May 03, 2012 God allowed me to for see the Rwandan undercover agents addressing one another that I had overcome them, and that they will suffer much the aftermath of my reaching out of the overseas. Then after, I heard from one of them announcing an evil-scheme to assassinate General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Col. Patrick Karegeya along with the Prophet Majeshi Leon, within a period of 5 months.
May 05, 2012 I was taken in spirits, and was given a statement that God uprooted disdain, enslavement, impoverishment and hatred to the servants of God, The MOST HIGH, and that they shall never be subjugated by the demonic dominion and/or tyranny any longer.
I foresaw my being taken out of Africa along with my wife; I saw being carried in another nation, in a sparsely populated city, and we were given a parcel of land to dwell in.
I was given visions when I saw my wife giving birth to a lovely baby-girl, whom I was exceedingly pleased with.see to it, they were searching for John so as to spot our location in order to threaten us. Truly, John conspired and still he does.
These Psalms were devised by the Prophet Majeshi Leon; “My Everlasting God, take heed of my prayers, and deal with justice against those who persecute me. See, my hands are clean, I never did any harm to anyone; since I came out of my mother’s womb, there is none I ill-treated; wherefore have mercy on Thin servant, do not hide Thy face from him; for a severe affliction has infested the entire soul, isn’t there any rejoicing whilst still on Earth? See to it, that Thou show thin kindness to sinners, why can Thou not remember me? Remember your servant, O LORD, may Thou rescue me from the hands of the wicked ones…
See my heart has grown faint, yet I never rejected Thin Word. I beg of Thee to listen to my prayers, notice that they are condemning me for Thin Word, even those who claim to be Thy servants are threatening me. What transgressions would I have committed to cause them hunt for my soul? What I uttered, is what Thou put test in my mouth; would this be the cause of their furor?
May 09, 2012 God performed a miracle: when we had run out of money, at the same time, being chased by the undercover, we finally went to the “Amnesty” Office, and they donated to us 300 Euros.
May, 14 2012 that was the day, when God exposed unto me the undercover heading towards us to abduct us from within the ‘Willy’s Hotel’, then by the time they reached the place, God had already paved the way through for us, and we survived.
May 15, 2012 I saw myself being taken in visions, I envisioned witches casting spells on us so as to face failure in whichever we undertake; and then we wrestled against them, till we overcame them.
May 16, 2012 I for saw an old woman lusting after laying with me; and then she held fast on me, yet in vain, I let myself go of her grip and ran away from her, all the time rejoicing that I had escaped from her.
May 17, 2012 I saw myself being taken in visions, and I saw myself partaking in amassing a colossal blessing with another person: since that blessing wasn’t for me.
I foresaw, a lady God gave grace and blessed with a great fortune (lots of money); and then God bestowed on her a blessing to build the Temple, destined to be built in the aftermath of the war meant to overthrow President Paul Kagame.
May 19, 2012 God revealed a kind of grudging rising against me, behold I realized such a rancorous prone to defeat me, and after I prayed, I realized they were after attaining me, yet God rescued me.
I foresaw my brother-in-law, Mr. Barikana Eugene, grumbling, being like invested as an ambassador; and then I foresaw him wondering about where we could meet with each other, and while in so thinking, he couldn’t reach out a resolution.
I caught visions of myself being lying with my former female school-mate; and she addressed me that I had impregnated her. Again, I foresaw reaching out the overseas, and I saw myself pursuing medical studies, setting out to treat patients.
I was shown, in visions, plunging myself into huge waters, I swam and upon reaching half-way, I realized that I was risking to be drowned in; and I immediately swam back to the riverbank or seashore; and I ran into Mr. NYAGASAZA Innocent Fruit along with his colleague, and we met as they were plunging themselves into the waters I was leaving.
May 20, 2012 God showed me Michel’s house, and that they were behind turning us unclean; He even showed me a large serpent in a pit, where they had cast it to chase me to endanger my life. God helped me realize that in the district where we inhabited, only 36 to 37 households were free from sorcery practices. God showed us receiving visa, which were affixed in our passport. That the Gacaca courts, in Rwanda, have been closed nationwide, does that sounds true?
I spent the whole year wrestling against the witches who intended to snatch from me my seed so as to become infertile.
God showed me a parent called Suzana from Thomas’ family, how he cast a spell on me, offering me as a sacrifice to abduct my blessing and bestow it to her offspring.
May 21, 2012 I was shown, in visions, Ruzezwa’s household being behind spell binding our blessings, in addition, I was shown the house of Florien. God revealed the ‘Amnesty International’ dealing objectively with our case till it gets resolved. God exposed Mr. Kabwigi, Frederic’s son, along with Safari, Kagabo’s son, being mobilized to snatch my blessings. Then, I was shown a vision, when demons thrived to track down my telephone number, doing everything possible, yet they failed to get it.
Would they think that what they do, won’t be exposed? Who is a righteous, among them, I might have misapprehended, so that he could charge me of wrong doings, which I may repent before Thin Congregation? …
Everlasting God, take notice that the sooner the dark of night sets in, the quicker I long for a daybreak; and when morning turns on, I hunger for a hastened nightfall. Is this my allotted legacy? Till when, art Thou going to tolerate evildoers?
For how long art Thou going to show thin compassion on our oppressors? Are they not conscious of their wrongdoings? What if they chose the legacy of cruelty, wilt Thou forcibly harden them to become so? Why hast Thou not bestowed on them Thin grace, as Thou hast done unto us? As for us, wouldst Thou chosen us to be imposed on Thin favor? …
O GOD, may Thou resort to take heed of prayers from the righteous ones, for we have become like withered flowers smitten by the scorching heat from the sun. For, since we are to inherit an everlasting life, why not now, so that we may begin to rejoice in Thee? FATHER, do not consider my sinfulness, but rather let Thin forgiveness, and Thin kindness be on those who love Thee.”
May 23, 2012 God revealed people granting us the “refugee-status”, but attempting to use it a bait hook us, and then I foresaw ourselves entering the UNHCR premises, and we were rescued from that homicide plot. Upon their failure to seize me, they invoked demonic spirits to put a hex on me, and to ultimately madden and finish me up.
May 24, 2012 I foresaw people rushing to fetch for firewood, but they couldn’t find the logs used to fire up, and they found me able to assist, and I helped them spark off the logs.The same day, God revealed to me, means by which the “Munyankore [a Rwandan-Ugandan tribe]” man used to conspire against me: “a conspiring spirit had entered him, and he did conspire indeed.”
May 25, 2012 God exposed them continuing to cast a spell on our undertakings, yet in vain, and their efforts dwindled down, for I, being in Spirit, am able to subdue and control them, instead.
May 26, 2012, God showed how sorcerers are empowered to foreknow my future plans. I foresaw God making available a colossal Temple, behold I saw them sending forth fiends and I saw them raising the dead. God declared that we will spend only 5 minutes before our expatriation out of Uganda.To be taken to overseas where God declared to bless us.
The Everlasting God addressed me that Kagame gave himself 5 months for having assassinated three people: General Kayumba Nyamwasa, Col. Patrick Karegeya, and Majeshi Leon; that within 5 months he will have slain them, yet God told me He will protect us. We shall be safe and sound.
May 30, 2012 God showed me a vehicle that likened a train equipped with metallic racks, chasing me, and it passed me by; and I ran away, and It failed to find me, and I saw it hitting (running over) someone who was on the opposite, upper side.
The man called Cope was behind exposing my telephone numbers so as to kill me, and he knew them for sure, since he was the one in charge of giving away money in shillings to the undercover agents operating in the capital of Kampala.
God exposed Faustin conspiring against me, being assisted by someone else who was chasing after me. Then, there came a woman to address me that those people wanted me dead.
I was shown in a vision a tree of cursing, the same tree I used to see yet I couldn’t understand its mystery; however, that same day God happened to reveal to me its mystery and was has been done to it.
I saw myself being in a house of 5 rooms, and as I exited that house, someone surged at night to flare it up, and it burned down! On another occasion, I found myself with people, and we wagered on a success from someone who would fill up a tree with a swarm of birds, a tree which was in front of us, but everyone having them on his own side would be the winner.
From that moment, I called in the birds, and all came to my side, and all of a sudden, I became victorious, I summoned those birds to join me and I hid them in fear of having them killed, and they came where I was hidden, and that was my victory!
God showed me wrestling against my adversaries, and I could see them struggling to snatch my phone from me, and I overcame them.
I saw them unsatisfied, and they tried to snap my shirt, which I was wearing and that too, I withheld it from them. I saw a passageway being set up and or entangled with metals mixed up with mud, and I over jumped them, and I saw them setting two hills at some point, along my pathway, and I passed them by.
God addressed that He was going to free us out from Uganda, such discourse was held between me and God at about 08:00 pm.
God revealed unto me how the witches assembled, aiming at entrancing me, so as not to be free out from Uganda; that wasn’t even enough, they invoked and released a spirit that inflicts deprivation, yet in vain, nothing worked out for them.
God revealed a war surging in Rwanda, then, all of the staff-members of the RPF-government, fleeing to Uganda , whereas God-devout headed for refuge to a mountain called the “Prayer-Mountain.”
June 01, 2012 as days went by, while searching for the traveling documents to help us leave Uganda; likewise, powers-of-darkness went on by augmenting, and as they got increased, so were God’s grace.
I saw myself being in a huge desert of a valley, I saw being with Fruti Nyagasaza Innocent, and then I found him with another man, I didn’t know, begging of me to help them escape that desert.
For the second time, I saw the witches being led by Mugisha James, gathered during daytime, and whatever they had undertaken came to nothing, their plans miscarried. Nevertheless, what I noticed was that Satan reassured them to find and kill me.
June 02, 2012 God showed me visions when we were on a trip with a bus along with other people I didn’t manage to reckon, and I realized we were headed for a beautiful and rich country, and I saw being led to a nice place.
June 03, 2012 God restored the covenant to the Church, yet only demons presented themselves to oppose against that Church. Finally and luckily, I saw us triumphing, and God fulfilled what He had declared. Fruit went out to inquire of Marcel about how he could assist in directing the former my whereabouts, that he [fruit] needed my updates.
June 04, 2012 God exposed Munyaneza Emmanuel greatly envying me. God revealed a blessing, all the time uncovering my foes who perform sorcery so as to prevent me from receiving it, I saw them sending forth evil-spirits on my pathway to block my headway!
