Category Archives: Prophecy

Impamvu ebyeri zo kugambanira Umwami w’uRwanda YUHI VI ukorera mu buhungiro!!!


      His-Majesty 2019

Haranuka urunturuntu muri RDF???


      Birashyushye 3,19

Gakondo ya bakiranutsi igiye kugotwa???


      Karabaye pee


Dear Ugandans,

I have received many requests to elaborate on what I have written about Bahororo. While many people have some ideas about Bahima and Batutsi, they are not sure who Bahororo are, how they are related to Bahima and Batutsi and how and when they entered Uganda. This brief will try to provide a clarification. But first let me summarize the relationship between Bahororo on the one hand and Bahima, Batutsi and Banyamulenge on the other hand.

Izamurwa rya LT Gen.Keinerugaba Muhozi,rikomeje kunengwa na benshi cyane cyane abasesenguzi ba politike yo mukarere


      Uganda 2019
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