Yearly Archives: 2017

Germany’s Muslim Demographic Revolution by Soeren Kern • August 31, 2015 at 5:00 am

  • The surge in Germany’s Muslim population — propelled by a wave of migration unprecedented since the Second World War — represents a demographic shift of epic proportions, one that critics of the country’s open-door immigration policy warn will change the face of Germany forever.

  • “There are 20 million refugees waiting at the doorstep of Europe.” — Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.

  • According to Aiman Mazyek, head of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, attendance at many mosques has doubled in the past month alone.

  • A large number (40%) are from countries in the Balkans, including Albania and Kosovo. This implies that nearly half of those arriving in Germany are economic migrants, not refugees fleeing war zones. — Thomas De Maizière, German Interior Minister.

  • Muslim men residing in Germany routinely take advantage of the social welfare system by bringing two, three or four women from across the Muslim world to Germany, and then marrying them in the presence of an imam. Once in Germany the women request social welfare benefits, including the cost of a separate home for themselves and for their children, on the claim of being a “single parent with children.” — From an exposé broadcast by RTL television.

  • “For us today, what is at stake is Europe, the lifestyle of European citizens, European values, the survival or disappearance of European nations, and more precisely formulated, their transformation beyond recognition. Today, the question is not merely in what kind of a Europe we would like to live, but whether everything we understand as Europe will exist at all.” — Viktor Orbán, President of Hungary.

Germany’s Muslim population is set to skyrocket by more than 700,000 in 2015, pushing the total number of Muslims in the country to nearly 6 million for the first time.

The surge in Germany’s Muslim population — propelled by a wave of migration unprecedented since the Second World War — represents a demographic shift of epic proportions, one that critics of the country’s open-door immigration policy warn will change the face of Germany forever.

At a press conference on August 19, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière revealedthat a record 800,000 migrants and refugees — the equivalent of nearly one percent of Germany’s total population — are expected to arrive in Germany in 2015, a four-fold increase over 2014. He said that 83,000 migrants had arrived in July alone, and that the figure for August would be higher still.

De Maizière said that although many of the migrants are from the Middle East and North Africa, a large number (40%) are from countries in the Balkans, including Albania and Kosovo. This implies that nearly half of those arriving in Germany are economic migrants, not refugees fleeing war zones.

According to German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle, the Berlin refugee center pictured here receives up to 2000 applications for asylum per day. (Image source: Deutsche Welle video screenshot)

Of the 800,000 migrants and refugees arriving in Germany in 2015, at least 80% (or 640,000) are Muslim, according to a recent estimate by the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland, ZMD), a Muslim umbrella group based in Cologne. This estimate is not in dispute.

In addition to the newcomers, the natural rate of population increase of the Muslim community already living in Germany is approximately 1.6% per year (or 77,000), according to dataextrapolated from a recent Pew Research Center study on the growth of the Muslim population in Europe.

Based on Pew projections, the Muslim population of Germany reached an estimated 5,068,000 by the end of 2014. The 640,000 Muslim migrants arriving in Germany in 2015, combined with the 77,000 natural increase, indicates that the Muslim population of Germany will jump by 717,000, to reach an estimated 5,785,000 by the end of 2015. This would leave Germany with the highest Muslim population in Western Europe.

By way of comparison, the surge in Germany’s Muslim population would be equivalent to the Muslim population of the United States increasing by 3 million in just one year.

Critics say that German officials, under pressure to solve Europe’s migration crisis, are ignoring the long-term consequences of taking in so many migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.

In addition to security concerns (Islamic radicals are almost certainly trying to enter Germany disguised as refugees), they say, the surge in Muslim immigration will accelerate the Islamization of Germany, a process that is already well under way.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in post-Christian Germany. This is evidenced by the fact that an increasing number of churches in Germany are being converted into mosques, some of which are publicly sounding calls to prayer (the adhan) from outdoor loudspeaker systems. The increase is such that some neighborhoods in Germany evoke the sights and sounds of the Muslim Middle East.

Islamic Sharia law is advancing rapidly throughout Germany, with Sharia courts now operating in all of Germany’s big cities. This “parallel justice system” is undermining the rule of law in Germany, experts warn, but government officials are “powerless” to do anything about it. At the same time, German judges are increasingly referring and deferring to Sharia law in German law courts.

Polygamy, although illegal under German law, is commonplace among Muslims in all major German cities. In Berlin, for example, it is estimated that fully one-third of the Muslim men living in the Neukölln district of the city have two or more wives.

According to an exposé broadcast by RTL, one of Germany’s leading media companies, Muslim men residing in Germany routinely take advantage of the social welfare system by bringing two, three or four women from across the Muslim world to Germany, and then marrying them in the presence of an imam (Muslim religious leader). Once in Germany the women request social welfare benefits, including the cost of a separate home for themselves and for their children, on the claim of being a “single parent with children.”

Although the welfare fraud committed by Muslim immigrants is an “open secret” costing German taxpayers millions of euros each year, government agencies are reluctant to take action due to political correctness, according to RTL.

Spiraling levels of violent crime perpetrated by shiftless immigrants from the Middle East and the Balkans have turned parts of German cities into “areas of lawlessness” — areas that are de facto “no-go” zones for police.

In Wuppertal, groups of bearded Muslim radicals calling themselves the “Sharia Police” have tried to enforce Islamic law on the streets by distributing yellow leaflets that explain the Islamist code of conduct in the city’s Sharia zones. In Hamburg, Muslim radicals have infiltrated dozens of primary and secondary schools, where they are imposing Islamic norms and values on non-Muslim students and teachers.

In Berlin, local officials have waived rules prohibiting religious dress in public buildings so that Muslim women can wear headscarves. In Bavaria, Muslim children are being exempted from mandatory visits to former concentration camps as part of Holocaust education programs.

In Bremen, city officials signed an agreement with the city’s 40,000-strong Muslim community. The agreement guarantees the protection of Muslim community properties, the approval of the construction of mosques with minarets and domes, the allotment of land for Muslim cemeteries, the supply of halal food at prisons and hospitals, the recognition of three Muslim holidays, Muslim representation in state institutions and other rights and privileges.

More than 700 German Muslims have joined the Islamic State and traveled to Syria and Iraq, and some of them have continued to receive welfare benefits from the German state while on the battlefields of the Middle East. Jihadists who have returned to Germany and pose an acute threat to national security threat are nevertheless eligible to receive benefits once again.

Germany is home to more than 7,000 Salafists who adhere to a branch of radical Islam that is vehemently opposed to Germany’s democratic order. German officials say that 1,000 of these individuals are especially dangerous (some are believed to have joined sleeper cells) and could attack at any time.

At the same time, however, Salafists are allowed to openly proselytize on German streets to find new recruits and thereby increase their numbers. In a recent recruitment initiative, Salafists launched an unprecedented nationwide campaign, “A Koran in Every Home,” to distribute 25 million copies of the Koran, translated into the German language, to every household in Germany, free of charge.

And yet the guardians of German multiculturalism have been working overtime to silence critics of the rise of Islam in Germany. In Bavaria, for example, German activists opposed to the construction of a mega-mosque in Munich have been classified as “extremists” and are beingmonitored by German intelligence.

German media consistently accuse commentators on the rise of Islam of engaging in hate speech, in an underhanded effort to try to intimidate them into silence. A particular object of wrath is a very popular German-language website called Politically Incorrect (PI), which over the years has grown into a major information resource for people concerned about the spread of Islam in Germany. PI’s motto reads “Against the Mainstream, Pro-American, Pro-Israel, Against the Islamization of Europe.” Not surprisingly, German media elites want PI shut down.

It is quite possible that German Chancellor Angela Merkel — who recently admitted that German multiculturalism has failed — views mass immigration from the Muslim world as the solution to Germany’s collapsing birth rate, which is among the lowest in the world.

The German government expects the population to shrink from roughly 81 million today to 67 million in 2060, although Germany’s statistics office, Destatis, recently reported that high levels of immigration would cause the country’s population to shrink more slowly than previously expected.

study by the Hamburg-based World Economy Institute has warned that the low birthrate threatens the long-term viability of the German economy. “No other industrial country is deteriorating at this speed despite the strong influx of young migrant workers,” the report said. “Germany cannot continue to be a dynamic business hub in the long-run without a strong jobs market.”

Germany will need to do a far better job of integrating immigrants if they are to be a net gain for the German economy. A recent study by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research showed that Muslim immigrants were more likely to be unemployed and living off the social welfare state than any other migrant group in Germany. The report said that root cause for the high unemployment rates is the lack of educational attainment and job training qualifications.

Meanwhile, the migration crisis shows no sign of abating. At a summit on migration held in Vienna on August 27, the EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, said: “There are 20 million refugees waiting at the doorstep of Europe. Ten to 12 million in Syria, 5 million Palestinians, 2 million Ukrainians and about 1 million in the southern Caucasus.”

On August 21, Germany suspended the so-called Dublin Regulation — a law that requires people seeking refuge within the EU to do so in the first European country they reach — for asylum seekers from Syria. This means that Syrians reaching Germany will be allowed to stay while their applications are being processed. Critics say the move will encourage even more migrants to make their way to Germany.