June 05, 2012 God revealed Rwandans being fed up with their own country.
June 06, 2012 God showed Rwandans fleeing into the mountains from a war-outbreak, and some failed to find a refuge and were killed, whereas others survived, and only a very handful of people remained in the land; for they had rebelled against God.
June 08, 2012 He reaffirmed His promise in our favor that we were going to be taken away from Uganda.
June 09, 2012 The Everlasting God, addressed me: “I bless you, and I have removed your cursing that had been uttered unto you. In addition, I have considered all the hardships and troubles you went through and I was moved with compassion thereof; and from now on, you have become a ‘blessed man’; for I had heard your crying.”
June 10, 2012 The Eternal LORD, God, came to me, for the second time, and said: “I bless you; notice that when I, God, declare to give a blessing, do not mean anything comparable to when you wish a blessing for one another; for when I proclaim what to do, I do it for certain.” Thereafter, I greatly rejoiced with The ALMIGHTY, my SHIELD, and my HOPE.
June 16, 2012 I envisioned Rwanda likening a mountain, and I saw Hutu’s hoeing that mountain, and then I observed them being prone to finish it up, and I saw Tutsi realizing that the mountain was bound to be demolished; they then cut down all shrubs and thickets where those Hutu’s could find refuge.
June 26, 2012 God showed me Fruit Nyagasaza Innocent along with Ruhorimbere Jacques, how they are conspiring against me.
June 28, 2012 God revealed how Felix joined his forefathers as a righteous, I envisioned him in the likeness of a mouse, and we dialogue with each other, and afterward he returned in a mouse form.
July 04, 2012 God made me see my legacy being relocated to another country, so as not to steal from my treasure anymore.
He also rejected it, and on April 13, 2012, he came to be released, and he was welcomed by an N.G.O –the Red Cross-, and he was finally taken to stay in a hotel.
In the aftermath of such an operation, I found myself taken in Spirit, and I saw those chasing after me, immediately sending forth evil-spirits to stop me from leaving that country of Uganda, an opportune means to finish me up. They attacked a man who once was stood as a source of our blessing with a spirit of deprivation; they sent a demon of imprisonment, and I prayed against all sent demons, and I got them uprooted completely; and in the aftermath, I saw God of Heaven and Earth pouring forth blessings down to me.
Finally, God addressed me that to all that oppose me, He is going to banish them away, to the extent that He is going to inflict on them serious turmoil and hardships, and prevent them to come after me.
The online newspapers, Inyangenews, has very recently, received updates about how the Rwandan government came to realize that they didn’t have any bilateral treaty to exchange those considered hostile from both sides; and how they hurried to call forth a convention with the Ugandan Police so as to assist them seize those they want, all this being ironically passed for legitimate.
In this endeavor, they attempted to abduct the Prophet Sgt. Nsabagasani Dominiko, all the time trying to put to death the Prophet Majeshi Leon, who happened to conclude his Six month imprisonment term, in the Pen of CMI, a place called Mbuya.
The rationale behind arresting those two Prophets was that Kagame’s boot lockers had been demoralized by the Prophecies of those two men. They prophesied that Kagame shall step down from the presidential office, whereas his flatterers and sorcerers reassured him an endless ruling.
And as matter of fact, many Rwandans have turned their hearts to believing in those Prophecies of the two men of God, while Kagame affirms that there won’t be any upheaval, based on what he had been told by his necromancers, considering the fact that he himself is the High-chief necromancer.
Sept 05, 2012 was the day when we received a message from the U.N.H.C.R, convoking us to sit for a final interview. We then set off at about 02:30 pm, and while we were on our way, at 03:00 pm, we were intercepted[ambushed] by the undercover from Rwanda and Uganda – it is beyond my understanding to know how they managed to learn about our schedule with UNHCR for that appointed day .
Sept 08, 2012 the spirit of The LORD came to reassure me that since then, my enemies won’t be able to do any harm on me; for the Everlasting God enlightens my paths, saying; “See to it, I shall banish them from thy paths, till you set your feet off from this land.”
As if it were of a coincidence, the traffic lights, on the road, did not allow our headway flow, lending the impression that these traffic lights had co-conspired with them; and all of a sudden, they assaulted on us, and I promptly jumped off the motorbike, while my wife started off screaming; and the undercover dreadfully run off immediately.
Suddenly, a Kinyarwanda-phone motor-rider [serving in human transport] appeared, and upon learning that the Rwandan undercover was after the threat, he took us on his motorbike for an escape in the Red-Cross premises. Yet, God had foretold me such incidences, just the previous night, and I had refrained myself from disclosing it to my wife, just to protect her from terror.
Sept 09, 2012 God gave me visions, whereby He presented before me abounding blessings whose person, I shared with; he [that person] took his allotted portion, and I took mine.
Sept 10, 2012 I envisioned myself running into Munyaneza Emmanuel, I saw him gazing at me, and he could not harm me. The aforesaid “Emmanuel’ is Eric’s colleagues in the Rick Warren’s project in Rwanda; in addition, the same Eric once serviced as the Chauffeur of President Kagame.
I was shown visions, about myself being down slope, behind our House-fence; when I heard a voice of someone speaking in English, and saying: “Your tear is over.”
I caught visions of myself coming from America back to Rwanda to pay visit Rwanda, then I came across mounds of Pastors passing me their contact addresses for mutual correspondence.
I was shown all powers of darkness, which had subdued my household, being banished, even backfiring and causing a lot of trouble to those who had sent them. Then after, I caught a sight of a strange event: where the cursing had prevailed there the blessings took over; then glorious tributes and respect were paid to the The MOST HIGH.
I was shown, in a vision, atrocious evil-spirits being set at work, I saw the rising of ‘loathing’, for my filed application to be rejected so as not to be expatriate from Uganda, they did everything they could, yet in vain; they even refrained from informing me that my ‘Status’ [refugee] was granted or not.
I thankfully pay profound praises to God, since He stood by my side extraordinarily all along; even beyond my expectations, except to believe in Him and entrusting in His infinite Powers, and He is The One who puts an end [last word] to my soul.
I praise Him for having interceded as a True God of the gods; that He shielded me from becoming astonishment, a proverb, and a byword or a victim of my foes. May honor and glory be to God, may He be praised; for everything in the Earth and beyond are His, everlastingly.
Upon my reaching at the ‘tip of mountain’, I shall exalt Him. I also thank my wife for, in her humbled powers, she managed to act heroically, and she did it diligently; even though we were betrayed and despised, our God did not forsake us, He stood by our side, and nothing was missing.
He paid for seven months our Hotel dues. It is a man who kept himself anonymous to us, except to hear from each other via phone-conversation, yet we do not know each other, he happened to link himself up with us thanks to the Prophecy that God had entrusted in me, and that I had passed around via the internet.
Notice, that God has many ways to assist the son of man. Even though, we ran into each other by means of the Prophecy, I am not he who passed it on to him, but rather he received it from other brethren who once stood as a faithful God servant, but ended up in the world of the flesh. The latter is he who came to be the portal of the blessing that saved my soul. May God bless him, since he fulfilled God’s plan.
I watched and perceived two regiments of an army. I saw a squad of the ‘Generals’ and another of ‘the Captains’; behold I saw them forcing me into the ‘captain’ squadron and I opposed; then later, I was placed in the “Generals.”
Sept 13, 2012 Mr. Nyagasaza Fruit set out to plan to get me executed, using Jeff, an employee of JRC, as a proxy. He then came to my house, proposing me to go and meet with a journalist from Ireland, a representative of the Irish newspaper.
Fulfilled Prophecy:
Sept 17, 2012 God foretold the outcome the presidential election in Kenya, and that UHURU KENYATTA from the country of Kenya, is going to be the next Republican President; and in addition, he is going to be the vessel through which God is going to use to raise that nation, upon the condition that he accepts to do what God requests of him.
Even, that the Hague lawsuit against him, shall be terminated as the rainfall dwindles down. God also declared that a man, known as MUSALIA Mudavadi shall face un surmountable challenges, and that this shall be a fortune opportunity for UHURU KENYATTA to rise up towards becoming a President.
Sept 18, 2012 God revealed to my wife about my being murdered on November 24, 2011. God exposed people conspiring against me. God exposed Mr. Fruit Nyagasaza Innocent.
Sept 19, 2012 I saw the demon that used to inflict us with hardships and disasters getting defeated. This demon was sent to me by a Young man, my former primary schoolmate, since his family practiced witchcraft (Astrologist). And when his parent passed away, he bequeathed him such a legacy [witchcraft].
Whenever, I prayed the flock of their cattle went diminishing little by little, for such was not their own fortune, but rather they had misappropriated it from people, using evil-spirits.
I found myself in the aforesaid desolate place, I saw it being developed into a swampy and marshy land, I saw myself rising, heading northward from it; thereafter, I saw a demon disguised himself into a woman appearance of my former schoolmate, and she wanted to lay with me, and I resisted her; and upon noticing that I had overcome her, she turned very upset.
Afterwards, I went back and ran into a Young men who addressed me, saying that he dreamed having me evicted out of the apartment I used to rent without ‘Extra time’ or ‘Grace’. In reply, I told me that I had had the same dream.
The same day, early morning, I was revealed how, in the house of my grandfather (mother’s side), my mother’s step-mother (my step-grandmother) sent forth demons to attack my mother so as to trouble her; for my grandfather loved dearly my mother who was a mother less orphan; she [my step-grandmother] demonized her till she [my mother] passed away.
I greatly thank God that I managed to learn from it, thanks to God’s wholeheartedness and mercy.
I saw, in vision, Mr. Kamanzi Narsis from Ruzezwa’s family, along with his mother, making me climb a tree, after having cut out its base; with the intention to push it down after I reached the tip. However, what shocked them is the fact that the tree got shredded, whereas I remained safe and sound.
And they persistently strove to sustain their declining riches, yet in vain. Such is a satanic reward for those who amass the riches that isn’t theirs; for a time comes when God, with pity and compassion, restores stolen riches to whom, it had been snatched from. God does not turn His blind eye on injustice.
Even, at this, they weren’t satisfied with the lesson. They took me in a hut within which was a sinkhole filled with water up to the teeth; and they locked me up in there, thinking I cannot escape from it. There also, God stood by my side, and I foresaw myself being given a high-tech boat to sit in (come abroad), and then I coasted the shoreline and went ashore, and I saw them desperately stupefied.
