President Kagame meets with US President Donald Trump at World Economic Forum in Davos

Keep it up your good relationship!


The Butcher of east africa and his benefactor! Kagame will die like a dog! What a traitor!


Trump with Rawanda president ? Did Trump just said it was an honor to speak to a country where Hutu and Tutsi tribes were killing each other, some recorded mutual 300,000 savage slaughters? Or was this video to assuage the ultra-liberal press for name calling Rawanda a s***hole place?


Trump doesnt know even the name of rwanda president


I really appreciate our beloved President HE Paul, so great


Wow, really proud of our President Paul Kagame!


Trumph is addicted with triangular sign of illuminatism just look his hands🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺
Shithole meets rascal
great to see our president representing Africa


Wow am really proud of my President Paul Kagame! Always looking at Africa’s progress not only Rwanda’s.


Very good news. I appreciate Our H.E Paul Kagame.
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