Most Germans seem to be unfazed by what is happening to their country. An August 21 poll for German broadcaster ZDF showed that 60% of Germans thought their country could cope with the high number of refugees, and 86% said that Germany was a country of immigration.

In an interview with the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, Aiman Mazyek, the head of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, said that so many Muslims have been flowing into the country that attendance at many mosques has doubled in the past month alone. Commenting on the demographic revolution sweeping Germany, Mazyek summed it up with an understatement: “The number of Muslims in Germany will increase significantly.”

In nearby Hungary, President Viktor Orbán has been one of the few European heads of state to sound the alarm. “A year ago I said that we live in times when anything can happen, and I still say so today,” he said recently. “Who would have thought that Europe would not be capable of protecting its own borders against unarmed refugees?” He added:

“For us today, what is at stake is Europe, the lifestyle of European citizens, European values, the survival or disappearance of European nations, and more precisely formulated, their transformation beyond recognition. Today, the question is not merely in what kind of a Europe we would like to live, but whether everything we understand as Europe will exist at all.”

Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook and on Twitter.

Germany’s Muslim Demographic Future by Soeren Kern

  • Critics of Germany’s open-door immigration policy are warning that the recent surge in Germany’s Muslim population — which surpassed six million in 2016 for the first time — has already changed the face of the country forever.
  • The price for reversing Germany’s demographic decline appears to be the further Islamization of Germany under the guise of multiculturalism.

  • With a fertility rate of 1.6 births per woman, well below the replacement rate of 2.1, Germany will require a permanent influx of 300,000 migrants per year in order keep the current population level stable through the year 2060, according to the report.
  • “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law. German security agencies are unable to deal with these imported security problems, and the resulting reactions from the German population.” — Leaked German intelligence document.
  • More than a decade ago historian Bernard Lewis warned that if current migration trends continue, Europe will be Islamic by the end of the 21st century. Germany’s political elites are at the vanguard of making that prediction come true.

Germany will need to take in 300,000 migrants annually for the next 40 years to stop population decline, according to a leaked government report.

The document, parts of which were published by the Rheinische Post on February 1, reveals that the German government is counting on permanent mass migration — presumably from Africa, Asia and the Middle East — to keep the current size of the German population (82.8 million) stable through 2060.

The report implies that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow into the country some 1.5 million mostly Muslim migrants between 2015 and 2016 was not primarily a humanitarian gesture, but a calculated effort to stave off Germany’s demographic decline and to preserve the future viability of the German welfare state.

If most of the new migrants arriving in Germany for the next four decades are from the Islamic world, the Muslim population of Germany could jump to well over 20 million and account for more than 25% of the overall German population by 2060.

Critics of Germany’s open-door immigration policy are warning that the recent surge in Germany’s Muslim population — which surpassed six million in 2016 for the first time — has already changed the face of the country forever.

Mass migration is fast-tracking the rise of Islam in Germany, as evidenced by the proliferation of no-go zones, Sharia courts, polygamy, child marriages and honor violence. Mass migration has also been responsible for social chaos, including jihadist attacks, a migrant rape epidemic, a public health crisis, rising crime and a rush by German citizens to purchase weapons for self-defense — and even to abandon Germany altogether.

The government has not said how it plans to integrate potentially millions of additional Muslims into German society. The price for reversing Germany’s demographic decline appears to be the further Islamization of Germany under the guise of multiculturalism.

Out with the old, in with the new…

According to the report, which was drafted by the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis), the government had previously predicted that Germany’s population would drop from a high of 82 million to 73 million by the year 2060 — or even 67.6 million in the worst case scenario. That estimate is now being revised, however, based on a recalculation of forecasts regarding immigration, birth rates and life expectancy.

Due to positive net migration (more people entering the country than leaving it), the German population increased by 1.14 million in 2015, and by another 750,000 in 2016, to reach an all-time high of 82.8 million at the end of 2016, according to preliminary estimates by Destatis.

With a fertility rate of 1.6 births per woman, well below the replacement rate of 2.1, Germany will require a permanent influx of 300,000 migrants per year in order keep the current population level stable through the year 2060, according to the report.

The report stresses the need quickly to integrate migrants into the workforce so that they can begin paying into the social welfare system. “According to past experience, this will not be easy and will take longer than initially often hoped,” the report concedes. “Successes will only be visible in the medium to long term.”

A recent survey by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung found that the 30 biggest German companies have employed only 54 refugees, including 50 who have been hired as couriers by Deutsche Post, the logistics provider. Company executives said the main problem is that migrants lack professional qualifications and German language skills.

According to the Federal Labor Office, the educational level of newly arrived migrants in Germany is far lower than expected: only a quarter have a high school diploma, while three quarters have no vocational training at all. Only 4% of new arrivals to Germany are highly qualified.

For now, the vast majority of migrants who entered Germany in 2015 and 2016 are wards of the German state. German taxpayers payed around €21.7 billion ($23.4 billion) on aid for refugees and asylum seekers in 2016, and will pay a similar amount in 2017.

A Finance Ministry document revealed that the migrant crisis could end up costing German taxpayers €93.6 billion ($101 billion) between now and 2020. About €25.7 billion would be for social spending, such as unemployment benefits and housing support. About €5.7 billion would be destined for language courses and €4.6 billion for integrating refugees into the workforce.

Mass migration has also increased the demand for housing and has pushed up rental costs for ordinary Germans. Some 350,000 new apartments are required each year to meet demand, but only 245,000 apartments were built in 2014, and another 248,000 in 2015, according to the Rheinische Post.

Meanwhile, migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a police report. This figure represented an 80% increase over 2014 and worked out to around 570 crimes committed by migrants every day, or 23 crimes each hour, between January and December 2015.

A leaked German intelligence document warned that mass migration from the Muslim world will lead to increasing political instability in the country. The document warned that the “integration of hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants will be impossible given the large numbers involved and the already-existing Muslim parallel societies in Germany.” The document added:

“We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law. German security agencies are unable to deal with these imported security problems, and the resulting reactions from the German population.”

In an interview with Die Welt, an unidentified high-ranking security official said:

“The high influx of people from other parts of the world will lead to the instability of our country. By allowing this mass migration, we are producing extremists. Mainstream society is radicalizing because the majority does not want migration, which is being forced by the political elites. In the future, many Germans will turn away from the constitutional state.”

A recent YouGov poll found that 68% of Germans believe that security in the country has deteriorated due to mass migration. Nearly 70% of respondents said they fear for their lives and property in German train stations and subways, while 63% feel unsafe at large public events.

An INSA poll found that 60% of the Germans believe that Islam does not belong to Germany. Nearly half (46%) of those surveyed said they are worried about the “Islamization” of Germany.

If the German election were held today, however, Angela Merkel would easily win another four-year term as chancellor. An INSA poll conducted for Bild on February 2 found that Merkel’s ruling Christian Democratic Party (CDU) would win with 33% of the vote, compared to 27% for the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) and 9% for the anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Calculating the Muslim Population of Germany

Germany now vies with France for the highest Muslim population in Western Europe.

The increase in Germany’s Muslim population is being fueled by mass migration. An estimated 300,000 migrants arrived in Germany in 2016, in addition to the more than one million who arrived in 2015. At least 80% (or 800,000 in 2015 and 240,000 in 2016) of the newcomers were Muslim, according to the Central Council of Muslims in Germany.

In addition to the newcomers, the rate of population increase of the Muslim community already living in Germany is around 1.6% per year (or 77,000), according to data extrapolated from a Pew Research Center study on the growth of the Muslim population in Europe.

Based on Pew projections, which were proffered before the current migration crisis, the Muslim population of Germany was to have reached an estimated 5,145,000 by the end of 2015.

Adding the 800,000 Muslim migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015, and the 240,000 who arrived in 2016, combined with the 77,000 natural increase, the Muslim population of Germany jumped by 1,117,000, to reach an estimated 6,262,000 by the end of 2016. This amounts to approximately 7.6% of Germany’s overall population of 82.8 million.

The Muslim population of Germany could swell to 20 million as early as 2020, according to the president of the Bavarian Association of Municipalities (Bayerische Gemeindetag), Uwe Brandl. His forecast is based on so-called family reunifications — individuals whose asylum applications are approved will subsequently bring between four and eight additional family members to Germany.

More than a decade ago historian Bernard Lewis warned that if current migration trends continue, Europe will be Islamic by the end of the 21st century. Germany’s political elites are at the vanguard of making that prediction come true.

Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis: January 2017 Tolerating a “rape culture” to sustain a politically correct stance on mass migration by Soeren Kern

  • “Whoever behaves in his host country as the reports suggest has not only lost any claim to our hospitality but also their right to asylum!” — Mayoral candidate Volker Stein, Frankfurt.

  • The actual number of migrant-related sex crimes in Germany is at least two or three times higher than the official number. Only 10% of the sex crimes committed in Germany appear in the official statistics. — André Schulz, head of the Criminal Police Association.
  • An even more toxic practice is for police deliberately to omit any references to migrants in crime reports. This lapse makes it impossible for German citizens to understand the true scale of the migrant crime problem.
  • City police asked German media to delete any images of the suspect. A note for editors stated: “The legal basis for publishing the surveillance photos has been dispensed with. We strongly urge you to take this into account in future reporting and to remove and/or make changes to existing publications.”
  • “As a refugee, it is difficult to find a girlfriend.” — Asif M., a 26-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan, in court on charges he raped one woman and attempted to rape five others.