I left that place, and on the journey, I met with a young man along with a young lady; and I asked them if there would be any Church nearby; and I found it around, highly guarded; for more construction works were under way, and it was being built under the supervision of a woman who was waiting to finish the construction works, so as to hand it to its owner.
I begged of them to allow me in, for prayers, and they consented that I go in and praise God for what He had done for me. However, they refused that I spent the night within, for my prolonged prayers.
Sept 20, 2012, The Holy Spirit dialogue with me, and said the following words: “See, the Rwandan government has liquidated twenty million Rwandan Francs (20.000.000 RWF) equivalent to 81.000.000 Ugandan shillings or30, 863.89 USD so as to shoot you down wherever they may find you. That is not the only sum of money they capitalized, rather they had released other funds before that time; do not worry for I shall protect you, and then you shall know that I am your Everlasting Go.
The Holy Spirit went on dialogue with me, with the following address: “See to it that I am going to put the Rwandan President to shame for his continued bloodshed as if he pouring down water, and notice that the blood cries loud, he unjustly killed many, –he dared to finger in my eye- or simply he provoked me to anger!
Was he around when I stretched out the Sky, when I hanged the Heaven and lay the foundations of the Earth? Can he tell me where the foundations of Earth are? Notice, that the whole country is full of idols, the gods that cannot hear nor speak, would they save or profit him of anything?
See to it that I am going to cause all the nations to abhor him, even those he had entrusted in, shall turn against him; then thereafter he shall realize how he deviated from the Truth (or was mistaken); he shall be full of remorse, within his heart, he shall repent of all his unprofitable mischief; and even from among the household, I shall not leave him any standing drenched tree or even a smocked tree” That saith the LORD.
For what I shall do against Kagame shall be dreadful; see the whole world shall tremble, and Rwanda shall become a byword among the sons of men after I shall have revealed Myself, The Everlasting God, as the orchestrating Author. None will ever aspire or develop an appetite to become a noble, upon noticing what I will have done against President Kagame. See to it, that I shall not be far when the events shall take place.
I Myself, shall be present witnessing the event with My own Eyes, and My Glory shall fill the whole Earth, and people will be dreadful, trembling with fear for what shall take place in Rwanda. Nevertheless, in the aftermath, Rwanda shall learn that I chastised you as a Parent rebukes his child, and that is the way I will have punished you, and whatever I proclaimed on you, I shall have it fulfilled, and my Glory shall return in the high mountains of Rwanda, and I shall bestow on you an exaltation above all the nations. See to it, that none of my words will be delayed any longer, whatever I say will be fulfilled.” declares the Sovereign LORD.
Notice that the whole world shall be full of terror, since I shall not delay to restore My Glory among all the nations of the Earth, and even all the scattered sheep shall return because of horror and fear; since that day they shall repatriate back. See to it that strange nations are hurrying to your country to get blessed, and truly to those with a humbled heart, I shall be kind to them.” That saith The LORD.
“In those days, My Chosen Ones shall be called the ‘God-favored Ones’; for I shall not delay to get Jacob’s house blessed; since they are My own People, a people of Israel, descendants of Jacob, the sprout of Abraham.” Declared the Sovereign LORD.
“Notice that the era of night and darkness has found its ending, even its revealed completion, for them to know that The Eternal God is The God of the Israelite, who created the Earth and Heaven. Where would evildoers take refuge to? Those who gave themselves the right to lead my sheep without my permission; for, in those days, I shall turn them infamous and they shall regret of their travesty of leading My sheep; and all this, for the whole world to know that they were not servicing me, but rather they were following the appetite of their guts according to the prevailing legacy from their forefathers.
I saw the RPF government ill-treating (or turning against or disloyal to) the elders for having served it yet it menaced them, I even saw Rwandans being forced to pray for the RPF political party; and in the aftermath, the RPF set out to force Hutu and Tutsi to integrate according to its will, while those who were Ugandan expats still disdained Hutu’s, avoiding to share anything with them, yet they were forced against their will. Whosoever opposed to this movement was tagged as a racist or a separatist.
I foresaw Rwandans getting tormented from left to right, I saw them taming grudge in their hearts, signaling [in the Rwandan tradition: patting repeatedly the index-finger against the both the middle finger and the thumb joined] of retaliation, yet in vain, since there was no-one to save them. I saw the RPF high ranking officers having become conceited, thinking that their leadership power has been established forever, whereas they were blindly hurrying to the cliff of a bottomless abyss.
Sept 21, 2012, God showed to me the Rwandan government struggling to put me to death; I saw a hired man (a mercenary) commissioned to shoot me down arriving in Uganda, hunting after me, even God exposed all of their plans.
I was shown plentiful blessings, and heard from voices of the wicked aspiring to ill-treat me; there were, among other things, Mr. Munyandinda James and Munyandinda John. They regretted the fact that I wasn’t dead, fearing that once I will reach the overseas, I shall expose their mischief.
Sept 22, 2012 I caught visions of the Holy Temple of The Sovereign LORD being built on the tip of the mountain, I saw its architecture, and then I saw myself contracting the builders to begin the leveling of the piece of Land allotted to The LORD. “
Son of man, see to it that you are leaving this place, and blessed is the nation where you shall be, for they shall be blessed; and wherever you shall go, people will so dearly long to host you endlessly, and God will enable you to perform unheard-of miracles. Nevertheless, some of My-servants shall be over jealous of you, yet they will not do any harm to you” that saith the Eternal LORD.
Sept 23, 2012, God showed that, upon reaching my destination for refuge, I shall have to avoid (take precautions against) the Rwandan expats in place; for they shall be the ones to betray (conspire against) me, for many of them will be the vessels used by the Rwandan government to uproot my soul.
I perceived the prevailing poisonous substance, called ‘Racine’, which the Rwandan government has engineered and mobilized. I saw them distributing it overseas, in all places harboring the Rwandan embassies so as to kill, with it, all of their dissidents. Verily, the works undertaken by the Rwandan government are dreadful; woe to those who have endorsed such works, for in the end, there shall be no place for hiding to them, they shall be put to shame till the rest of their lives.
I foresaw Rwandans being engaged in ardent arguments against one another, and this because of the Prophecy I unveiled on the World Wide Web (via Internet).
I foresaw a Radio broadcasting station servicing in Kinyarwanda, headquartered overseas, that radio is called ‘Muhabura’, even the names of the operating journalists match up well with the names of the former ‘Muhabura+Radio Itahuka’ journalists.
I foresaw a great famine, mixed up with cold wind striking Rwanda, even a complex rainfall. And as a matter of fact, people started to grouse as result of the famine.
Moreover I could see those owning apartments to rent, beginning to quarrel against the tenants, who couldn’t afford to pay up their bills, for money had become severely scant; and that became a heavy burden to the government, for many had lost their jobs; and by lack of employment, they set out to gamble with money in an attempt to raise some more money, in such a situation of idleness.
I foresaw the last days of President Museveni (Mu7i); whereby he adopted many changes countrywide, and strikingly he placed Rwandans in many decision-making posts so as to ready them defend him in an oncoming invasion (war) he was staging against the Ugandan people.
I saw him empowering young men to stand in for as military magistrates in order to condemn each and every dissident of the Mu7i’s regime. I saw The Sovereign LORD giving me manna, meaning a Heavenly blessing; and behold I saw demons striving to abduct the blessing from me, yet God fought for me, and they couldn’t nick it from me.
I saw myself reaching my destination for a safe-asylum, and I saw a dissembling spirit being stirred up by peoples in place, I saw them struggling to find where my treasure-safe is, and I hid it from them, and after realizing that I had done so, I saw them framing me in an accident.
Sept 24, 2012 I foresaw myself in my roots country (Promised Land), then I noticed among the people, Mr. Ntagara Innocent, and I realized they wanted to enthrone him as a King; yet there were other people who did not want to elect him as a King. Afterwards, I came and chase them all away, since it was I, who, had connections with the supreme ruler in that territory, and even the piece of land where they were gathered, belonged to us; and finally, after having shunned the crowd, I realized I had saved the king.
The reason he didn’t become a king, is that he failed to split a dried piece of wood into two, while being called forth, I torn it, and that marked his unlikelihood to turn into a king. In the aftermath, I noticed Muslims aspiring to have one of theirs become a king, yet they too failed since are not partakers of the covenant.
The Eternal LORD of Heaven revealed unto me how Rwanda is ruled by a descendant of a demon, that is President Paul Kagame; for, I was told, the spirit of Ms. Nyirabiyoro dwells in him, and it is that which controls him, in order for that evil-spirit to avenge on the Rwandan kingship; since the kingship was behind uprooting the dominion (kingdom) of Nyirabiyoro who existed 1730. God went on saying unto me that Nyirabiyoro foretold his name (a forenamed him) as “Rukirigitangwe rwa Mudatinya [the-daredevil-Leopard-perter]”.
Normally, people think of Kagame as a human being, nonetheless God unveiled that he ain’t a human but rather a Nyirabiyoro’s demon. That is the reason why he is a money-lover, since demons love money. In addition, during the waning of his regime, he will yield way to the powerful and most outstanding; even that it is the reason why those tagged as devout (God worshipers) failed to fathom whom Kagame really is. The former Rwandan President Kayibanda wasn’t a demon, or the departed President Habyarimana, or the former President Bizimungu; however Kagame is a perfect demon, and those who served him never knew him, that’s why many reverently dread him beyond comprehension.
Then, after the evildoers have realized that I had resisted them, they set off to do everything possible to dirty me with mucks [or to humiliate me] with the intentions of mesmerizing me, yet I defeated them again, since I was surrounded with much greater power than theirs, beyond being able to control me.
“See, time has come, for those who are called by my name, to be revealed in order to begin serve me, and even overseas nations shall run to them, seeking blessings from them.” That saith The Most HIGH.
Then I perceived a town, and at the porch [veranda], I saw evildoers using powers of darkness, I saw them sending forth evil-spirits in order to sniff a hand phone I was holding in my hand, meaning trying to disconnect me from God, they managed to cause a flooding to cover singly the place where I was standing; nevertheless thanks to God’s favor, I eye-witnessed the drying out (vaporization) of such water beyond my understanding.
Sept 26, 2012, I foresaw myself being taken to a powerful nation, and of blessings, then afterwards I saw myself being welcomed by their police department, and they began to interrogate me concerning my reasons of immigration as a refugee; and I set off to give them all of the details against my country of origin, and I was given military officers to bodyguard me.
