Amakuru y’ingenzi kubasaba ubutabaera bw’ibibazo byabo



Replacement of files numbers of God’s judgement to the Rosette Uwamariya

Mar 24, 2025 The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of HIV positive against Rosette Uwamariya obtained № 34,501/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the spirit of diabetes against Rosette Uwamariya obtained  34,502/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

God’s judgement to the JEH

Mar 24, 2025 the rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of death of eternal life to the HIV of the J E H obtained № 34,480/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

The rhema word comes from heaven unto me, and told me that man of living God of heaven; condemned and release the spirit of recovering of eternal life to the sperm of man penis obtained № 34,481/0003/0025 thus is heaven decisions.

Amahirwe ku baturage bo muri gakondo ya bakiranutsi


      be kin

One senior cardinal had said on Friday that the pope would need to “relearn to speak” after battling a respiratory infection for so long. “It will take time before his voice returns to what it was before,” said Alfieri.

VATICAN CITY, March 22 (Reuters) – Pope Francis, who has been battling pneumonia for more than five weeks, will be discharged from hospital on Sunday but will need a further two months of rest at the Vatican, the head of his medical team said on Saturday.Francis, 88, was admitted to Rome’s Gemelli hospital on February 14 with a severe respiratory infection that became the most serious health crisis of his 12-year papacy.

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