Daily Archives: August 9, 2024

Imyagaragambyo muri Kenya yatangiye bundi bushya yafashe indi ntera!!!



Kuba nd’umunyarwanda muri umwe numva bimbabaza cyane!!!!



‘Just in Time’ Defense Modernization: Will the United States Miss the Boat?

All four reports called for major new investments in US defense spending, completion of the current nuclear deterrent modernization effort, and also recommended, given the projected rise of military power by America’s enemies, that the US add serious new nuclear capabilities to its deterrence.

Why Are the European Union and the World Bank Paying Palestinian Terrorists?

Back in March, the Biden administration claimed that it was persuading the Palestinian Authority (PA), led by Mahmoud Abbas, to change its murder-for-hire “pay for slay” policy. Terrorists who have been imprisoned in Israel for their crimes, as well as families of deceased or wounded terrorists, receive monthly stipends as a reward for murdering Jews. The longer the prison sentence, the higher the monthly stipend. Talk about incentivizing and encouraging terrorism.

Concerning America’s Ability to Protect and Defend Its Very Future

On July 24, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) intercepted two Russian and two Chinese bombers flying near Alaska. Pentagon officials say this marks the first time our two adversaries have been intercepted while operating aircraft in a clearly coordinated flight meant to be just provocative enough to send a message. Pictured: F-35 and F-16 fighter jets of the US Air Force intercept an H-6 bomber of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force flying near Alaska on July 24, 2024.

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