They were solder-attired, and I noticed them-since they weren’t paid off for their duties– ran sacking the populace, and I saw them beginning to strip me of the money I had, and I stepped back and left that desert.
I saw them holding great grudge, furor and covetousness against rich people, yet they [them] being the source their [rich people’s] enrichment. I saw them starting to repay back grudge, behind which was a languishing and prevailing poverty. I saw Rwandan young ladies fleeing from their country, fleeing from extreme abject deprivation to other nations.
I saw women beginning to abhor the leadership they used to venerate, and little by little they developed a rancor against the government they used to revere as a miracle. Impoverishment caused them to disgust that leadership. In addition, I conceived a great distinction between women married to dignitaries [and/or ruling women] and ordinary (grass-root level or ruled) women; I saw them turning against each other, and this because of the growing inequality between them (rich and poor).
In the wake of self-mobilization by that poverty-inflicting demon; the latter began being tagged as “Development”, and that was a tactic to impoverish Rwandans, in order for Nyirabiyoro (the fiend), who has now returned to rule Rwanda through ‘Rukirigitangwe Rwamudatinya’, to take revenge on the kingdom that had usurped dominion from her and her son; and get it restored to them.
Sept 28, 2012 God conversed with me about what follows: “Son of man, I am going to perform great things in the world of the living, I am going to shake the foundations of the earth, to the extent that all of the world inhabitants shall become hopeless, as result of their iniquities. Such calamities shall be imperceptible to a human eye, yet they shall be extremely impact. The whole world is full of injustices; there is no room for righteousness.
People’s are going to face terrible tragedies; I, The Eternal LORD, shall command them to come to pass without a delay, very soon. My Chosen ones ought to remain vigilant in righteousness, for I shall protect them, yet no-one shall be able to hold back those disasters; I, The LORD of The Lords, have declared.” That saith The MOST HIGH.
God continued to give me visions on how bloodletting men persist in their scheme to persecute me, under the presence of my Prophecy, for they could not find any other charge against me, they singly relied upon the prophecy as a crime to pursue me for.
God is about to inflict tribulations and disasters on Earth. More especially, famine and an unheard-of economic crisis; and mounds of females shall put to shame, for they failed to entrust in God but rather in men of the flesh. I am referring to those gorged with an uppity of the beauty and attraction for a living.
Sept 29, 2012 God exposed evil-schemes being cooked in the country of Uganda, searching ways to indict me with false charges, yet in vain; and I heard those uttering plausible and futile allegations against me: ‘Tension case, strained political, not relax.’
The son [or heir] of the covenant never perish:
I foresaw them invoking extreme power of darkness;and just prior to their release, they passed through fire to see if I could be barred from going overseas, so as to stop me from unleashing the Prophecy, yet their powers miscarried and rather faded out against the powers safeguarding me.
They endeavored to camouflage in whichever way possible to shield themselves against my desirableness; however thanks to the gift invested in me to unveil the demonic works, I undoubtedly ended up spotting and reckoning them, and likewise they failed to defeat me.
Moreover, I was revealed about Pastor Liliyose longing to establish a bank as an extension of the Church in order to create employments to the God servants she leads.Then I foresaw my niece whom I fostered and educated till secondary school senior six; behold I saw her entrancing me with evil-spirits, for she is among those who misappropriated my riches.
My becoming rich spells the dispossession of the wealth she cheated. Upon the withdrawal of my wealth, she shall immediately go destitute. That is why she persistently makes sure that I remain spellbound and unsuccessful; however little knowing that upon an awareness of this situation, one begins to pray to backfire such evil spirits she invoked on people; likewise she is no longer lucky to uphold such riches.
The said Kamanzi Narisis is my former schoolmate, from Ruzezwa’s household, whose mission was to sacrifice me in order for them to continue enjoy the fatness of the land. Equally, he did not allow me find rest and settle in peace, for he became the heir of his parent who practiced necromancy; similarly he undertook such an assignment, all the time, working hard day and night to see if he could restore their ill-gained possessions, while getting me attacked by evil-spirits to demonize me, yet all of his plans failed him.
God continued to show me that females represent a skyrocketing number of Satan worshipers. They are imbibed in all sorts of wickedness, they are the ones who go after the witchcraft more than men, they also entrance (bewitch) and or poison more than their male counterparts; they even ensnare (mesmerize) men by means of their genitals.
That is the reason why many people have piled up cursing over their heads, unknowingly and unconsciously, and they don’t know where they got them from. In addition, they are unaware of why they encounter insurmountable troubles and threats. Apart from looking at the normal course of life, things go worsening mysteriously.
God kept showing me the way they transfer blessings from an individual unto themselves. For instance, if one owns a herd of cattle; those ones meant for bring forth healthy brood, they go on miscarrying or die off; for these people would have laddered their cursing over your head.
They are even capable of grabbing the wisdom mind of your off spring, and instead of having your children mentally fitted; their mental powers get transferred to their [witches’] children, while yours get bequeathed with cognitive difficulties often accompanied with poor school performance during examination periods.
For instance, you may participate in the same program of study, while out competing him [one of the witch’s progeny] in terms of grade points, nonetheless, while on the job search, he is the one to get the job, whereas you remain as if you never went to school.
For one to be a dissident ignorant of the the divine Truth, it doesn’t mean that God does not have a dedicated purpose for him; just as the God’s servant, the Prophet Moses, when he was born, Satan knew he shall be the one to repatriate the Israelite, and that was the reason why Pharaoh began to kill every young male infant.
When The Lord Jesus was born, Satan caused king Herod to know that a King had been born, and Herod immediately set out to kill infants in the range of 0-2 years of age. Therefore, to be born on a certain day, it comes with a peculiar and matching blessing along with a God-directed purpose thereof; that is even the reason why Satan begins to hunt after you, whilst you cannot tell your left from right.
The Prophet Majeshi Leon affirms that one of the well wishers assisted him to escape from the Ugandan government, along with the Rwandan’s, his name’s NZIBAVUGA Sophonie, who lives in USA, in the state of Georgia; according to Leon, this man helped him a lot!! Later on, however, when it came to be known that he was the major Leon’s sponsor, the Ugandan intelligence agency in collaboration with the Rwanda’s (NSS) put him on the ‘wanted’ list, so as to get the Prophet arrested.
This elder, who lives in USA, got acquainted with the Prophet via internet, thanks to the Prophecy that Leon had unleashed on the internet website called ‘’, which made him famous, to the point that mounds of people longed to correspond with the Prophet. The same Prophecy has been read by more than 2,000,000 peoples.
That led him to get acquainted with plenty of peoples, out of whom came the same older man who sponsored him, and got him safe guarded in a hotel for about 7 months. What is striking, however, is the fact that the Prophet begged of him money to escape from the country of Uganda, but the man couldn’t do it, but rather pleased to pay off his hotel bills; and from time to time, he could refrain from paying which caused the Prophet to prematurely check out, in order to be seized, yet God intervened for rescue!!
God happened to pave the way, and rescued him from that country of Uganda, where he had been taken hostage by the leadership in place. Even up to this day, their government is still pursuing the where about of the Prophet, to finish him up, for they think that he wrongly prophesied against them, that they shall step down from power dreadfully and shamefully.
Here is MUKESHIMANA Jeanette, heir of her grandfather Mr. KANGANIYE:
This lady is greatly skillful in manipulating powers of witchcraft known ‘Astrologist’; just with the end aim of amassing wealth, they once had. That led her to sacrifice her uncle so as to have Satan restore their former fortune; for after she had ceased from following satanic cultism, their wealth evaporated.
God also revealed to His servant, the way his (Majeshi’s) niece, enchanted bewitched him along with his wife. Nonetheless, whoever serves God, never loses hopes, for God is always there to rescue, and indeed God healed Leon.
When Majeshi attempted to approach his niece to get her back on the right track of the Divine Truth; the young lady, instead of repenting, she prescribed him 25 days for a death warrant.
Nov 06, 2012 and upon looking at that young lady, who attends the ‘Evangelical Restoration Church’, no-one could think of her as a witch, with regard to her impressive good-looking, feigning politeness!!
God continued to unveil the tragedy ready to struck Rwanda, and the way the country shall be in great want of inhabitants, and how the remnant shall partake the piece of land equitably, and that each and every one shall get enough of the land; for people shall be extremely scant.
After we exposed the conspiratorial plans of Mrs Jeannette Mukeshimana against her uncle, here is what she wrote us back, insulting us, without sparing her uncle Majeshi Leon. Look, for yourselves, a Christian who proclaims to go to the Kingdom of Heaven; see what kind of a spirit does control her! She is full of a spirit of an obscene mouth lingo.
Here is a great moment, to take it out of the chest against you. Tell me what led you to denies (abhor) yourself to that extent? And to give up on your soul? As for me, I suffer no hindrance, for those allegations do not hold onto me. If one would call you a dog (coward), and that you look at yourself, in turn, and that you realize that you don’t have a tail and/or all that which pertain to a god, would you mind? You rather spell an object of pity… let me ask you about when Kanganiye departed?
FOR HIM TO BEQUEATH ME ALL THAT YOU MENTIONED, rather you’re the pillar the supposedly heirloom?Can’t you realize you confuse yourself? Now, attack is to my mother, your sister…and if she was endowed with witchcraft, she inherited from your household.
If one were to snatch a wealth, according to what you said, would he nick it from you? Listen, there are many far above you. Nevertheless, if you suffer from what you spent on me, come back to me and I shall give it all back to you. As for me, I applied knowledge that God bestowed on me, and I worked hard after studies… it’s all the gift I got from God.]
Now, you keep talking about people; those serving God and those who do not; would God have assigned you the tasks of judging people, since He is the One knowing them, what burdens you, really? Could someone beguile poison those she cannot see? If there is what one would have asked of you… what you keep talking about.
Moreover, those days I prescribed to you, were given, as I were on my way to Church, for God to reveal to you the Truth. And you shall get the Truth that I really commit myself to prayers.
As for the rest, let GOD restore you back to normal; otherwise covetousness would have devoured you, instead of you set out to pray and work hard.
God revealed that the FDLR insurgents shall conquer one province of Rwanda, and it will be the basis to request the Rwandan government to resort to peace-talks with them. However, the one who shall represent the insurgent, for the peace-talk treaty, shall become disloyal and greedy, for he shall accept to receive a worthless bribe from RPF.
