Dear Mr. Trump, we Africans are excited about your presidency and want to see you become the future leader of that great nation because you embody quality of solutions for Africa. There is nothing we have not seen or heard from the Clinton’s family and presidency, their legacy has left scars from the misery they supported in our countries which we have been forced to accept as a way of life. To us Clinton represent endless conflicts, exploitation of the weak, reign terror, violence and hopeless continent.
We want to see change in our time; we are ready to open our continent for this change to take place. We have followed your campaigns, listened to your speeches and have come to believe that you make a great president for this generation. America should remember its mission of leading by example than mislead infant states! You have our backing; just let us know what you need from Africans to boost your campaign. I know you do not need money from us for we are poor and marginalized, but we do have a good noise that could silence your opponents at a crucial time, we have the records of wrongs for those who are poised to challenge you for this post, if these records can be dished out for public consumption, shame will eliminate your opponents even if they are still surviving on the pain killers to spread their contagious flu.
Dear Americans citizens, we have enjoyed 8 long years of ambiance under Obama administration, it is now time to go back to serious obligations of your country which you were entrusted by your founding fathers, ‘America is to become the guardian of modern democracy and a new hope for the hopeless societies, specifically the smaller states’. This is the interpretation of President Truman’s vision which was later cemented by your bravest leader J.F. Kennedy.
In the Atlantic Charter, from which we derive the idea of the United Nations, your president Franklin D. Roosevelt, listed Allied goals for reasons which America could be drawn to war against another state as the desire to removing threats to the liberty of man and defence for self governance of weaker states. During the hailstorm of World War II, Roosevelt made sure that his friends the British Prime Minister Churchill and the Russian president Joseph Stalin, were not motivated by interest of subjugating the weaker societies or expansionism to go to war before persuaded him into an alliance against Hitler’s Nazi Germany. If America still breeds visionary leaders with a clear global vision in which all men are included in their telescope of equal beings, then you got to vote for Mr. Trump as your president and best representative to the World. We have seen his quality that will preserve the American true values and our continent too foresees that his reign will become a positive omen for us to view the future in its full dimension.
I wish also to remind my readers that the majority of Africans, fall in the category of those classified as minorities in USA; therefore we call for American minorities to vote for Mr. Trump into the White House so that our World here can restart a new light year of hope.
Dear Africans and black men, Trump said ‘blacks are lazy and only good at sex is not a blasphemy and should cause no resentment in a positive mind; a friendly whip would point a finger at your spot and this could only be done by someone who cares enough than mockers. Those who are at the receiving end from brutal regimes like my compatriots in Rwanda understand this truth and should cause them to desire to back Mr. Trump for meaningful hope and progress for this continent
Support Trump, the Republican presidential candidate by writing letters of support like this one to all Americans.