German authorities are investigating reports that dozens of Arab men sexually assaulted female patrons at bars and restaurants in downtown Frankfurt on New Year’s Eve 2016.

The attacks, in which mobs of migrants harassed women in a “rape game” known as “taharrush gamea” (Arabic for “collective sexual harassment”), are said to have mirrored the mass sexual assaults of women in Cologne and other German cities on New Year’s Eve 2015.

Germans protesting the New Year’s Eve 2015 mass sexual assaults wave flags, alongside a banner saying “Rapefugees Not Welcome,” on January 9, 2016 in Cologne. (Image source: Getty Images)

A report published by Bild on February 5 alleged that some 900 migrants, many of whom were intoxicated, gathered at the central train station in Frankfurt on December 31, 2016. Police blocked their access to the Mainufer, a downtown pedestrian area along the Main River and the site of a large New Year’s celebration, so the migrants walked to the Fressgasse, another downtown pedestrian zone known for its restaurants and bars.

Witnesses said that groups of up to 50 migrants of “Arab or North African” appearance entered several establishments and began sexually assaulting female patrons. They also stole handbags and jackets, threw bottles and firecrackers, and, for good measure, finished their victims’ drinks.

Frankfurt Police insist they did not know about the incidents until Bild, the newspaper with the largest circulation in Germany, reported on them. It remains unclear why the victims waited more than a month before coming forward with their complaints. A police spokesperson said the claims are “worrying” and “cannot be excluded.”

Some say the incidents in Frankfurt harken back to those in Cologne, where police covered up the sexual assaults for several days, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments, until local media reported on them. Others question why no cellphone videos or photographs surfaced on social media to corroborate the claims.

Previously, the police in Frankfurt reported only one assault on New Year’s Eve: a 30-year-old migrant from Afghanistan attacked a 25-year-old woman at the Mainufer.

Frankfurt’s Mayor, Peter Feldmann, said: “There is zero tolerance for any abuses. I have great confidence in our police. They should always be contacted immediately. Only then can they do their work.”

Christoph Schmitt, security spokesman for the ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU), said: “It is unacceptable that women have been treated this way. If mobs of male refugees are making the city unsafe, then we need more police on the streets and more video surveillance.”

Mayoral candidate Volker Stein said: “While we had high contingent of police at the Main River, the rest of the city was left to the rampaging hooligans. Whoever behaves in his host country as the reports suggest has not only lost any claim to our hospitality, but also their right to asylum!”

Other German cities also reported sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve 2016, despite an increased police presence and crowds that were far smaller than on New Year’s Eve 2015.

  • In Berlin, at least 22 women were sexually assaulted during New Year’s Eve celebrations at the Brandenburg Gate, despite the presence of 1,700 police officers. Police initially reported six assaults, but raised that number after an inquiry from the Berlin-based Tagesspiegel.
  • In Hamburg, at least 14 women were sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve, despite the presence of more than 500 police officers, and crowds that were said to be half the size of those in 2015.
  • In Cologne, some 2,000 male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East gathered at the central train station and the square in front of the iconic Cologne Cathedral, where the mass sexual assaults occurred in 2015. A heavy police presence appears to have served as a deterrent. Police reported three sexual assaults.
  • In Dortmund, Essen and Hanover, thousands of mostly North African migrants clashed with police. There were no reports of mass sexual assaults.

Police reports show that Germany’s migrant rape crisis continues unabated, although accurate statistics are notoriously non-existent, this in one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. German authorities have repeatedly been accused of underreporting the true scale of the migrant crime problem in the country.

According to Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA) data (page 14), in 2013, migrants (Zuwanderer) committed 599 sex crimes, or an average of two a day. In 2014, migrants committed 949 sex crimes, or around three per day. In 2015, migrants committed 1,683 sex crimes, or around five per day. During the first three quarters of 2016, migrants committed 2,790 sex crimes, or around ten per day.

In fact, the actual number of migrant-related sex crimes in Germany is at least two or three times higher than the official number. For example, only 10% of the sex crimes committed in Germany appear in the official statistics, according to André Schulz, head of the Criminal Police Association (Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, BDK).

In addition, the BKA data includes only crimes that have been solved (aufgeklärten Straftaten). According to police statistics, on average only around half of all crimes committed in Germany in any given year are solved (Aufklärungsquote).

Moreover, BKA crime statistics do not include data from North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany and the one with the largest number of migrants, or from Hamburg, the second-largest city in the country.

German police also deliberately downplay the true scale of the migrant crime problem by referring to migrant criminals with politically correct euphemisms such as “southerners” (Südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere Gesichtsfarbe, dunklem Hauttyp) or a combination of the two: “southern skin color” (südländische Hautfarbe).

An even more toxic practice is for police deliberately to omit any references to migrants in crime reports. This lapse makes it impossible for German citizens to understand the true scale of the migrant crime problem.

A German nurse, for instance, was sexually assaulted by a mob of migrants in Hamburg on January 7, 2017. The official Hamburg police report, dated January 8, reads as follows:

“Robbery in Hamburg-St. George, witnesses wanted!

“A 28-year-old was attacked and robbed in a park by several men last night. The injured party heard calls for aid from the Lohmühlenpark. As she went to the park to help, she was attacked by several men, fell to the ground and lost consciousness. After the victim regained consciousness, she alerted her rescuers. Apparently the victim was robbed. Since there were also indications of a sexual offense, the LKA 42 (Office of Criminal Investigation) took over further investigations.

“Witnesses who observed the attack or are able to provide information on the perpetrators are kindly asked to call the telephone number 040 / 4286- 56789.

“The interrogation of the injured party is still pending. The investigations continue. Further information cannot be given at present.”

That day, Bild reported a completely different version of the same crime:

“Sex Attack on Nurse: A disgraceful crime.

“In the evening a woman is lured into the Lohmühlenpark by means of calls for help. Then several men ambush her. They strike their victim unconscious, and apparently also sexually assault her!

“It is about 9:45 pm, when the 28-year-old is going to her car. According to BILD information, she is a nurse at the Asklepios-Klinik St. Georg. She had parked her vehicle in the parking lot there.

“When she heard the screams from the adjacent park, she immediately hurried in that direction. In the park, she was attacked by five black Africans (ages 20 to 30). A giant man (over 180 cm) is said to have worn a green garment. He had bright spots on both cheeks. Then she lost consciousness.

“When she regained consciousness, she dialed emergency 112. Firemen found her, parts of her clothes were torn from her body. Her attackers did not speak German.

“The perpetrators also robbed the young woman. The police are asking witnesses to call 428 65 67 89.”

Germany’s sclerotic justice system, stymied by concerns over privacy, exacerbates the problem by imposing seemingly interminable delays in bringing perpetrators to justice. The following cases are just from January 2017:

  • January 2. Police in Dresden published a composite image of a “southerner” (Südländer) who exposed himself to an 11-year-old boy on August 31, 2016. Police did not say why it took them more than four months to release the image to the public.
  • January 12. Police in Duisburg published a photo of a man who assaulted a 40-year-old woman at the central train station on October 7, 2016. Police did not say why it took them more than three months to release the image to the public.
  • January 17. Police in Essen published a photo of a man who sexually assaulted a 30-year-old woman in an underground metro station on August 12, 2016. Police did not say why it took them more than four months to release the image to the public. The perpetrator was arrested on January 18, one day after the photograph was made public. This raised the question of whether the perpetrator could have been apprehended much sooner.
  • January 21. Police in Neubrandenburg announced that they would begin collecting saliva samples from 469 migrants from ten different countries. Police are looking for a 20 to 40-year-old “southern-looking” man (südländisch aussehen) who attempted to rape a 35-year-old woman in October 2016.
  • January 26. A 22-year-old migrant from Tunisia turned himself in after police in Karlsruhe published a surveillance camera image of the man, who is suspected of sexually assaulting five women in the city. City police urged German media to delete any images of the suspect. A note for editors stated: “The legal basis for publishing the surveillance photo has been dispensed with. We strongly urge you to take this into account in future reporting and to remove and/or make changes to existing publications.” The photo remains online.

The apparent apathy by the German government and the public regarding the migrant rape crisis engulfing the country has prompted some commentators to question whether German society is tolerating a rape culture (Vergewaltigungskultur) in order to sustain a politically correct stance on mass migration.

Sexual Assaults and Rapes by Migrants in Germany, January 2017

January 1. A 23-year-old migrant from Iraq sexually assaulted a 30-year-old woman in Glücksburg. A 24-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan sexually assaulted a 46-year-old woman in Regensburg. A 31-year-old migrant from Iraq exposed himself to women in Augsburg. Three migrants from Afghanistan sexually assaulted two women in Augsburg. Two migrants from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 22-year-old woman in Neumarkt. A 19-year-old migrant from Gambia assaulted a 25-year-old woman in Ulm. A “North African” migrant exposed himself to a 29-year-old woman in Ulm.