God also revealed that the Rwandan refugees are going to plunge into life-threatening episodes, owing to the decisive measures to be adopted against them, and that such events will be the landmarks for the demise for the ruler ship of President Paul Kagame.
FDRL cannot seize leadership power, because of their labeled ethnic discrimination as a motto. That is the reason why God won’t bless them; and moreover, if they do not collaborate with the Rwandans of the Tutsi’s ethnic group, they will not be successful.
God revealed that next year there won’t be any drop of rain, and that famine shall become rampant beyond measure, as compared to nowadays. God disparaged the outcome of the conference that was held in Rome, at the Pope’s office, just a few years ago, guaranteeing that by 2015, famine would have evaporated from the surface of Earth. Such statement led God to reproach their counsel, thereby promising to belie them, proving that He, Himself, is The Master of Heaven and Earth, and all things in them; likewise He exposed the deception of the wise men.
Fulfilled Prophecy:
God revealed that in the month of May, Sgt. NSABAGASANI Dominiko, is going to take over the duties of Majeshi Leon who was on the mountain amidst oceans, and while he was travelingdown the mountain, he plunged into the water to get across; he also saw the Prophet Nsabagasani plunging in the same waters heading to the mountain where Majeshi had been.
He was abducted and bound to be taken back to Rwanda, and by good luck, there came one his family relatives from the province of Gitarama, who had exiled in Uganda before long ago, who also had, in turn, his con sanguine agent in the military of Uganda, who shouted for help, whilst it was still sooner, and likewise they couldn’t take him to “Rwanda”.
Jan 08, 2013, God revealed the Prophet Sgt. Nsabagasani being released from jail, and kept showing that there are many people, including young ladies, and aged women, commissioned to hunt for the Prophet Majeshi Leon, nevertheless, God promised to confer to him a continued protection!
THE RAPTURE FOR THE BRIDE IS AT HAND [1 Thessalonians 4:17]:
The Spirit of God has constantly been pointing a finger, warning God’s Chosen ones: see, the break of day is nigh, the clouds have been cleared for the sunshine, and sickles (reap hooks) to cut down sorghum crop have been prepared, and harvesters have been readied; and rather I heard a Voice addressing me that the work of the guardian has reached its end; look The Eternal LORD is up to take over The guardian role, by himself.
While I was still amazed at the sorghum field that had grown a good produce of grain-prickles (or stacks), ready for a harvest, before the birds feed on them; I was wondering where those readied to harvest were going to start, he showed me across the area a good banana plantation field harboring a good produce of banana-fruits, ready for a harvest, and then I saw, within the same banana field, a full covering brightness, and that plantation field was well weeded.
then I went awe-struck with the aforesaid Bride, who was going to be betrothed in a haste, and amazed at how the Bridegroom couldn’t help leave room for people to prepare themselves; and in an expected manner, I saw the Bridegroom accomplishing the wedding feast in a hurry. Therefore, you the Bride ought to prepare yourself, for the Bridegroom is at your doorstep.
Jeremiah 32:27: “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” Truly God has the Power to protect us against our enemies, and He has been unveiling His plans. And for this reason, they’ve gone wild!!They‘ve sworn not to rest till they put me to death; whereas The Eternal LORD has set out to protect me! Therefore, who is right [or strong] between God and the RPF jointed with Paul Kagame?
God has continued to expose the way they have resorted to hunt the Prophet Leon down ;up and down they are after his pursuit, just because of the good news he has been proclaiming to the world inhabitants, and to Rwandans, in particular. He uniquely affirms that even if he dies off, his testimony won’t pass away till all be fulfilled; or that even if he falls captive, his message won’t be blocked or silenced.
He further urges Rwandans to cease from their wicked ways of bloodletting, but rather to return to God so as to inherit the eternal life. The career and or hobbies of homicide won’t help them achieve anything, except to be damnable and lead them to the gnashing of their teeth in an everlasting hellfire.
The MIGHTY ONE who got him released from jail, shall also protect him from poisoning be witchery, He who took him from that country, did not go far from him; and ‘I will die imbibed in His faith’ Leon postulated. ‘I shall breath my last, whilst still a strong man in faith [I will never give up’ he further pledged.
The leadership of the Rwandan government looks after his irritation, and finally his abduction; to finally prove that the God he serves might be powerless!! They do all such things little reckoning that God goes on exposing them as He has been disclosing the former things.
President of Republic of Kenya UHURU Kenyetta.
God is bound to chastise all of the wicked masquerading within the Churches; moreover He shall show no pity, not at all, to none of them. As a matter of fact, God declared to start with the House of the Saints, i.e. of the righteous ones. God declared that one of those running for the Presidential candidacy in Kenya, Mr. Musalia Mudavadi shall upfront hindrances, from left to right, in such a way that he won’t achieve his whim of presidency even by a nose.
God made it known that a man, called Mr. UHURU KENYATTA, has wound up his desert-journey (or a journey of hardships); and that he has concluded it joyfully as compared to his rivals in the Presidential election. God also declared that His Hand is going to press heavily on the refugees settling in the Great Lakes Region, for they are full of iniquities!!
Yet, He [God] reassures to protect the righteous ones, behold He has declared to take them to the [overseas] nations they have longed for. However, for those who denied seeking God’s face, God’s Hand shall weigh heavily upon their heads, even though they shall be in those safe nations, abroad, being appeased and well-established. ‘Even if Judah might praise Me, I shall not forgive you, in addition, I shall punish Jacob and Israel.
What provoked Me to burden (or afflict) you is your denial for turning against your wicked ways and your rejection of repentance, you rather became like BALAAM and BRACK; you eat of a futile worth, you deny of water to my sheep languishing in the desert; but you rather please to adorn Barack so as to curse My people, that is why I shall not forgive any of you.’
That saith The MOST HIGH.Nehemiah 13:2| Psalms 106:28-29| Exodus 2:24|‘God heard the groaning of His people… and He descended from Heaven to see and examine what was afflicting them so as to have mercy on them.’| Acts 5:29| Deuteronomy 28:8.
In the year of 2012, God made it known that Rwanda likens a house roofed with used up corrugated iron-sheets, like a sieve (covered with holes), and I saw a whirlwind from the East; and such wind was ordered to blow out (sweep across) in Rwanda, to wreck havoc on the wobbly, and to strengthen the steady [materials].
After the sweeping of the wind, I saw the rainfall-cloud condensing; and I was told that those who had sun dried materials out in the open, should take them back in their shelters (or barns), for if they don’t shelter them, they shall get them socked!
Then after, I looked at that house, and it was build ingeniously, however, I found its core high-tech wiring having being worn out; behold I saw the whirlwind starting to blow the aforesaid house; and I watched the roofing sheets blown away to the West.Behold, God has re-announced an ultimatum, there won’t be any excuse.
Jan 01, 2013, God revealed,that the world is going to up-front terrible tragedies and afflictions! God unveiled what looks like an asteroid (a huge chunk of a rock) hanging in the sky, ready to strike the Earth; however God did not disclose to which side it’s gonna hit. These revelations were given to Mrs. Majeshi the Prophet, when they were praising God for having wound up the year of 2012 being safe and sound; and that God did not allow them to be covered with shame in the eyes of their enemies and Satan. Thanking God for the way He shielded them from the hands of evildoers, even of their master the Devil, and of demons servicing the government of Kigali.
They also took the opportunity to express their gratitude to all brethren who took them in prayer-intercessions against all hardships they had gone through. “May God bestow on you an undivided blessing, in this year of 2013, we plead with God to continue to protect you all; during this year of 2013 we’ve started.
God promised not to let such hardships to befall the righteous anymore! Nevertheless, evildoers and sinners shall be brought down with them. Likewise, keep holding onto God’s faith, for He is worthy of trust, and He shall not let you be put to shame.
We hereby take this opportunity to wish you a happy new year, let it be a year of righteousness, let us shun falsehoods; especially Rwandan refugees, so that The Eternal God may look upon us with kindness in time of trouble, and in the upcoming events of the worldwide tragedy; even the nation of Rwanda included.” They added.
No stone shall be left upon another: (Matthew 24:1-42)
News from the broadcasting office, operating within the Church of Christ, run by the Holy Spirit; did report on a sky rocketing building named after “CYOMORO Blique”.
They passed on this News to the Inyangenews journal; moreover such News were accredited by the most reliable and independent source, confirming that no stone shall be left upon the other, to all of the buildings owned by H.E. President Kagame. The whole world shall be stunned and even amazed at the way the country shall become in spite of all construction progresses that had been made so far, just as in a twinkling of an eye in consideration to the Rwandan achievements.
The Spirit of God spoke about the Building of the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), that the route leading to it, won’t be remembered any longer. The Prophecy points out, beyond a shadow of doubt, that such flats shall become an object of astonishment to the capital city of Kigali, which shall plunge in terrible calamities by lack of repentance by its inhabitants.
The desert [hardships] has reached its climax to the righteous:
January 15, 2013, The Spirit of God pointed out an extraordinary revival that is prone to surge, or that has already emerged. The Spirit of Jesus avowed that His faithful servants, who had been trailing in the desert [tribulations], have been heard and answered; and that they are to wait patiently for answers to reach them. Whereas, for those, who field to trust in Him and find faith in Him, no answer shall be given as result of their failing faith. Therefore, God reassures His friends and His Children,with the aim to recall that He did not forsake them; for He cannot forget, even if the whole world may pass away, He shall never give up on them.
Riches shall be reconstituted to its rightful owner:
The Spirit of God continued to make known to God ‘servant Majeshi Leon that the desert has ended to the righteous, revival draws nigh, and it comes with supernatural powers in manners that it is bound to wreak havoc on peoples. The Prophets affirms that he foresaw the revival coming and embarking on the government systems to crash down everything, which had been fraudulently established. Here is what he foresaw during those events of the revival. It is not to Satan’s authorities to embezzle from us an immense wealth, which we received from God, through Jesus Christ.
He, moreover, prophesied the downfall of the premises of KIST-University by a very strong wind; for they were considerably and fraudulently founded, with a dreadful greed!
He foresaw a very powerful wind, accompanying the revival, laying waste all of the vehicles purchased by dishonest means.
He predicted deaths of Christian peoples, committing debauchery within the Church congregation, being smitten by the hand of the revival. Additionally, drunkards were left dead, lying in middle of the streets.
