The Time For Preaching Gospel In The World Is Over!!!

According the Heaven News Media Agency From God’s Dwells In Heaven, The Prophecy Of The Yesterday But One, Says That The Time For Preaching Gospel In the World Is Over.
And also it is couple of years the intercessors and all the devoters in general got condemned under of God’s Heaven Judiciary decision.
Note that God’s grace has been expired couple of years from 2013 update. They are no longer God’s grace and Salvation in the world. Because its time for God’s judgment.
Whether you like it or not, that’s the truth of the matter. All the God’s savant now are working under of condemnation.
That’s things has been locked. It’s harder than ever! Even if you pray so long nothing will change because it’s time for judgment. Even you can’t repent your sins before the Lord God of heaven.
There’s no way justice can combine with a God’s grace. Because it is vice-versa. It’s like light and darkness. Grace and Law it’s parallel lines. I know many people are against this, but it’s true nothing you can do it. Just concede the God’s reality.
Again couple of years the word of God (Bible) was condemned under of Heaven judiciary decision. Now it doesn’t work. All things it’s likely locked down.
But so many people they don’t want to hear that because their and fears. Whether they know nor they don’t, God’s plan will continue.