January 1. A “foreign-looking” taxi driver (ausländisches Erscheinungsbild) sexually assaulted a 34-year-old woman in Wiesbaden. A man with an “Eastern European accent” (osteuropäischer Akzent) sexually assaulted a 49-year-old woman in Coesfeld. A “southern European-looking” man sexually assaulted a 42-year-old woman in Hanover. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkle Hautfarbe) sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Trier. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutig) assaulted a 24-year-old female jogger in Bergkamen.

January 2. An “Arabic-looking” man (arabischem Aussehen) accosted three girls aged between 10 and 13 in Rottenburg. A “brown-skinned” man (braunen Hautteint) speaking broken German sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy in Seckach. Three “southerners” (Südländer) assaulted three girls, ages 14 and 15, in downtown Chemnitz. A man of “Arab origin” (Mann arabischer Herkunft) sexually assaulted an eight-year-old girl at a movie theater in Leipzig. He remains at large.

January 2. Three “southern-looking” men (südländisches Erscheinungsbild) sexually assaulted a 29-year-old woman in Taunusstein.

January 3. A “southern European-looking” man (südosteuropäisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl on a train near Wesel.

January 4. An “Asian-looking” man (asiatisches Aussehen) exposed himself to two women at a bus stop in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt.

January 5. Two migrants (ages 18 and 19) from Libya were arrested for raping a 22-year-old woman in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz. A “southern-looking” man (südländisches Aussehen) exposed himself to a 15-year-old girl who was riding her bicycle in Kranenburg.

January 6. A 13-year-old migrant from Syria sexually assaulted two girls at a school in Schwerin. Two “southern-looking” men (südländisch Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Linden. The girl was riding a city bus. When she got off at her stop, the two men also got off the bus. She began running but the men caught up with her and attacked her.

January 7. A group of five “Black Africans” (Schwarzafrikanern) sexually assaulted a 28-year-old woman in Hamburg. The woman, a nurse at the Asklepios-Klinik St. Georg, was walking to her car after her shift ended when she heard someone screaming for help in an adjacent park. When she went to help she was ambushed by the men and assaulted and robbed.

January 7. A 27-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 14-year-girl at a public swimming pool in Düsseldorf-Flingern. Two migrants (ages 21 and 39) from Libya sexually assaulted three girls, ages 13 and 14, at the train station in Niederwiesa. A “dark-skinned” man (dunklerer Teint) sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Oberhausen.

January 8. A 23-year-old migrant from Syria attempted to rape a 23-year-old woman in Kleve. The woman phoned her father for help after she sensed she was being followed while walking home. The father got on his scooter and was able to rescue his daughter just as the Syrian was dragging her into the bushes.

January 8. A 20-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman on a street car in Leipzig. A 21-year-old migrant from Iraq sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman in the restroom of a discotheque in Bad Segeberg. A “North African-looking” man sexually assaulted a 22-year-old woman in downtown Stuttgart. A “Turkish or North African” man (türkischer oder nordafrikanischer Herkunft) exposed himself to a woman at the train station in Mainz-Kastel. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkler Hautfarbe) sexually assaulted a young woman in Bern (Switzerland).

January 9. Four “Arab-looking” men (arabisch aussehend) sexually assaulted a 25-year-old woman at a bus stop in Weiterstadt. Three “southern-looking” men (südländisch aussehende) attempted to rape a 16-year-old girl in Gelsenkirchen. They fled after a passerby intervened to help the girl.

January 10. A man speaking broken German exposed himself to a woman in the parking lot of a train station in Ludwigsburg.

January 11. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutigen Mann) sexually assaulted a 22-year-old woman in Lüneburg. A “North African” man sexually assaulted a 30-year-old woman on a train on a train between Gelnhausen and Fulda. A 42-year-old migrant from Libya exposed himself to several women in Schneeberg. A man speaking a foreign language sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman in Salzgitter. A man speaking German with an accent sexually assaulted a 34-year-old woman in Michelbach. A migrant from Bulgaria sexually assaulted two teenage girls at the train station in Meschede. A man speaking broken German sexually assaulted a woman who was shopping at a supermarket with her young daughter in Aachen.

January 12. A 34-year-old migrant from Algeria sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl at the central train station in Wolfsburg. The perpetrator was arrested after he returned to the same time location the following day. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutiger Mann) sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman at the train station Crailsheim. A “dark-skinned” man (dunklere Hautfarbe) sexually assaulted a 45-year-old woman in Düsseldorf. An “Arab-looking” man exposed himself to a woman at a public park in Schwabach.

January 13. A “southern- or Arab-looking” man (südländisches oder arabisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl at a train station in Freiburg. A “southern-looking” man (südländisch) exposed himself to two women in Alzey. A 39-year-old migrant from Russia sexually assaulted two women at a subway station in Munich. A man speaking German with a foreign accent assaulted a 27-year-old woman at knifepoint in Raunheim.

January 14. A “southern-looking” man (südländisch aussehende Mann) attempted to rape a 23-year-old woman in Karlsruhe-Bulach. Four “southern-looking” men (südländischen Aussehens) tried to assault a young woman in Gießen. A Moroccan migrant was arrested for sexual assault in Speyer. A “southern-looking” man (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl in Kamp-Lintfort. An “Oriental-looking” man (orientalisches Erscheinungsbild) exposed himself to a 68-year-old woman on a bicycle path in Lindenholzhausen. A 21-year-old migrant from Somalia sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman on a train in Hanau.

January 15. A man with a “foreign, unknown dialect” (ausländischen, unbekannten Dialekt) sexually assaulted a woman near the city hall in Metelen. Five migrants from Syria (between 11 and 14 years old) sexually assaulted two girls, aged 12 and 13, at a public swimming pool in Bockum. Two “presumably African” men (mutmaßlichen Afrikaner) sexually assaulted two women near the central train station in Bielefeld. A “southern European” man (Südeuropäer) exposed himself to two women in Ulm.

January 16. A man calling himself Ahmed exposed himself to a woman at a bus station in Singen.

January 17. A “dark, nearly black-skinned” man (dunkle, fast schwarze Hautfarbe) sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl on a street car in Magdeburg.

January 18. A 30-year-old asylum seeker raped a 31-year-old woman in Dortmund. Two “southern-looking” men (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl in Rastatt. A “southern-looking” man (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl at a bus stop in Salzgitter. A 30-year-old asylum seeker raped a 31-year-old woman in Dortmund.

January 19. An “Eastern European-looking” man (osteuropäischem Aussehen) exposed himself to a 27-year-old woman on a train in Stuttgart. A man exposed himself to an 11-year-old girl on a bus in Stuttgart. An “English-speaking” man sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl at the train station in Crailsheim.

January 21. Two men “speaking a foreign language” sexually assaulted two women in Osnabrück. The attackers fled after one of the women used pepper spray on them. A migrant physically assaulted an 18-year-old woman in Uelzen after she rejected his advances. A “southern-looking” man (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 23-year-old woman after he followed her off a train in Karlsruhe. An “Arab-looking” man (arabischer Herkunft) assaulted a 27-year-old woman at the train station in Friedrichsdorf.

January 22. Two migrants from Algeria sexually assaulted two women in the female restroom of a bar in Schweinfurt. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutig) assaulted a 20-year-old woman at the central train station in Bochum after she rejected his advances.

January 23. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkleren Teint) exposed himself to a 13-year-old girl in Stuttgart-Heumaden. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutigen Mann) sexually assaulted two women in Minden.

January 24. A 44-year-old migrant from Syria was arrested on charges of sexually assaulting more than 20 women in Wetzlar. The man, who among other offenses repeatedly licked unsuspecting women in the face, justified his behavior as a custom from his Arab homeland to show women his affection.

January 24. A 26-year-old migrant from Somalia sexually assaulted several women in downtown Gießen. He also exposed himself to a nurse outside the city’s Catholic Hospital. A “southern-looking” man (südländisch aussehen) sexually assaulted five women in Karlsruhe. A 14-year-old Turkish boy raped a 13-year-old boy and attempted to rape a 13-year-old girl in Herzogenburg (Austria).

January 25. A “southern-looking” man (südländischem Aussehen) exposed himself to a 51-year-old woman in Kamp-Lintfort.

January 26. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutig) assaulted a 46-year-old woman on a train in Stuttgart. After the woman asked the man to take his feet off the seat, he smashed her head against the window. A “southern-looking” man sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman on a train in Öhringen. A group of 12 “dark-skinned” men (dunklen Teint) assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Gelsenkirchen.

January 27. A 25-year-old woman was raped in a female restroom at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. A “southerner” (südländischen Typs) sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl in Chemnitz-Altendorf. A 27-year-old migrant from Pakistan exposed himself to an 18-year-old woman on a train between Gelsenkirchen and Essen. A migrant (südländischen Migrationshintergrund) exposed himself to a 77-year-old woman in Wangen.

January 28. Three “dark-skinned” men (dunkelhäutig) sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Dortmund. Two “dark-skinned” men (dunkelhäutiger Männer) sexually assaulted two 12-year-old girls in Bietigheim-Bissingen. A man speaking a foreign language sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman in Bonn. A 40-year-old migrant from Morocco sexually assaulted a 41-year-old woman on a train in Düsseldorf. A “southern-looking” man (südländische Erscheinung) sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Hamburg.