Among peoples, he foresaw rising within the revival, include a God’s servant, Pastor KANYEMERA who frequently evangelize via the “UMUCYO” Radio.
Another person, who suddenly followed to be slain by the revival, called JEFF employed by the ‘JRS’ in the project aiding refugees in Uganda, headquarter in a place known as NSAMBYA; he also happened to be a staff-officer for the District of Kicukiro (Rwanda/Kigali) in charge of the human welfare services.
The Revival draws nigh with supernatural mighty powers:
Jan 16, 2013, The Spirit of God discoursed with the Prophet Majeshi Leon, stressing that time has come for the evildoers to be exposed by God; that their works has come to an end! “Notice how long The Church has been lingering in darkness because of the wickedness of people, the pretentious God-servants, in docile and pompous, too blind to foresee the Church going corrupt in the hands of the wicked!
Behold, here comes the Revival, and it surges with mighty powers from God and not from men; even all of the peoples who espoused evil deeds against the Church and Church members are going to face a misfortune” that saith The Spirit of God.
Behold, I foresaw God prone to consent to the entreaty of all legatees (heirs); then after, I saw the evildoers and the wicked plunging in a serious dilemma, by lack of those they had taken hostage in order to withhold swindling riches, thinking it all passed unnoticed; behold, God exposed them all, and I saw them attempting to deviate the God-dedicated blessing to those who love Him, since time immemorial; yet in vain!
The Spirit of The Eternal one, explicitly decreed: “Behold, I am about to show kindness to all who drew near to me, without groaning, and who remained trustworthy! I am to respond to them, without a delay. Would you be among those who drew near to Him? Wouldn’t you have grumbled? So that God may show His kindness to you! Even if you did so, do not worry, for He is to be trusted and He is compassionate to all those who believe in Him, and who even communicate with Him.
Jan 16, 2013, God revealed what follows: I heard a Voice addressing me, saying the following words: “Open your eyes and perceive; take heed and listen to what I am about to tell you; even watch carefully what I am about to show you! Notice, the enemy of your country has surged, and has summoned all his powers to accomplish all of his wicked plans, which relate to what the leaders of your country desire.”
that country, stood once as your ally, then afterwards you both become avowed foes against each other; even those who claimed to be your ally, have been treating you with malice, like all dissemblers! Behold, they have joined altogether with all your enemies. They have set out to attack you disgustedly under the umbrella (veil) of your avowed enemies.
Those are the two [2] super power nations, who once stood as empires, however their dominion shall be irreversibly concluded with their involvement in the blood letting against your country; and nothing is to keep them away from humiliation, for their wicked ways! For, nothing is to rescue them from being whipped.”
Notice that there shall raise an army from the South eastern region of Africa, to attack your country. Such armed force shall be backed up by your ostentatious allies; there shall be none to rescue you, since what The Eternal one has proclaimed on you, has to be fulfilled. You vaunted about self-empowering in the eyes of all nations; therefore, here comes a time to let you know that I, The Eternal LORD, alone can defend [keep from harm]. Without The Eternal One safe guarding the fortress, those defending it, do it in vain.”
The Power of the world.
Those countries are: France and United State of America (USA). Behold, the Rwandan insurgents in the west of DRC-Congo, are the ones readied to fight by your enemies. Nonetheless, such an armed force has waned because of being imbibed in an endless mayhem; and it is a sad fact indeed that they serve a country they do not like, for it doesn’t like them back.”
Here are two foreshadowing signs, before the outbreak of the ongoing foretold events: A prince (ss) of a King is going to breathe his last; along with another worldwide known noble; before what I have told you about comes to be fulfilled.
Rwandans shall be stupefied to notice that where they had counted on, there they turned accursed and an object of scorn; and to see that even those presumed to back them up, are the ones to firstly turn against them. I shall do such all things to stand upon my own pledge that I made with my Prophets; thereafter, My Chosen Ones shall know that I, The LORD, alone command.” That saith The LORD.
The fire will be commanded by the Lord Almighty.
16 Jan, 2013 God also revealed Rwanda catching fire in two parts, with only one in the middle remaining; and those within it remained safe and sound. Then, I noticed those on the brims of the country facing a great calamity.
God revealed the Kingship government being established, and in the aftermath i noticed all the premises raised by the RPF in collaboration with CSR, I saw them getting ruined; and where they used to stand, other astonishing and soaring splinter buildings [skyscrapers] were elevated in an extraordinary manner. Insultingly, I also noticed the round-about opposite the Centenary House being removed because of the gigantically of the premises that are to be elevated nearby.
H.E Paul Kagame.
Jan 29, 2013, God revealed that Paul Kagame have come to realize that his powers have waned, and that he is to seek for itinerary for a refuge, before time. I thereafter saw him convening one of the bodyguards, he entrusts most, and he ordered him to prepare the most suitable and swift motorcade, along with highly skilled racing chauffeurs; behold I saw him beginning to ransack the national treasure so as to retain the number of those who are to flee with, while seducing or imparting them with plundered riches.
Jan 30, 2013, God revealed all Rwandans scattered in the four corners of the world, coming back home to their land in a multitude. The chances of the first to repatriate will be equal to the misfortune they shall up-front upon reaching the country; for there shall still be a prevailing homicide, even the plagues.
Jan 31, 2013 God revealed “Inkeragutabara i.e. a squad of the former, demobilized fearless solders” being reconstituted in the army, behold I saw the outbreak of war setting in; such Inkeragutabara were once tagged as Inkontanyi and I saw them avenging themselves on the populace, instead of protecting them, they rather decimated and pillaged them; however they did not profit anything out of what they had looted.
Feb 06, 2013 God revealed the Rwandan Church being built under a Rwandan woman’s ‘overseer-ship’. She shall invest countless mounds of dollars [money] so as to have God’s Holy Temple erected, and It shall be free from [clear of] any sort of known church denominations.
All people shall worship in it, even Gentiles from all over the world; and this because Rwanda shall have become a very peaceful-nation, with undreamed-of and exceptional serenity; and there shall proceed a Blessing that shall be spread all over the nations of the Earth.
Jeanette Nyiramongi.
Feb 08, 2013 God exposed to view a very attractive over-the-top mansion, with an updated design. It was devoid of a veranda for sheltering against the scorching sunshine! Behold, I heard from people saying that it is Jezebel’s, i.e. of Nyiramongi Jeannette Kagame.
On the periphery, that house appeared spectacular; whereas in the inside, it was a huge desert void!! No wonder, in my opinion, it spelled worthlessness. A house symbolizes a nation country, and in this context, it stands for the country of Rwanda under Nyiramongi’s control.
Feb 09, 2013 I sighted two horses, ridden (bestridden) by two people; one of them was a woman, and the last two were men, of whom one was a Prophet. I caught sight of the one (horse) driven by a woman, unseating President Kagame; and the latter fell off down. The Horse symbolizes an Angel; whereas the woman signifies the Church; and as it was on the Sabbath day; behold, I noticed the aforesaid Horse heading for the Adventist Church to observe the Sabbath.
The second Horse was carrying two men, and I saw one of them bearing wings, coming back, heading for honoring the Sabbath; whereas the aforementioned Prophet stayed behind with the Horse. I spotted the Horse growing two horns, and I watched the Great Prophet putting around its neck an empty bucket, so as to carry a void report. Upon turning back, thereafter, I saw President Kagame lying down, grumbling that people have developed the gut of disrespecting him, and that when they were still in the woodland (as insurgents), none of them couldn’t dare do so.
Two Horses.
I was instructed that the two Horses, were ordered to dethrone President Kagame; for his grace [additional time to honor his obligations] has expired. I was told that Paul Kagame will murder some of the members of the 7-Day Adventists, for it is the Great Britain which shall oust him from power, which also gave birth to this religion, and also harbors its Major Headquarter.
Feb 14, 2013 the transgression of Mr. President Paul Kagame brimmed over before The Heavenly God’s throne; I saw Rwandans giving testimonies about how the President Kagame’s regime was super exceedingly ruthless and evil; more than any other President’s regime that proceeded it, in Rwanda! I noticed how Rwandans are discontented with their refugee-state, languishing beyond measure.
APR Club.
Feb 15, 2013 on the 19 year of President Kagame’s ruler ship in Rwanda; the Eternal God uncovered the ending [downfall]of his dominion, as well as the falling-off of the deception he used, all years long, during his reign! Two [2] soccer-teams were evidenced in tournament: Rayon-Sport & APR FC; and the latter defeated the former. As result, the RPF-FC,full of self-exultation owing to its triumph, ventured to play against Mukura-FC from Butare Province; in the ensuing Mukura FC beat up APR FC; and that marked the remission and last farewell for the APR-FC team, for it ceased to exist forever, along with its government.
I saw military high-ranking officers facing unbearable and extreme adversity; after realizing that the regime is breathing its last! Consequently, Kagame endeavored to maintain their dominion, but in vain; for The Eternal God had already decreed the overthrow of every bit of hope for the regime, which is also answerable for a never-ending blood letting, far beyond the atrocities committed the regimes that preceded it, in that country!
APR Club.
Behold, I made out Kagame nominating a coach to train that team; and by a surprise, the coach became all that the team was comprised of, i.e. he became both the coach and the player alone; for there was no other co-team player to train with. That is how the APR FC shall fall down not to be remembered any longer, just as its founders shall vanish, never to be remembered anymore, as well.
For no Rwandan shall never wish to recall such a history; and the world shall shrink to a dot for whosoever served such a regime; they will find no place for a hiding as the whole world shall set out the hunt them down for having tormented God’s people.
Feb 18, 2013, the Rwandan government managed to shatter the World Wide Web of Inyangenews journal, in retaliation to the Prophecy it passes around [broadcasts] to aid readers, our audience to be kept abreast of the events-timeline, and how things stand in the spiritual world.
January 21, 2013 God did great miracles and restored the website. You ought to get a copy of the Prophecy, so as even if they may succeed to crush the website; you will have kept the Prophecy for yourselves.
HIS NAMES, IN ACRONYM, ARE AS FOLLOWS: ‘Uwanyirigira Nyirinyinya Biregeya’.Replaced by Emmanuel Bushayija(YUHI VI) FROM THEN ON, RWANDA SHALL RE-BATH IN ITS FORMER DAMNATION [anathema]; TO BE RE-PURGED BY ANOTHER THIRD KING AFTER THE KING ‘Biregeya Uwanyirigira Nyirinyinya.’
