’ I do not blame an entire community and I do not think all Muslims are rapists or terrorists, but I do think the silence of the community means it acquiesces. To address an issue properly, however, one must first acknowledge and accept that there is a problem.”
One of the main arguments of the apologists of extremist Islam in the West has been to accuse people of having “white privilege,” an overtly racist term for advantages allegedly enjoyed by white people but that non-whites do not experience.
Bugle, a rape victim, opposes the term:
“I am sick of being told that I matter less because, I was born white, or that someone else matters less because he was born a different color. Such terms are themselves racist. People now seem to be using the race card to behave in the most appalling manner and because people fear being termed racist. I do not see skin color. Yet skin color is used to shut down debate and discussion. ‘White guilt’ is being manipulated to silence the masses. Whether you are black or brown or white, you should be proud of the skin you were born with; it was not a choice.”
Bugle says her organization aims eventually to give a voice to every woman abused by sharia law, and a place to girls who are targeted — first for being non-Muslim, and second for being white — a place to come to. There, they will be able to talk with people who will believe them and will not blame them.[4]
She says she would like the girls to feel free of guilt, and to take back the control that was taken from them. “Perhaps in the future we will be able to provide safe houses, phone help-lines and a sense of safety, and help them to not remain victims, but in time to become survivors. Not all will survive but those who do will one day help others.”
When the organization held its first conference on August 29, two of the speakers were Muslim women, one of whom had apparently been repeatedly raped by Muslim men. The organization intends to hold another conference, also with Muslim speakers, in Rochdale around mid-November.
Britain — with all of its institutions, says Bugle — should act to protect children and women from rapists. No matter who may feel hurt or offended, she says, nothing is more hurtful than innocent women and children being raped, pimped, tortured and trafficked. “But first,” she states, “we need a government with the moral fortitude to stop ignoring facts and constantly stating, ‘This has nothing to do with Islam.'”
Uzay Bulut, born and raised a Muslim, is a Turkish journalist based in Ankara.