January 29. A “southern-looking” man (südländischem Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl in Neubrandenburg. A 23-year-old migrant from Eritrea sexually assaulted several women on a train in Munich. A 36-year-old migrant from Gambia sexually assaulted several woman on a train near Freiburg. A man speaking Turkish sexually assaulted a 26-year-old woman on a train near Dormagen.

January 30. Süleyman D., a 25-year-old German of Turkish descent, was arrested for raping one woman and attempting to rape two more at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. A 24-year-old migrant from Armenia sexually assaulted two women on an express train between Hamburg and Kassel. A man speaking broken German exposed himself to three women in Offenbach.

January 31. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutigen) sexually assaulted a 28-year-old woman who was walking with her four-year-old child near the train station in Bad Krozingen.

Court Cases involving Migrants Accused of Sexual Crimes, January 2017

January 7. Asif M., a 26-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan, appeared in court on charges he raped one woman and attempted to rape five others in Berlin-Steglitz. He insisted that he was the victim: “As a refugee, it is difficult to find a girlfriend.”

January 11. Ralph Q., a 24-year-old asylum seeker from Ghana, was sentenced to three years and two months in prison for raping a 15-year-old girl in Duisburg-Neumühl.

January 18. A 27-year-old Kosovar was sentenced to one year and ten months of probation for sexually assaulting a 27-year-old woman in Freiburg. The man followed the woman into a restroom at a night club, told her that he was a narcotics detective, forced her to undress and then tried to rape her.

January 18. Ali M., a 34-year-old asylum seeker from Syria, was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for raping 15-year-old girl in Bonn-Bornheim. The man plied the girl with drugs and alcohol during at a party at his home. The girl passed out and after the other guests left the party he raped her. The man subsequently tried to bribe the girl into silence.

January 19. Qaisar S., a 38-year-old migrant from Pakistan, was sentenced to three years and ten months in prison for raping a 19-year-old woman in Zwickau. The court heard how the man, who has Hepatitis C, bit the woman on the lip in a deliberate effort to infect her with the virus.

January 20. The trial began of Abubaker C., a 27-year-old Pakistani man who strangled 70-year-old Maria Müller in her bed in Bad Friedrichshall, and then painted verses from the Koran on her bedroom walls. Prosecutors said the murder was religiously motivated: The Sunni Muslim murdered the woman because she was a devout Roman Catholic.

January 21. A 47-year-old asylum seeker from Syria was sentenced to one year and nine months in prison for raping a 44-year-old mentally disabled woman in Soest. The suspect, who has been living in an asylum shelter in Welver at German taxpayer expense since 2003, had 23 previous convictions for offenses including assault, robbery and fare evasion. A neurologist who has attended the Syrian during his 13-year stay in Germany told the court that the man is “untreatable” (Therapieunfähig). “When he is drunk, he is unpredictable,” she said.

January 23. The trial began of Merwan B., a 29-year-old Tunisian who stabbed to death his 35-year-old ex-girlfriend, Julia B., and their unborn baby. Prosecutors said the couple split after the man refused to take responsibility for the child, but that he later changed his mind after learning that the child would boost his prospects for permanent residency. The woman refused to get back together with him. The prosecutor said: “He did not want to accept this separation. He wanted to kill Julia B. because he could not accept that she would be living in Germany with his child after he was deported.”

January 23. The trial began of Kashif M., a 32-year-old Pakistani man charged with raping two women, ages 22 and 52, in Chemnitz.

January 24. A 21-year-old migrant from Gambia was sentenced to five years in juvenile detention for raping two women in Freiburg and Bad Krozingen. A 36-year-old migrant from Nigeria appeared in court on charges of raping an 18-year-old woman in Neusäß.

Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals out of Control Suppression of data about migrant rapes is “Germany-wide phenomenon.”

  • Germany’s migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. Germany now finds itself in a vicious circle: most of the perpetrators are never found, and the few who are frequently receive lenient sentences. Only one in 10 rapes in Germany is reported and just 8% of rape trials result in convictions, according to Minister of Justice Heiko Maas.

  • Up to 90% of the sex crimes committed in Germany in 2014 do not appear in the official statistics, according to André Schulz, the head of the Association of Criminal Police.
  • “There are strict instructions from the top not to report offenses committed by refugees. It is extraordinary that certain offenders are deliberately NOT being reported about and the information is being classified as confidential.” — High-ranking police official in Frankfurt, quoted in Bild.

Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Gatestone Institute first reported Germany’s migrant rape crisis in September 2015, when Merkel opened up the German border to tens of thousands of migrants stranded in Hungary. A follow-up report was published in March 2016, in the aftermath of mass attacks against German women by mobs of migrants in Cologne, Hamburg and other German cities.

Germany’s migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. Germany is effectively under siege; public spaces are becoming increasingly perilous. Police have warned about a potential breakdown of public order this summer, when young male migrants are likely to see women lightly dressed.

During the month of July 2016, hundreds of German women and children were sexually assaulted by migrants (see Appendix below). The youngest victim was nine; the oldest, 79. Attacks occurred at beaches, bike trails, cemeteries, discotheques, grocery stores, music festivals, parking garages, playgrounds, schools, shopping malls, taxis, public transportation (buses, trams, intercity express trains and subways), public parks, public squares, public swimming pools and public restrooms. Predators are lurking everywhere; safety nowhere.

Dozens of women and children have been assaulted by migrants at summer festivals and public swimming pools — staples of ordinary German life.

Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The government has been facing a rising voter backlash to the open-door migration policy, including public protests (left). In some areas, authorities have distributed cartoon guides, to “educate” migrants that sexual assault is not acceptable (right).

In July, at least 24 women were sexually assaulted at the Breminale music festival in Bremen. Women were also assaulted at outdoor festivals in Aschheim, Balve, Gerolzhofen, Grenzach-Wyhlen Heide, Loßburg, Lütjenburg, Meschede, Poing, Reutlingen, Sinsheim, Wolfhagen and Wolfratshausen.

In July, women and children were also sexually assaulted at public swimming pools in Babenhausen, Dachau, Delbrück, Hamm, Hilchenbach, Kirchheim, Lörrach, Marklohe, Mönchengladbach, Mörfelden-Walldorf, Oberursel, Remagen, Rinteln, Schwetzingen and Stuttgart-Vaihingen.

Most of the crimes were downplayed by German authorities, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments. Almost invariably, the crimes are said to be isolated incidents (Einzelfälle), not part of a nationwide problem. Information about sexual assaults can usually be found only in local police reports. Rapes are sometimes treated as local interest stories and covered by local or regional newspapers. Only the most spectacular incidents of rape and sexual assault make it into the national press.

Three rape cases did make it into Germany’s national media in July:

  • On July 24, a 40-year-old migrant from Eritrea raped a 79-year-old woman in a cemetery in Ibbenbüren. The woman, who lives in a local nursing home, was visiting the grave of her late sister at 6AM when the attack occurred. The migrant, who has been living as a refugee in Germany since 2013, was arrested at the scene. He is unlikely to be deported, however, because Eritrea is considered a conflict zone.
  • On July 14, it emerged that one of the women raped by Muslim sex mobs in Cologne on New Year’s Eve became pregnant. She failed to report the attack to police because she felt ashamed.
  • On July 3, a 24-year-old woman raped by three migrants in Mannheim in January admitted that she lied about the identity of the rapists. Selin Gören, a Turkish-German woman, initially said that her attackers were German nationals, when in fact they were Muslim migrants.

In an interview with Der Spiegel, Gören, the spokeswoman of Germany’s left-wing youth movement, Solid, said she lied because she was afraid of fueling racism against migrants. She also posted a letter on Facebook to a fictional refugee:

“I am really sorry that your sexist and line-crossing treatment of me could help fuel aggressive racism. I am going to scream… I will not stand by and watch, and it can happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem. You are not the problem. You are usually a wonderful human being who deserves as much as any other to be safe and free.”

German police and media have faithfully mirrored Gören’s efforts to protect migrant rapists. German police reports usually refer to migrant criminals with politically correct euphemisms such as “southerners” (Südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere Gesichtsfarbe, dunklem Hauttyp) or a combination of the two: “southern skin color” (südländische Hautfarbe).

Germany now finds itself in a vicious circle: most of the perpetrators are never found, and the few who are frequently receive lenient sentences. Most will never be deported. Only one in 10 rapes in Germany is reported and just 8% of rape trials result in convictions, according to Minister of Justice Heiko Maas.

On July 7, the German parliament approved changes to the criminal code that expand the definition of rape and make it easier to deport migrants who commit sex crimes. Under the bill, also known as the “No Means No” (“Nein heißt Nein“) law, any form of non-consensual sex will now be punishable as a crime. Previously, only cases in which victims could show that they physically resisted their attackers were punishable under German law.

The reforms, which are designed to make it easier for victims of sexual assault to file criminal complaints, are unlikely to end Germany’s migrant rape epidemic. This is because Germany’s politically correct justice system is notoriously lenient when it comes to prosecuting, sentencing and deporting foreign offenders.