God manifested, in my visions, a king who shall succeed King V KIGELI Ndahindurwa. His names are, in acronyms: “Uwanyirigira Nyirinyinya Biregeya.”;replaced by His-Majesty Bushayija Emmanuel, he shall be a learned King, empowered with wisdom, giftedness and intelligence. After his investiture, he shall be mysteriously renowned in terms of glamour and sagacity; or even in terms of gift redness and cleverness.
This King shall extremely sympathize with [be docile towards] people; and because sycophants and/or gossip mongers shall upsurge, they will be striving to oust God from the royal court.
After the Prophets will have made off from the Royal court of Rwanda, THE MOST HIGH shall also ensue to depart from there; along with the Great Prophet who shall be seated in the Royal Court of Rwanda.
Rwanda shall immediately plunge into adversity, and shall return into the hardships it had been rescued from. Women shall keep themselves in the surroundings of that Rwandan king, being enticed by his look; for he shall be of an unprecedented glamour, with eyes like those of a new-born calf, handsomely long-faced. Likewise, he shall hook and distract women; for the latter will be lusting after him; while gazing at him.
He shall wrestle against Satan, who is the Anti-Christ; however because he will have cast out the Seers, he shall no longer be able to communicate with and or hear from God; and as matter of fact, he shall fall in the hands of the enemy, beyond recovery. The witchcraft powers, known as “Astrologist”, shall be re-introduced in the Rwandan Kingdom, after the departure of King Kigeli V Ndahindurwa; and this shall kindle God’s wrath against the Rwandan Kingdom.
There shall ensue an enthronement of the III rd King, successor of king His-Majesty Bushayija Emmanuel This King shall bring back God’s sons to God, after having transgressed against God, for the second time, and causing God to depart from the Rwandan Kingdom. The said King shall be like the King Melchizedek, who ruled during Abraham’s era, and to whom Abraham gave a tenth part of all; that kingdom shall characterized with unmatched serenity, since the foundation of the world.
The Gates to His Kingdom shall never be shut, The Eternal God Himself shall be the source of illumination to His Kingdom, and the Moon shall give off, with the Stars, and with the Sun. However, it is the LORD of Lords who shall radiate Light, instead of those celestial bodies; and The MOST HIGH shall illuminate him evermore, for he shall be bequeathed of treasures of seas and oceans and of the land; gold shall be presented before him as an enduring offering from alien nations of the world, diamond and many other countless riches.
Feb 24, 2013 God, for the second time, revealed that after a five-year-old presidential mandate, if he does not yield way to his colleague, WILLIAM RUTO, to compete for the next Republican Presidency in Kenya, that this situation shall cause their splitting, and that UHURU Kenyatta will have called forth a cursing upon himself by acting wickedly against his colleague!
God declared that if he chooses to behave in that manner, He [God] is to curse him, and turn him into an object of scorn and a byword in the face of all nations.
Mar, 01, 2013 God revealed UHURU KENYATTA winning the presidential election, and I foresaw him calling forth a big feast to celebrate his victory.
Overseas nations shall long to flood to his surroundings, and his enemies shall serve him eternally and even their children shall be full of remorse for their wickedness.
Both of those two Kings are currently overseas, where they have taken refuge. The III rd King is, by this time, lingering in the desert where he is getting instructed by God how to rule during his time; he shall be a King of justice and righteousness, he shall rule by peace. May The MOST HIGH be glorified, and may all praises be to Him.
National Security Service (NSS) resorting to hunt for Prophet Leon Majeshi:
Mar 07, 2013, God unveiled the government of Rwanda resuming its activities to go after the Prophet Majeshi Leon, just to finish him off; after realizing that all he prophesied about that government are getting fulfilled (or have come to pass); and likewise, they’ve decided to do everything possible to behead him; with the aim to stop him from prophesying. Here is a glaring question: would his death, according to their wish, stop the Prophecy from being fulfilled.
Mar 09, 2013, God re-confirmed what He had revealed; He re-exposed them endeavoring to track down the telephone and or Tel-no. he might be using, so as to hack it. They managed to learn from which country he is in; for they, for certain, know where he stays, in the moment. Here is what God declared! He decreed:
“I shall rescue you, and show you My Kindness, and protect you against all your enemies; moreover I am going to bestow on you a blessing in a way that your enemies will no longer be able to sight you.” That saith The LORD.
H.E Paul Kagame
March 06, 2013, God made known to His servant that Mr. President Paul Kagame has phased in his last days; and he is going to depart, without a delay, to be replaced by an anonymous person, for an eventual transition period, before the Rwandan King comes back to be crowned. Another revelation is that after the deceased Paul Kagame, there will be one of his counterparts, who shall try to fill in for him, yet he shall not succeed; for God did not declare anything on him.
UN is going to expatriate Kinyarwanda-speaking Congolese, residing in Kenya:
Mar 11, 2013, God revealed that refugees, in the Great Lakes Region, are going to be exiled overseas, as they so wished for so long, after an unceasing pleading with the UN. God made it known that around 500 refugees are to be exiled, and by far those Rwanda phone Congolese.
They were denied of Rwandan citizenship, and disguised ultimately into Congolese
Congolese refugees
For the second time, March 11, 2013, God exposed to view Rwandans starting to regret of having not fled whilst still feasible. God also manifested what He revealed about a Pastor called JUSTINI MUGABO working for the Rwanda Revenue Authority (R.R.A.) longing to flee, which doesn’t mean he is about to abscond, but rather God used this allegory to signal the beginning of fulfillment of what He had declared.
Mar 15, 2013, God took me in visions, and I sighted Rwandans singing a song they sang for the deceased President HABYARIMANA, and a Voice addressed me that the song I was listening to, was dedicate sung and danced for President HABYARIMANA.
During the onset of Harvest; and his counterpart Mr President Paul Kagame, in turn, is going to be sung for the same song; and they are going to sing it during the sorghum harvest. Ensuing, I envisioned Rwandans enthusiastically readying themselves to sing it, and they set it in motion with alternative chants!
Speechlessly dumbfound, I saw some of the Rwandans residing overseas, packing up their bags heading for their Mother-Land. I remarked the war instigated by Paul Kagame, in DRC-Congo, coming to an end; and endearingly, an enduring peacefulness prevailed, and the ‘Banyamulenge’ insurrections, somehow, miscarried! These words cometh from The LORD. Hallelujah!
During terrorist attack west gate house:
29 Aug 2013,that day I went in the spirit, and the holy spirit spoken to me, and told me that I’m the Lord almighty, Am going to do so great things in this world wide, I’ll starting in the country of Kenya. I’ll make sure that every creature will know that I’m the Lord almighty, I’m the one who killed and gives life, nothing men can help you: I want to shake the world, every pillar that people has been built up themselves, I’ll make sure that I’ll let them down.
Deut: 32:39 I the Lord spoken Prov 8:13,tell my people to be in the prayers, to be clean and repent themselves so that when you pray I’ll hear your prayers. People will cry for me, but I will not hear from them because of their sins, I’ll hide their sources that time their pride will be over. Every creature will know that I’m the Lord almighty spoken.
And the people of evil nation who survive who live in the places where I’ve scattered them will prefer to die rather than to go on living .I the Lord spoken. It will be a great famine in five yrs. (5); even in the world wide, the tribalism will go up %85, and the will take advantage to destroy the churches of Kenya. It will be different disasters some places, a lot of accident, and death will come surprised. I the Lord spoken.
Winter House
09 sept, 2013 Amos 3:15 I will destroy the winter house along with the summer house ,the house of ivory shall perish,And the great houses shall have an end.
12 Sept 2013 Habakkuk 3:14, You trust through with His own arrows,the head of his village. They come out like a whirlwind to scatter me, their rejoicing was like feasting on the poor in secret.
22 Oct 2013,Jeremiah 18:3,Then i went down to the potter’s house and there he was making some thing at the wheel and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter’s ,so it seemed good to the potter to make.
Ezekiel 3:4 Then he said to me son of man,go to the house of Israel and speak with my words to them,For you are not sent to a people of unfamiliar speech and of hard language but to the house of Israel.
Financial Crisis in the world will continue:
The economy of that country will be break down, even all of the world, it will be the burden of the world, this is will be punishment from the Lord almighty spoken. Many people will be suffering and they will cry but I will not hear them I the Lord spoken.
Many pastor’s committed evil things, and going underground they have been made an agreement with Satan their offered their sheep’s as sacrifices to the devil, because of that I will destroy what they called blessings; and they’ll be ashamed before the world.
The great famine in Kenya Turkana County:
”Jeremiah 8:3 And the people of evil nation who survive who live in the places where I’ve scattered them will prefer to die rather than to go on living .I the Lord spoken.
It will be a great famine in five years. (5) even in the world wide, the tribalism will go up, and the will take advantage to destroy the churches of Kenya. It will be different disasters some places, a lot of accident, and death will come surprised. I the Lord spoken.
2:27 hour 31 Dec 2013,On the first year of the JUBILEE coalition in Kenya, the Holy spirit spoken to me ,and told me that, and said once again they’ll be a great famine in the country of Kenya. And every evil will take place, and the great people will be ashamed thus says the Lord God.
The Holy Spirit demolishes the power of the devil.
17 Jan,2014, The holy spirit told me, when i was in the prayer and fasting,that i should pray for against “BLACK BALL association”, is an American association which is working as a negative vote especially one that blocks the admission of a applicant to an organization.
A small black ball used as a negative ballot “God told me that they got a fund of $4.000.000, to demolish Churches. “To shut out from social or commercial participation ostracize.”
June 26, 2014, God gave me the Rehma word: F.D.L.R – GLACE,the meaning of this word, “It is a ballet, a graceful sweep and flow of patterned movement, counter poised by daring and imaginative flights of…:
1. Having a composed and self-assured manner. “not every day you saw that poised, competent kid distressed”
having a graceful and elegant bearing.
“she had learnt from the girls at the salon how to appear perfectly poised”
1.1.having a composed and self-assured manner.”not every day you saw that poised, competent kid distressed”
a. having a graceful and elegant bearing.
“she had learnt from the girls at the salon how to appear perfectly poised”
24 May, 2014 the word of the Lord came to me,and gave me the Rhema word “Malt”
Malt is germinatedcereal grains that have been dried in a process known as “malting”. The grains are made to germinate by soaking in water, and are then halted from germinating further by drying with hot air.