At the same time, reliable statistics on sex crimes committed by migrants are notoriously elusive. German authorities have repeatedly been accused of underreporting the true scale of the crime problem in the country. For example, up to 90% of the sex crimes committed in Germany in 2014 do not appear in the official statistics, according to André Schulz, the head of the Association of Criminal Police (Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, BDK).

On February 25, the newspaper, Die Welt, reported that authorities in the German state of Hesse were suppressing information about migrant-related crimes, ostensibly due to a “lack of public interest.”

On January 24, Die Welt reported that the suppression of data about migrant criminality is a “Germany-wide phenomenon.” According to Rainer Wendt, the head of the German police union (Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft, DPolG), “Every police officer knows he has to meet a particular political expectation. It is better to keep quiet [about migrant crime] because you cannot go wrong.”

On January 22, the newsmagazine, Focus, reported that the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, ADS) put pressure on police in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) to remove a reference to “North African criminal groups” in a press release. According to Focus, the ADS wrote: “There is a danger that people from these countries are placed under a general suspicion. We encourage you to delete the reference to the North African origin from the press release.” NRW Police later removed the offending words because “it could not be excluded that our formulation in the press release could be misunderstood as a discriminatory statement.” The original article by Focus has since been removed from the magazine’s webpage.

On January 8, the newspaper, Bild, published an article titled, “Are the Police Being Prohibited from Telling the Truth?” The paper quoted a high-ranking police official in Frankfurt, who said:

“There are strict instructions from the top not to report offenses committed by refugees. Only direct requests from media representatives regarding specific crimes should be answered. … It is extraordinary that certain offenders are deliberately NOT being reported about and the information is being classified as confidential (nicht pressefrei).”

Meanwhile, Boris Palmer, the “progressive” mayor of Tübingen, thinks he has found a solution to the problem of migrants who are raping German women and children in public swimming pools. He wants migrants to become swimming pool superintendents. In a Facebook post, Palmer wrote: “Our municipality has embraced a great prevention and integration measure. We have a Syrian lifeguard who can make known in Arabic and with authority what behavior is allowed and what is not.”

Palmer’s first hire is a 24-year-old Syrian named Aiham Shalghin. In an interview with Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Shalghin portrayed migrants as the victims of their circumstances: “Many male refugees have never before swum with women. In Syria, most public swimming pools are separated by gender. Men do not want to see women in swimming attire.”

Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook and on Twitter. His first book, Global Fire, will be out in 2016.


Sexual Assaults and Rapes by Migrants in Germany, July 2016.

Gatestone Institute first reported Germany’s migrant rape epidemic in September 2015, and again in March 2016. The problem has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany’s federal states. Following are a few cases from July 2016:

July 1. A 25-year-old migrant from Pakistan sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl in a public square in Perleberg. A “southern guy” (südländischer Typ) sexually assaulted a young woman in Nürnberg. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutig) groped a 15-year-old girl in Magdeburg. A 34-year-old migrant exposed himself to passersby in Oldenburg. A man speaking “broken German” sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Ibbenbüren.

July 1. Police were searching for a “southern looking man” (südländisch aussehende Mann) who assaulted a 73-year-old man walking his dog in Sindelfingen. The migrant came up behind the elderly man, grabbed his crotch and demanded to have sex with him. The elderly man tried to get away by getting into his parked car, but the migrant jumped into the passenger seat and again demanded sex. The migrant ran away when a passerby walking her three dogs approached the parked car. Meanwhile, a 32-year-old migrant from Afghanistan photographed two girls, ages 12 and 14, who were swimming in the Iller River in Illertissen. As they got out of the water, the man offered to pay them for sex.

July 2. A 24-year-old migrant from Albania sexually assaulted several women on a suburban train in Hamburg. A 20-year-old “Black African” man (Mann aus Schwarzafrika) attempted to rape a 27-year-old woman in a women’s restroom in Freiburg.

July 3. A “dark-skinned” (dunkler Teint) man sexually assaulted a 44-year-old woman in Kressbronn. A “southerner” (Südländer) attempted to rape a 21-year-old woman in Meppen. A man with a “southeastern European appearance” (südosteuropäischem Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Kühlungsborn. A man with a “southeastern European appearance” exposed himself to a 40-year-old woman at a train station in Mannheim-Lindenhof.

July 4. A “southerner probably of Turkish origin” (Südländer, vermutlich türkischer Abstammung) sexually assaulted a woman in Nordhorn. Police believe the perpetrator sexually assaulted another woman in the same area in late June. A 16-year-old migrant from Afghanistan exposed himself to a mother and her child in a park in Chemnitz. The man was arrested and released. A “dark-skinned” (dunklen Teint) man groped a woman in Düsseldorf. A 28-year-old Iranian sexually harassed an 18-year-old woman in Sundern.

July 5. A 27-year-old migrant from Pakistan groped a 33-year-old woman in Chemnitz. The woman, an off-duty police officer, reportedly gave the man a “painful integration course” by kicking him in the groin. After questioning by police, he was released. A “Black African” (Schwarzafrikaner) attempted to rape a 37-year-old female jogger in Dortmund.

July 6. Two migrants from Afghanistan were formally charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy at a public swimming pool in Delbrück. A 22-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan sexually assaulted two girls, ages 14 and 15, in Ravensburg. An “Arab-looking man” (arabisch aussehenden Mann) sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Heilbronn. Two migrants attempted to rape a 25-year-old woman in downtown Mainz.

July 7. Two “dark-skinned” (dunkle Hautfarbe) men attempted to rape a woman in Friedrichshafen. A 20-year-old migrant from Pakistan was arrested for assaulting several women in Kirchheim. After questioning, he was released.

July 8. Two teenage migrants from North Africa sexually assaulted a woman at the central train station in Krefeld. They were arrested, questioned and released.

July 9. A 29-year-old migrant from Iraq raped a woman at a discotheque in Kiel. A 16-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl at a music festival in Reutlingen. A 28-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a woman at a festival in Lütjenburg. A migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted several women at a festival in Wolfratshausen. Two migrants from North Africa sexually assaulted two women at the central train station in Duisburg. A “southern looking” (südländisches Aussehen) man sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl at the central bus station in Calw. A “dark-skinned” (dunklere Hautfarbe) man molested a 19-year-old woman at an outdoor festival in Poing. A “southern looking” (südländisches Aussehen) man exposed himself to a 16-year-old boy in Xanten. Three “dark-skinned” (dunklem Teint) men assaulted a 40-year-old woman in Böblingen.

July 10. A 19-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Mörfelden-Walldorf. He was arrested and released. A 17-year-old migrant sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Hamm. A “southerner” or “African” (südländisch, afrikanisch) man sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman at a public swimming pool in Babenhausen. A 27-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted two 13-year-old girls at a public swimming pool in Rinteln. Two males aged 16 and 21 sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. A “dark-skinned” (dunklen Teint) man sexually assaulted a 37-year-old woman at a public swimming pool in Dachau.

July 10. Two migrants from Iran sexually assaulted three women in downtown Munich. A 28-year-old Syrian asylum seeker exposed himself to a 48-year-old woman in Schweinfurt. A group of migrants from North Africa harassed several women in downtown Flensburg. When a passerby stepped in to help the women, the migrants used an electroshock weapon to incapacitate him. Two “foreigners” sexually assaulted to women in downtown Chemnitz. The attack led to a street fight between non-Germans and Germans, several of whom were injured. Police arrested a 19-year-old migrant from Libya for assaulting one of the women. After questioning, he was set free. A Turkish taxi driver attempted to rape an intoxicated 26-year-old female passenger in Heidelberg. A man “presumably of foreign origin” (vermutlich ausländischer Herkunft) groped a young girl in Hammelburg.

July 11. A “Black African” (Schwarzafrikaner) raped a 21-year-old woman who was jogging in a public park in Chemnitz. A “southern looking” (südländischen Teint) attempted to rape a woman in Falkensee. A “southern looking” (südländischen Teint) man exposed himself to a 52-year-old woman on a bike trail in Kleinmachnow. A “dark-skinned” (dunkelhäutig) man groped a 78-year-old woman in Kempten.

July 12. A 16-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted two women on a bicycle path in Kelheim. A “southern guy” (Südländischer Typ) exposed himself to a 56-year-old woman in Stolberg. A 23-year-old migrant from Tunisia and a 30-year-old migrant from Kazakhstan assaulted several women in Olsberg. A “southern looking” (südländisches Aussehen) man attempted to rape a woman in Göttingen.

July 13. A 35-year-old man with a “southern phenotype” (südländischen Phänotyps) attempted to rape a 43-year-old woman in Mücheln. The woman escaped her attacker after she pepper-sprayed him in the face. A “southern looking” (südländisches Aussehen) man groped a 15-year-old girl in Meschede. A “dark-skinned” man exposed himself to a nine-year-old girl in Stuttgart. The girl was trying to cross the street when the man drove up in a car and asked her for directions. When she approached the car, she noticed that the man was not wearing pants and was fondling himself. A “foreigner” (Ausländer) sexually assaulted a woman at a bus stop in Marburg.