It also develops other enzymes, such as proteases, which break down the proteins in the grain into forms that can be used by yeast. Malt also contains small amounts of other sugars, such as sucrose and fructose, which are not products of starch modification but were already in the grain.
[5][6]Various cereals are malted, though barley is the most common. A high-protein form of malted barley is often a label-listed ingredient in blended flours typically used in the manufacture of yeast breads and other baked goods.[7]
The term “malt” refers to several products of the process: the grains to which this process has been applied, for example malted barley; the sugar, heavy in maltose, derived from such grains, such as the baker’s malt used in various cereals; or a product based on malted milk, similar to a malted milkshake (i.e., “malts”).
16 April 2014 the word of the Lord came to me,and gave me the Rhema word “Anoowa,”
Is there some defining factor that easily distinguishes the difference? ….Anoowa, developers of billFLO » Blog Archive » Small Biz Tip.
Anoowa Inc. announced today the immediate availability of its new billFLO seller API that allows any accounting system …and to collaboratively define the minimum invoicing standard we … my thoughts on this last year.
Anoowa, Inc. will operate under provides web-based cash flow management system that gives small Taulia brand name. …. What is Docstoc?The Rehma word.
07 Sept 2014 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying son of man, in very I’m going to raise you up, so that you‘ll be able to serve me. I will give you my people you may protect them, thus says the Lord our God almighty.
10 Sept 2014 the word of the Lord came to me, and said, son of man, without wasting your time, announce that this is the time of the Lord. God almighty want to be acknowledgeable to the people, because these generation they did not know God our Lord savior that why he is going to perform the wonders and miracles and signs to the people so that they may know that he is the Lord our God who delivered Israelite from EGYPT.
He perform the miracles in EGYPT to let EGYPTIANS to acknowledge him, that why reason now He want his people to acknowledge him through the wonders, miracles, and signs, so that people may know Him as the Lord, God mighty, savior, creator, of the earth and heaven says the Lord our God.
18 Sept 2014, Thus the Lord of host says,the word of the lord came to me,on that day,in this month, and the Rhema word said «Nung Flow» in my research means Points and Needless move the restoring natural flow to spirit mind, and body, bringing into to support the flow of shin Nung shen nung emperor below none shen Nung shen Nung .There the flow of life.
Psalm 80
21st Sept 2015 The Rhema word of the Lord comes from heaven upon of me, and told me that, Son of man, thus is how the Lord almighty says, just read psalms Chapter 80,91,100, thus says the Lord almighty said.
For the director of music. To the tune of “The Lilies of the Covenant.” Of Asaph. A psalm.
1 Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock.
You who sit enthroned between the cherubim,
shine forth 2 before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh.
Awaken your might; come and save us.
3 Restore us, O God;make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.
4 How long, Lord God Almighty,will your anger smolder against the prayers of your people? 5 You have fed them with the bread of tears;you have made them drink tears by the bowlful. 6 You have made us an object of derision[b] to our neighbors,and our enemies mock us.
7 Restore us, God Almighty;make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.
8 You transplanted a vine from Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it. 9 You cleared the ground for it, and it took root and filled the land. 10 The mountains were covered with its shade, the mighty cedars with its branches. 11 Its branches reached as far as the Sea, its shoots as far as the River.
12 Why have you broken down its walls so that all who pass by pick its grapes? 13 Boars from the forest ravage it,and insects from the fields feed on it. 14 Return to us, God Almighty! Look down from heaven and see! Watch over this vine, 15 the root your right hand has planted, the son[e] you have raised up for yourself.
16 Your vine is cut down, it is burned with fire;at your rebuke your people perish. 17 Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand,the son of man you have raised up for yourself. 18 Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name.
19 Restore us, Lord God Almighty;make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.
Psalm 91
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you from the Fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.4 He will cover you with his feathers,and under his wings you will find refuge;his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5 You will not fear the terror of night,nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side,ten thousand at your right hand,but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”and you make the Most High your dwelling,10 no harm will overtake you,no disaster will come near your tent.11 For he will command his angels concerning youto guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;I will be with him in trouble,I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
King James Bible
Shout for Joy to the Lord, All You Lands!
1{A Psalm of praise.} Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
2Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
3Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
1 OCT, 2015 on that day, I was SHUSHAN CITY, then the Rhema word of the Lord, comes from above. The word of the Lord told me, Son of man, thus is how the Lord spoken to you! Read the scriptures in the book of the LEVITICUS 18:1-30, thus how the speaks with his people, against their evildoers they have committed before the Lord God almighty.
I was in the bus from BABYLON to home, immediately opened my DIGITAL BIBLE through in my phone, thus is how it says.
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, aI am the Lord your God. 3 bAfter the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and cafter the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in theirdordinances. 4 eYe shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the Lord your God. 5 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: fwhich if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the Lord.
6 None of you shall approach to any that is †near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the Lord. 7 gThe nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 8 hThe nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.
9 iThe nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, eventheir nakedness thou shalt not uncover. 10 The nakedness of thy son’s daughter, or of thy daughter’s daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness.
11 The nakedness of thy father’s wife’s daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 12 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s sister: she is thy father’s near kinswoman. 13 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother’s sister: for she is thy mother’s near kinswoman.
14 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt. 15 kThou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son’s wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 16 lThou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother’s wife: it is thy brother’s nakedness.
17 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son’s daughter, or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they areher near kinswomen: mit is wickedness. 18 Neither shalt thou take ||a wife to her sister, nto vex her, to uncover her nakedness, obeside the other in her life time. 19 pAlso thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness.
Moreover qthou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. 21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed rpass through the fire to s||Molech, neither shalt thou tprofane the name of thy God: I am the Lord. 22 uThou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it isyconfusion. 24 zDefile not ye yourselves in any of these things:afor in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25 And bthe land is defiled: therefore I do cvisit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself dvomiteth out her inhabitants.
Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations;neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that so journeyer among you: 27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) 28 That fthe land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spewed out the nations that were before you. 29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit themgshall be cut off from among their people.
30 hTherefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, ithat you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye k defile not yourselves therein: lI am the Lord your God.And told me,son of man,look front of you,on the board was the word written in this words”Radicalization.”
according the research throughout find that means « Radicalization» (or radicalization) is a process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that (1) reject or undermine the status quo or (2) reject and or undermine contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice».This word concerning the country of Kenya thus says the Lord our God mighty .
Once again the word of the Lord comes to me,from above in heaven, son of man, look front of you,on the board was written this word”SYMPATHY” according the research I’ve made,find out that means Full Definition of SYMPATHY.
a: an affinity, association, or relationship between persons or things wherein whatever affects one similarly affects the other
b: mutual or parallel susceptibility or a condition brought about by it
c: unity or harmony in action or effect <every part is in complete sympathy with the scheme as a whole — Edwin Benson>
a: inclination to think or feel alike : emotional or intellectual accord <in sympathy with their goals>
b: feeling of loyalty : tendency to favor or support <republican sympathies>
a: the act or capacity of entering into or sharing the feelings or interests of another
b: the feeling or mental state brought about by such sensitivity <have sympathy for the poor>
4 the correlation existing between bodies capable of communicating their vibration energy to one another through some medium.
The word of the Lord God,comes to me,and told me this,son of man,I swear ,I’ll love for those who’s loved me,but for those who’s not loved me,ill be against to them says the Lord our God almighty.
Prov.8:17 I love them that love me;and those that seek me early shall find me.Riches and honor are with me;yea durable riches and righteousness.My fruits is better than gold,yea,than fine gold;and my revenue than choice silver
On that day,the word of the our Lord God,came to me,and told me,son of man,look front of you on the board was written the Rhema word called”OVERSELL”according the research throughout, means : «This word doesn’t usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged».
11 dec, 2015 On the day of the Lord, the Rhema word comes to me, and told me, son of man, tell my people that for all who tithes they’re living under the curse that why they cannot be blessed because their trusted in the law thus says the armies Lord of heaven. But for those who’s living under of my Grace, they’ll living abundantly plus be satisfied in the kingdom of the Lord almighty thus says the Lord’s armies.
Acts 5:1-11:
5 Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. 2 With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet.
3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”
5 When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. 6 Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body,and carried him out and buried him.
7 About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 8 Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?”“Yes,” she said, “that is the price.”
9 Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”
10 At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11 Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.
Where there’s a law,there’s a curse!Where’s grace,there’s a blessing this a statement of the great Prophet Majeshi Leon.No matter how many times,the teeth bite the tongue,they still stay together in one mouth.!That’s the spirit of forgiveness.
11 Dec,2015 Therefore,the Rhema word of the Lord.came to me,and said,son of man,this is what the Lord’s mighty says,just remembered when you was bound in the prison they way your God redeemed you from captivities of the devil.Remember all prisoner’s because in future they will kill them because of war.So ask God to protect them,and make their way so that they can be delivered in that captivities of the devil. Thus said the Lord’s armies.
Hebrews 13:3 – Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; [and] them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
Matthew 25:35-46 – For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: (Read More…)
Psalms 69:33 – For the LORD hearth the poor, and despised not his prisoners.
Isaiah 61:1 – The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound;
Psalms 102:20 – To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death;
Genesis 39:20-23 – And Joseph’s master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king’s prisoners [were] bound: and he was there in the prison. (Read More…)
Isaiah 42:7 – To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, [and] them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
Psalms 79:11 – Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die;
Luke 4:18 – The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.
27 Dec,2015 The Rhema word of the Lord,comes from heaven,and the spirit of the Lord revealed me the Rhema word called EU-U: according the research I’ve made,found the meaning of the word EU-U means The European Union (EU),and this is a politico–economic union of 28 member states located primarily in Europe.Their economy will continue to go in deep.That’s what is God said about that continent. It covers an area of 4,324,782 km2, with an estimated population of over 508 million.
Inyandiko rigenewe itangaza makuru y’inteko shingamategeko y’Uburayi European Union parliament, ku wa kane yarateranye yemeza umwanzuro w’inama ukubiyemo guhagarika amasezerano yo kugura amabuye ya gaciro yagiranye Read More »
Inyandiko rigenewe itangaza makuru y’inteko shingamategeko y’Uburayi European Union parliament, ku wa kane yarateranye yemeza umwanzuro w’inama ukubiyemo guhagarika amasezerano yo kugura amabuye ya gaciro yagiranye Read More »