July 14. A 36-year-old migrant from Tunisia was charged with raping a 61-year-old woman in Freiberg. Police believe the man is responsible for at least three other sexual assaults in the town. A 27-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a 37-year-old woman at an outdoor festival in Wolfhagen. At the same festival, a 25-year-old migrant from Algeria sexually assaulted a 34-year-old woman, and a 19-year-old migrant sexually harassed several women. A “dark-skinned” (dunkelhäutig) man assaulted two 18-year-old women in Friedrichsdorf. A 17-year-old unaccompanied minor migrant (unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge) assaulted several girls between the ages of 13 and 15 at a train station in Bensheim.

July 15. At least 24 women were sexually assaulted at a music festival in Bremen. The attacks were similar to the taharrush attacks in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Police have found only five perpetrators, all of whom are migrants from Afghanistan. Harald Lührs, the lead investigator for sex crimes in Bremen said: “We have never experienced such massive attacks in Bremen. That groups of men surround women in order to grope them, this has never happened here in this magnitude. This is a new problem that the police have to deal with.”

July 15. A 22-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Meppen. A migrant sexually harassed a 17-year-old girl on public transport in Ludwigsburg. A 36-year-old migrant from Syria groped two women at a supermarket in Rottenburg. A “dark-skinned” (dunkler Haut) man sexually assaulted a 28-year-old woman in Würzburg. A migrant sexually harassed four girls, ages 10 and 11, on a train in the Black Forest.

July 16. Five women were sexually assaulted at an outdoor festival in Sinsheim. A “Black African” raped a 21-year-old woman at a festival in Aschheim. Two North Africans attempted to rape two 18-year-old women at the central train station in Trier. A 25-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 30-year-old woman in Übersee. A 17-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman in Meppen. Police say the migrant sexually assaulted four other women in Meppen in recent weeks. A “dark-skinned” (dunkle Hautfarbe) man exposed himself to a 37-year-old woman in Paderborn. A group of “foreigners” sexually assaulted a 27-year-old woman in Jena. A 36-year-old migrant from Afghanistan assaulted a young woman in Eichstätt.

July 17. Two “Arab-looking” man sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in front of the Basilica of Constantine in Trier. A 25-year-old migrant from Iraq repeatedly groped a 25-year-old woman at a discotheque in Landau. When a stranger intervened to protect the woman, the Iraqi went into a rage. The woman ended up with a broken nose. A “dark-skinned” (dunkle Haut) man attempted to rape a 45-year-old woman on a bicycle path in Rüsselsheim. A 38-year-old migrant exposed himself to two women in a parking lot in Würzburg. Three migrants groped a 15-year-old girl on a bus in Rostock. A 36-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a 34-year-old woman at an outdoor festival in Wolfhagen.

July 18. Three migrants sexually assaulted a 25-year-old woman as she was walking to work in downtown Saarlouis. A “dark-skinned” man (dunkelhäutigen Mann) sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl in Grassau. Two “dark-skinned” men (dunkelhäutigen Männern) sexually assaulted two girls, ages 14 and 15, at the central train station in Gießen. A 25-year-old asylum seeker from Syria sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Güsten. A 17-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Hamm. An 18-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted two girls, ages 13 and 16, at a public swimming pool in Oberursel. An 18-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted two children, ages 10 and 12, at a public swimming pool in Remagen. A “southern guy” (südländischer Typ) attempted to rape a 16-year-old girl in Delitzsch. A “southerner” (südländisch) sexually assaulted a 48-year-old woman who was walking her dog in Darmstadt.

July 19. Five migrants from Afghanistan and Eritrea sexually assaulted two women at a festival in Gerolzhofen. Two 17-year-old asylum seekers sexually assaulted two girls, ages 11 and 13, in Triptis. A “dark-skinned” (dunkler Hauttyp) man exposed himself to a 17-year-old girl in Weinheim. Police published a composite photograph of a “person from Syria or Lebanon” who sexually assaulted a woman in downtown Dortmund. Three migrants assaulted three women in downtown Oldenburg. When one of the women demanded that the migrants leave them alone, a 23-year-old Algerian punched her in the face. The three men were arrested and then released.

July 20. A group of men with “Arab roots” (arabischstämmig) sexually assaulted five girls, aged 10 to 14, at a public swimming pool in Kirchheim. The men, all between the ages of 20 and 30, groped the girls and tore off the tops and bottoms of their swimming suits. Mayor Angelika Matt-Heidecker, who said she was “horrified” by the assaults, revealed that she had given the migrants permanent pool passes, free of charge. Local citizens are required to pay €90 ($100) for the same pass.

July 20. A “dark skinned” man (dunkelhäutigen Mann) raped a 49-year-old woman in Oldenburg. A man “presumably originating from abroad” (mutmaßlich aus dem Ausland stammende Mann) attempted to assault a 17-year-old girl on a bus in Bietigheim-Bissingen. Police say a search for the perpetrator has been “unsuccessful.” Three migrants from Afghanistan sexually assaulted at least eight women at a public swimming pool in Mönchengladbach. A 52-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Marklohe. A group of “Black Africans” (Schwarzafrikaner) sexually assaulted several women at a public swimming pool in Lörrach.

July 20. A 31-year-old asylum seeker from Syria was arrested for sexually assaulting a 17-year-old girl in Regensburg. Four “southern looking” (südländischem Aussehen) men assaulted a woman in Varel. A “Pakistani-looking” man sexually assaulted a 23-year-old woman at a grocery store in Lüneburg. A 34-year-old migrant from Iran sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman on the subway in Munich. A 44-year-old migrant from Sudan sexually assaulted three children between the ages of 13 and 17 at a youth center in Aurich.

July 21. An Arab migrant (arabischen Raum stammende Mann) sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Hilchenbach. Two “foreigners with dark skin” (Ausländer mit dunkler Hautfarbe) assaulted a 14-year-old girl in Wolgast. A “dark-skinned” (dunkelhäutig) man exposed himself to two 18-year-old women in Kempten. A 26-year-old migrant from Iraq exposed himself to a 64-year-old woman at the central train station in Dresden. Two “southern looking” (südländischen Aussehen) men sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman on a train in Bestwig. When her boyfriend intervened, the migrants attacked him. The altercation turned into fisticuffs in which windows on the train were shattered. After the train stopped, the migrants fled. They remain at large.

July 22. A 52-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Marklohe. A 40-year-old asylum seeker was arrested for sexually assaulting a girl at a public swimming pool in Grenzach-Wyhlen. A 23-year-old migrant from North Africa raped a 26-year-old woman in Mannheim. The woman was seriously injured in the attack. The man was charged with attempted murder.

July 23. An unidentified migrant raped a 15-year-old girl at the central train station in Krefeld. While on a train from Duisburg, the girl noticed that a group of six migrants were staring at her. After arriving at her stop, she entered a public restroom. Upon exiting, one of the migrants grabbed her and raped her while the others stood by and watched. A passerby intervened to rescue the girl. The perpetrators escaped.

July 23. An 18-year-old migrant from Nigeria raped a 28-year-old woman in Kassel. A man with a “dark complexion” (dunkler Teint) sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Recklinghausen. A “dark-skinned man” (dunkelhäutigen Mann) sexually assaulted a woman in Braunschweig. A group of “southerners” sexually assaulted at least four women at a festival in Meschede.

July 23. A group of migrants accosted a 40-year-old woman in front of the city hall in Kerpen. As she tried to run away, the mob followed her shouting, “We will f**k you, Lady.” After the woman wrote about her experience on Facebook, someone staked out the area in front of city hall and found that many female passersby were also being accosted. As it turns out, groups of migrant youth gather in front of the city hall because of a free wireless internet signal. City officials said they would install free internet access at a nearby refugee shelter in hopes that the migrants will no longer gather in front of the city hall.

July 24. A 40-year-old migrant from Eritrea raped a 79-year-old woman in a cemetery in Ibbenbüren. The woman, who lives in a local nursing home, was visiting the grave of her late sister at 6AM when the attack occurred. The migrant, who has been living as a refugee in Germany since 2013, was arrested at the scene.

July 24. A group of between five and seven migrants from Albania sexually assaulted two teenagers at a beach in Travemünde. The men encircled the girls, aged 15 and 16, in order to separate them from the rest of their friends. One of the men then dragged the 16-year-old into the water and tried to remove the bottom of her bikini. All of the men managed to evade police.

July 24. Five “Black Africans” (Schwarzafrika stammenden Männern) sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman at a festival in Loßburg. A “Black African” (Schwarzafrikaner) assaulted a woman at the train station in Maulburg. Two “dark skinned” (dunkler Hautfarbe) sexually assaulted at least three women at a festival in Balve.

July 24. A 23-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Schwetzingen. The man denied assaulting the girl and the police let him go. A 24-year-old migrant groped a woman at a bar in Mainz. He was arrested after he began throwing bottles at cars parked outside the premises. A “dark skinned” (dunkelhäutig) man exposed himself to a 22-year-old woman in Mönchengladbach-Wickrath. A “dark skinned man” (dunkelhäutigen Mann) exposed himself to two women on a street in downtown Erlenbach.

July 25. Police released a composite sketch of a “southerner” who attempted to rape a woman in Schwarzenbek. Five “southern-looking” (südländischem Erscheinungsbild) men exposed themselves to women and children at a lake in Potsdam.

July 26. A 13-year-old Syrian and a 15-year-old Iraqi groped a 19-year-old woman at a water park in Wismar. Two migrants from Eritrea sexually assaulted a 45-year-old woman in downtown Gera.

July 27. Four boys between the ages of 11 and 13 sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl in Königsbach-Stein. The boys, all of whom are children of Syrian and Iraqi asylum seekers, pinned the girl against the wall of a building and forced her to perform sexual acts on them. According to police, the boys are too young to be held criminally responsible for their behavior. Therefore, social workers have been instructed to help the boys “understand the wrongfulness of their actions” by means of “intensive conversations” about “values and the local understanding of gender roles.”

July 27. A man speaking “broken German” (gebrochenes Deutsch) sexually assaulted a 36-year-old woman on an intercity express train in Karlsruhe. He repeatedly groped the woman and demanded that she perform sexual acts on him. After the train arrived in Karlsruhe, the woman called police, but the perpetrator escaped before they arrived.

July 27. A 19-year-old migrant attempted to rape a 24-year-old volunteer at a refugee shelter in Röhrmoos. A “dark-skinned” (dunklen Teint) man sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman in Erfurt. Police released a composite sketch of a “southern-looking man” (südländischen Aussehens) who exposed himself to women on public transportation in Cologne.

July 28. A group of four migrants from Morocco harassed female passersby at the central train station in Düsseldorf. Police intervened and the migrants attacked the officers. The migrants all have lengthy criminal records. One with an outstanding deportation order was detained. The three migrants demanded that the police to release their compatriot: “You come out! We will crush you! We will slash you!”

July 29. A 29-year-old migrant from North Africa was charged with attempting to rape and murder a 26-year-old woman in Mannheim. A 40-year-old migrant (ausländischer Mann) assaulted two women in Cloppenburg. A 27-year-old migrant from Iraq groped a 17-year-old girl at the Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

July 30. Six Syrian migrants spiked the drinks of two women at a music festival in Heide. The women fell ill with symptoms of dizziness and were taken to a local hospital. The migrants escaped before police arrived. An 18-year-old “asylum seeker” from Morocco sexually assaulted a 22-year-old woman in Hamburg. He was arrested and then released. Although the Moroccan’s asylum request has been denied, he has not been deported. Instead, he has become a career criminal, with a long rap sheet, including assault and robbery charges.

July 30. A 40-year-old asylum seeker sexually assaulted an 11-year-old boy at a supermarket in the village of Ering. The perpetrator was arrested at the scene of the crime and released. Three migrants from Iraq were arrested for sexually assaulting several women at a train station in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

July 31. Four asylum seekers from Pakistan raped a 17-year-old girl in Wetzlar. The men plied the girl with alcohol until she became drunk and then took turns raping her. Five North Africans assaulted a 26-year-old woman in Rheine.

Germany’s Migrant Deportation Plan: “Political Charade” by Soeren Kern

  • N24 television has reported that up to 50% of “asylum seekers” have gone into hiding and their whereabouts are unknown. They presumably include economic migrants and others who are trying to avoid deportation if or when their asylum applications are rejected.

  • Tens of thousands of migrants destroyed their passports and other identity documents before arriving in Germany. It may take years for German authorities to determine the true identities of these people and their countries of origin.
  • Even if Germany sends these individuals back to the countries where they first entered the EU (usually Greece, Hungary or Italy), with a borderless Europe, migrants can easily make their way back to Germany.
  • German authorities are downplaying migrant lawlessness, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiment.
  • Migrants are still coming to Germany at the rate of about 2,000 per day.
  • “Eight to ten million migrants are still on the way.” – Development Minister Gerd Müller.

After three months of political infighting, Germany’s coalition government has announced new measures aimed at making it easier to deport migrants who are convicted of committing crimes.

The measures emerged in response to voter outrage over the sexual assaults of hundreds of women by migrants in Cologne and other German cities on New Year’s Eve — and alleged attempts by the government and the news media to cover up the crimes.

Known as the Asylum Package II (Asylpaket II), the draft law was announced by the cabinet on January 28 and must now be approved by the Bundestag, the lower house of the German parliament, for it to come into effect.

A central feature of the plan involves increasing the number of migrant reception centers to five, up from two today. The centers would supposedly fast-track legitimate asylum requests submitted by people who can prove they are fleeing war-zones.

The centers would also step up efforts to weed out fraudulent applications submitted by economic migrants who are posing as asylum seekers. The stated aim is to eventually deport those who arrived in Germany under false pretenses.

In addition, the plan would introduce a two-year waiting period for legitimate refugees who want to bring family members to Germany. Exceptions would be made for those who can prove that their family members are being “personally, urgently persecuted.”

The government also said that it would try to limit migration from North Africa by declaring Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia as so-called safe countries, where there is no armed conflict or threat of violence, persecution or torture. This would make it virtually impossible for asylum applications from those countries to be approved.

Critics of the plan say it is more of a political charade than substance and will do little to alleviate Germany’s migration crisis.

First, the German government has lost track of the whereabouts of hundreds of thousands of migrants who entered the country in 2015. N24 television has reported that up to 50% of “asylum seekers” have gone into hiding; their whereabouts are unknown. They presumably include economic migrants and others who are trying to avoid deportation if or when their asylum applications are rejected. The Saarbrücker Zeitung reported that up to 30% of the migrants being sheltered in the eastern German states of Brandenburg, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt have “simply vanished.” Separately, German authorities estimate that hundreds of thousands of migrants have entered the country without being registered and whose whereabouts are unknown.

Second, tens of thousands of migrants destroyed their passports and other identity documents before arriving in Germany. It may take years for German authorities to determine the true identities of these people and their countries of origin. This will complicate — and delay — many deportations. Even if Germany sends these individuals back to the countries where they first entered the European Union (usually Greece, Hungary or Italy), with a borderless Europe, migrants can easily make their way back to Germany.

Third, the legal hurdles to deportation from Germany are high. German law states that migrants who commit crimes can only be deported if they are sentenced to prison terms of three years or more. In practice, this rarely happens for most petty crimes. The government is contemplating a change to Section 60 of the Residency Law (Aufenthaltsgesetz) to make it possible to deport migrants sentenced for prison terms of one year. But even if migrants are sentenced for crimes, they cannot be deported to countries that the German government deems “unsafe.” Moreover, migrants cannot be deported to countries where they may face the death penalty.

To many critics, it looks as if the German justice system is being disabled by political correctness. Although migrants are driving a surge in violent crime in cities and towns across Germany, German authorities are downplaying the lawlessness, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiment.

A confidential police document leaked to the Rheinischen Post revealed that in 2014, a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers in Germany were accused of committing crimes in the country. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not made public.

In Hamburg, police are fighting a losing battle against purse-snatchers. Each year, more than 20,000 purses — roughly 55 a day — are stolen. According to Norman Großmann, the director of the federal police inspector’s office in Hamburg, 90% of the purses are stolen by males between the ages of 20 and 30 who come from North Africa or the Balkans.

In a bestselling new book about the failure of multiculturalism in Germany, Tania Kambouri, a German police officer, describes the breakdown of the German justice system and how German judges are reluctant to punish migrants, including repeat offenders.

Fourth, the German government’s decision to deny asylum requests submitted by migrants from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia will have little effect in practice. Out of one million migrants who entered Germany in 2015, fewer than 20,000 are believed to have come from those three countries.

Meanwhile, a new poll published by the newsmagazine, Focus, shows that nearly half the Germans want Chancellor Angela Merkel to resign because of her open-door migration policy: in 2015, it allowed more than one million migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to enter the country.

Still, Merkel steadfastly continues to refuse to implement the one policy that could prevent the migrant crisis from becoming even worse: closing the German borders to keep the migrants out.

Despite snow, ice and freezing temperatures across much of Europe, migrants are still coming to Germany at the rate of about 2,000 per day. More than 54,500 people reached Europe by sea during January 2016, including 50,668 through Greece, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated that 1.3 million asylum seekers would enter the European Union annually during 2016 and 2017.

In a January 9 interview with Bild, Development Minister Gerd Müller warned that the biggest refugee movements to Europe are still to come. He said that only 10% of the migrants from the chaos in Iraq and Syria have reached Europe so far: “Eight to ten million migrants are still on the way.”

Separately, Germans face being denied visa-free travel to the United States, as U.S. security officials become increasingly alarmed at the proliferation of fake passports that could be used by terrorists. According to a report by Politico:

“In the aftermath of Paris, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security became so worried about the implications for screening travelers to America that it gave France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Greece a February 1 deadline to fix “crucial loopholes” or lose access to the U.S. visa waiver program. The program allows about 20 million people per year from 38 countries, most of them in Europe, to enter the United States for business or pleasure without a visa.”

Left: A new poll shows that nearly half the Germans want Chancellor Angela Merkel to resign because of her open-door migration policy. Right: Interpol has data on 250,000 stolen or lost Syrian and Iraqi passports, including passports that are blank.

According to Politico, in the last five years the number of lost and stolen passports in the EU has doubled. The number of forged passports in the Middle East is also a rising concern. Interpol has data on 250,000 stolen or lost Syrian and Iraqi passports, including passports that are blank.

Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook and on Twitter. His first book, Global Fire, will be out in 2016.

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